Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Sticks and stones can break my bones,
But words can really hurt me.

Words are so being used today to mislead, misinform, and in general, words are being used in a deliberate manner to shape opinion. Here are a few:

Illegal Immigration. Immigration is the process where a potential immigrant complies with the law and becomes a citizen. You cannot be an immigrant if you simply entered the country with the intent of staying and becomming a resident, you are instead, a criminal, not an Immigrant, illegal or otherwise.

Liberals are called liberals because they are liberal with other people's freedoms, money and property. Liberals are not liberal with their own freedoms, money and property.

Conservatives are called conservatives because they try to keep what they have earned.
Conserative are not knuckle-dragging mean people who are not concerned with other peoples welfare.
Education reform. Usually menaing more money is shoveled into the educational system (teachers, administrators, buildings, ect.) when history has shown that more money does not equal more education, usually the reverse. Reform can only come when there is a culture for learning in the children to be educated.
The USA is a Democracy. The USA is a democratic Republic, and was never intented to embrace "one man, one vote" of a pure democracy.

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