Friday, January 4, 2013

Removing God and Christianity From Society

Perhaps you are amazed and confused by the accelerating assault on God and Christianity in the good old USA, I know I am. Just yesterday, The Daughters Of The American Revolution (DAR) issued directives that forbid any mention of God or Jesus in any of their documents, songs, speeches or official dealings. Amazing! The American Revolution was all about freedom of religion and the founders put God and Jesus into every aspect of the new American Government, and now the DAR refutes the foundation of their, and our, heritage. On must wonder, what is really going on here.

            It has occurred to me, this get God and Jesus out of American society is not random or an uncoordinated set of actions that are occurring. There is obviously something else going on, and I think I have discovered what it is.

Our founders put in God into our Government because they come to believe in the teaching of Marcus Cicero, who in his 51BC Treatise On The Laws, provided the rational notion that God and Nature provides the basic for Human Rights and Justice. Further, the Founders studied the Second Treatise On Civil Government, by John Locke (1632-1704), which codified Cicero’s thoughts into a rational roadmap for establishment of an exceptional Government. You see, your Founders were truly educated men.

The US Constitution is the form and function of our exceptional government and makes legal the notion that our rights and justice comes from God and nature, and man or Government cannot take them away. Thus, establishing the basic principal of Cicero and Locke that Human rights and justice come from God and they are inalienable rights and justice that government or man cannot alter.

It has finally occurred to those wishing to totally control all human behavior, in order to instill their notion of civil justice and the ultimate utopia, God and the doctrine of Christianity must be removed before they can gain complete control. This is why there is now a coordinated effort to remove God and Jesus from American society. For further proof, it was also yesterday that a Professor made news in the New York Times, to wit; (paraphrasing) It is time to tear up the US Constitution that was written by a bunch of old White Men and write a new, progressive Constitution.

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