Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Professional Politicians

I have carefully examined ancient and contemporary literature, perused with a critical eye as many Thesaurus as humanly possible, probed thick abridged, and unabridged, dictionaries with scientific discipline, and have come to a final conclusion that the most descriptive term that could be assigned to our modern Professional Politicians, is Whore. And further, the Congress and other places in Government where the Professional Politicians ply their trade, should rightfully be called, A Guild of Whores.     

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Sermon On The Mount

It seems to me that our splendid Country is becoming overwhelmed by people who can only find negative in every positive thing. They are the ones who give dimension to the notion that "Perfection Is The Enemy Of Good."
In other words, if our negative people of today were to have witnessed Jesus deliver his "Sermon On The Mount",  the only thing they would take away from the experience was that Jesus had dirty feet.

Liz Warren

My next fearless prediction is that Elizabeth Warren will be the Dems Presidential Candidate. It will be truly Deja Vu all over again for Hillary Clinton.
Next up, winning lottery numbers.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Gov.Pence of Indiana

I have been saying for almost a year that Gov. Pence of Indiana will emerge as the (dark horse) Repub candidate for President.
It now looks like the nationlal media is also coming to the same conclusion.
If it turns out I am correct on this matter, I will also predict winning lottery numbers.


Socialism not only assures that all will share equally in misery, it also assures that all will not rise beyond the lesser of us.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Climate Change

If you would appreciate facts over hype concerning gobal warming, click below:

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Our Splendid entitlement culture
makes normal to buy what you want
and beg for what you need.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Arrest Data

We can all agree that the arrest rate of Blacks as a pecentage of the population far exceed that of White arrests. This is not only unjust, it is not fair. There is another unfair situation concerning arrest rates. Males are arrested at a far greater rate than Females. This is also unjust and not fair. The data for this is listed in the Official FBI arrest data for 2010 and is listed below:

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


But for my friend,
I would be less.
But for my mate,
I would be incomplete.
But for my children,
I would not be whole.
But for God,
I would not be.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Freedom's Firewall

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has dishonored their robes and their Constitutional mandate by continuously "interpreting" the Constitution rather than "enforcing" the Constitution. If ever their was a poster child for Pompous Intellectualism, SCOTUS is the uncontested winner. Their arrogrant egos can not seem to grasp the fact that the US Constitution was written in plain English so that ordinary citizens could understand and support their Constitution. SCOTUS interpretations of plain English can change night into day, yes into no, and use the commerce clause to justify anything and everthing in the Human Universe. 
   Every Supreme Court Justice sitting today deserves to be impeached and immeditately removed from the bench with new Justices appointed only after suitable Constitutional amenments have been approved by the several states to prevent this disgrace from happening again. But, of course, this would not be required if only Congress would do their duty today by impeaching and removing "interpreting" Justices forthwith.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Government Land

Will someone with the wherewithall please file a federal suit to void land owneship by the Federal Government? No where in the Constitution is the Federal Government permitted to own land.

Change and Chance

Change and Chance

All of the knowledge
That can ever be earned,
And all of the wisdom
That can ever be gained,
Will never give the hand of Man
The power to stop the flow of change
Or prevent the happenstance of chance.
Change and chance is like
Wind and Wave,
They both will blow and roll
To wherever they will go.
Folly will reward all who try
To change the Wind and Wave,
Because they will blow and roll
To wherever they will go.
So set your sail to Wind and Wave
To mount the unstoppable forces,
And ride your splendid advantage
To wherever your fancy advances.
Knowledge and Wisdom can be your sail
To set to the forces of Change and Chance,
And you can cruise to your good fortune
With bended might for your circumstance.

Friday, October 3, 2014



   A drunk once confided to me: The reason God created booze and brewski was so that ugly people could enjoy sex too. I really don’t know why the fellow directed his observation about ugly drunk people in my direction but I did think at length about what he apparently said in humor. You know things like, if God wanted to ensure that the planet would always be fully populated, creating booze and brewski would be an easy way to do it. You know, a sort of Divine Stimulus Program. 
   Nevertheless, I did curtail my alcohol consumption several-fold to test the drunk’s hypothesis and to lose some weight, what the sunshine boys call a Win, Win situation. On second thought, given that the hypothesis might indeed be correct, then perhaps it could end up being a Lose, Win situation. All of this brings to mind the famous quotation attributed to Sir Winston Churchill when Lady Astor accused him of being drunk, to wit the grand man was reported to have said, “Yes, madam, I am drunk. But in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly." But I digress.
    The Divine Stimulus Program to keep the planet populated got me to thinking about the Washington (Divine) Stimulus Program, you know, the one where the Government is creating money and the created money will somehow be injected into the economy which will then “stimulate” demand, which will then stimulate the economy to produce more goods, services, etc., which will stimulate the creation of jobs, which will stimulate the payment of money for labor (physical and intellectual), the payment of money for labor will then stimulate more demand for goods and services and, voila, a functioning and viable free market economy where only ruin and wreckage had once prevailed.
    Yeah, right. In days gone by, I was a Program Manager and I had to go to Washington DC to pitch my programs at Navy Headquarters in order to get money to execute my programs that the Navy wanted. The pitch was usually a view-graft presentation showing all of the elements of the program and how it would all come together, on time and within budget. Usually somewhere in the presentation things would inevitably get a little hazy on how a key element would occur (like requiring a technology that did not yet exist) and this is the place where a miracle would need to take place to make the program successful. 
   Well in reality there are no such things as miracles and the so-called Government stimulus program requires a miracle somewhere in there to make it successful, and here is the reason why. First, there are two basic kinds of economies, a Top Down Economy (managed economy, e.g., USSR) and a Bottom Up Economy (free market economy, e.g., USA), with many variations in between. The USA has a free market economy even though with each passing day it becomes more and more a managed economy. The government intervening into a free market place by throwing artificial money into the system (the stimulus program, with more about artificial money later) transforms the functioning of the free market because the intervention is an attempt to manage the economy rather than let the free market place manage the economy.
    Just like you can’t really pay off a credit card with a credit card, you really can’t manage a free market place by intervening in it. If you attempt to manage a free market, you can only further disrupt the functioning of the economy. This counterproductive situation should be patently obvious even to Flim Flam Politicians. Let’s talk about money. Money is a wonderful invention by man to facilitate the functioning of an economy. Without money, we would be reduced to barter, and we all understand that an economy based upon barter would leave us stuck in the Stone Age. Real money is the medium of exchange (gold, paper certificate, ones & zeros, etc.) that we all agree has the same value as our labor, goods or property. Money relies exclusively upon the faith and trust of the people that money is as valuable as their hard work, property and productive enterprise. Real money can only be produced by productive enterprise because only real money represents real value. The Government cannot produce real money, only productive enterprise can produce real money and only real money is viable in a free market place because it alone represents real value. Government can only produce artificial money because it (the Government) is not engaged in productive enterprise in a free market economy. If the Government produces (prints or borrows) artificial money, that artificial money can only dilute the value of real money (inflation) because it (artificial money) was not produced by productive enterprise. Unless a miracle occurs, throwing artificial money into a free market economy cannot possibly grow the economy because the artificial money does not represent real value and the intervention is doomed to eventual failure.
    The only possible way to restart the economy and cause it to grow is to create the conditions favorable to productive enterprise. This can be done by a moratorium on business taxes, eliminate capital gains tax, provide incentives for business to do business here rather than outsourcing factories and jobs to more favorable locations. The most important change that must occur before any long term improvement can occur is that our economy must change from a 70% consumer driven Gross National Product (GNP) to a more sustainable productive enterprise GNP. So here is the situation that we are stuck with in this Government Stimulus Intervention. We will all get drunk on artificial money, but in the morning we will be sober, and the economy will still be ugly.

Sunday, September 28, 2014


"We know that if we are joined by the international community, we can continue to shrink ISILl's sphere of influence, its effectiveness, its financing, its military capabilities to the point  where it is a manageable problem." 
President of the United States, Barack Obama

"We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France,
we shall fight on the seas and oceans,
we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be,
we shall fight on the beaches,
we shall fight on the landing grounds,
we shall fight in the fields and in the streets,
we shall fight in the hills;
we shall never surrender

Prime Minister, Winston Churchill

Friday, September 26, 2014

Are You Still Sleeping Tight Tonight?

  • " We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm."
    George  Orwell 
  • Friday, September 5, 2014

    Pompous Intellectulism

    Pompous intellectulism, of the kind now practiced by Barack Obama and his over-educated and compliant minions, is, and has always been the antithesis of our Democratic Republic. Pompous Intellectulism has caused more Human ruin than all other evils combined.

    Sunday, August 10, 2014

    More Political Parties


       I believe it was Niccolo Machiavelli, who wrote in his 1513 Tome, The Prince, “What doctors say about consumption applies here: at the beginning the disease is easy to cure but difficult to diagnose, but in the course of time, when it was not diagnosed at first and treated, it becomes easy to diagnose but difficult to cure. Thus it happens in the affairs of state: if the evils that are developing are diagnosed from afar (which only the prudent man can do), they are quickly cured, but when they have not been diagnosed and are allowed to grow so that everyone recognizes them, then there is no longer any remedy for them.” 
      It is my considered opinion that Political Parties, and the intellectuals who shape and control them, is ever much like the disease of consumption that Machiavelli used as a metaphor for the evils that can destroy a State. Just as the disease of consumption (tuberculosis) has a germ that is the basis of the disease (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) and is the evil that can destroy a healthy body, there is also an evil that can also destroy the healthy body of a Constitutional Republic. The evil that can destroy a healthy, liberty-loving Constitutional Republic is a disease called factionalism. The disease of factionalism can destroy a healthy, liberty loving Constitutional Republic just as easily as consumption can destroy a healthy active human body. The disease of factionalism also has a germ that is the basis for the disease, and the deadly germ that causes the disease of factionalism is called a political party. Political parties are created for the expressed purpose of representing factions and then gaining power to prevail over other created factions.
        Political parties are therefore the very antithesis of a freedom-loving people seeking ways to come together for common cause. American political parties began with the establishment of the Federalists (strong federal government) and Anti-federalists (fearful of a strong federal government usurping a state’s sovereignty) and continue until this day. As Machiavelli pointed out, now that the disease of factionalism is finally diagnosed, the likelihood of curing the disease is a most difficult endeavor. Perhaps you are thinking that I’m overstating the importance of political parties being antithesis to our beloved Republic. Fair enough. Then perhaps you will consider the farewell address of President George Washington wherein the first President devoted most of his remarks about the evils of political parties. I have included a portion of his historic remarks on the subject below:
       “They (political parties) serve to organize faction, to give it an artificial and extraordinary force; to put, in the place of the delegated will of the nation the will of a party, often a small but artful and enterprising minority of the community; and, according to the alternate triumphs of different parties, to make the public administration the mirror of the ill-concerted and incongruous projects of faction, rather than the organ of consistent and wholesome plans digested by common counsels and modified by mutual interests. However combinations or associations of the above description may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely, in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.”
       Even though it will be nearly impossible for the American people to cure the disease of factionalism caused by political parties, by the grace of liberty, it can be done. We can kill the germ of political parties by not supporting them in any fashion whatsoever. Come on America, don’t you really think it’s time for us citizens to think for ourselves and renew the Republic on an individual basis. I know it will be extremely difficult for a people conditioned by an entitlement culture fashioned by political parties to create lifelong constituencies, but it can be done by becoming independent citizens and voters and giving all political parties the boot.

    Political Parties, Redux

    Political Parties

       Has this ever happened to you? One day you look at something that has always been a part of your world and suddenly you discover, hey, why I am still using this? For example, a short time ago I looked at my landline telephone and then at my cell phone and said; why do I have my old telephone hanging on the wall when I have a personal telephone in my pocket? All I ever get from the old telephone is unsolicited calls from the FOP and roofing contractors, so why am I still paying for this thing? So I discontinued the telephone service that has been a part of my life for over #?X!** years and I have not missed the old ring-a-ding thing at all.
        There are a number of other things like the telephone that could be used to make the point, but I think we all understand that we make similar changes every day as circumstances allow and dictate. The point being that time marches on and technology, modern circumstances, personal preferences, etc., all play a role in changing what we need in the modern world to either get along or make life easier. After I wrote the piece, “The Decline and Fall of the GOP”, I suddenly thought, who needs political parties in this day and age anyway? Think about it. What is the purpose of a political party in a Democratic Republic?  
          Perhaps in the old days a political party could provide a needed service to the electorate by distilling a political philosophy into every day terms that could be more readily understood by the people. The party could then promote a doctrine that reflected the stated political philosophy and take positions that a citizen could either support or oppose. Well that was then and this is now and the fact is that people nowadays have much more educational opportunities than was available in the good old days and we all should be wiser about all things political as a result.
        Also, in the good old days, communications was either by word-of-mouth or newspapers, but today we are completely overwhelmed by information coming in from every direction, constantly. So there is no reason on this beautiful blue planet why anyone should not be informed as to what is going on in the world and this knowledge should provide us with all of the wherewithal required to make informed judgments and vote accordingly. So why do we still need political parties telling us what they want us to hear? As a matter of fact, the two party system now entrenched in our political system is more interested in providing misinformation and spin in order to stay in power rather than actually providing an objective political service to the electorate.
        What the hell, we might as well call a rose a rose; the ruling political parties are corrupt and you cannot believe one word they say. So I say; we don’t need no stinking political parties anymore, let them go the way of the telephone! Let’s all become Independents and trust our own judgments rather than let the self-serving political parties lead us to where they want us to go. Enabling technologies and modern times provides us all with the means to be completely independent, and for goodness sakes, now is the time to do so. This is something we can actually do, and by so doing, it (become Independents) could well be the first meaningful step by the people to take back control of our country. Think about it. I can’t imagine a more freedom-enhancing situation than having a completely Independent electorate guiding the country.


    The 9% Congress

       According to the latest Gallop findings, 25% of Americans consider themselves to be Republicians, 31% Democrats, and 42% Independents. Perhaps this trend signals that Political Parties are finally heading to the trash dump of really bad ideas.
       Don’t you just love percentages? Sometimes I view percentages like Will Rogers viewed statistics, you know, “There are lies, damn lies, and statistics (percentages)” and just like statistics, percentages are about as subjective as you can get when defining Human endeavors. For example, how many times have we all scoured over our favorite baseball player’s batting percentages only to speculate with cynical wisdom, about the chances of our employment survival with a 323 average of performance success? And how about the chances of rain percentages that the weather guessers are always laying on us? I mean, is it really possible to get 60% wetter if you are caught in a 90% chance of rain rather than a 30% chance. 
       I have a remarkable and very unscientific theory about things like this based upon a lifetime of observations while usually sipping away on an ice-cold brewski, and it goes like this. Compensation (money, etc.) is usually inversely proportional to the importance of the job or position. Just think about it. The President of the US of A makes considerable less money than a tobacco-chewing and mediocre big leaguer while a really important job, like garbage collector, barely makes enough jack to buy cigarettes while trying to support a family. I think we all can validate my theory many times over.
        In an odd sort of way, this brings me to a recent Rasmussen poll that confirms what most of us already knew and that is about 9% of Americans think the highly compensated members of the United States Congress are doing a good or excellent job. When I saw the percentages listed in this poll, I was immediately drawn to the 9 % number. What attracted my attention was not the confirmation of my own feelings about what the number represents, but rather the glaring 9% number sitting there all by itself.
        Let me explain, or pontificate if you prefer. The Gallop research data reports that the American electorate has come to be divided along political party lines by the following percentages: 31% Democrat, 25% Republican and 42% Independent. Well I’m not a rocket scientist but I can calculate that 25 plus 31 plus 42 equals 98% of the electorate. So what happened to the remaining 2% of the American electorate that the poll failed to address?
       Well Gallop may not know who you are, but you 2% out there know who you are, and so do I. I have always been a little dismayed and a little envious of this 2% because they are the ones who never seem to go along with the rest of us because they don’t give a damn about what’s going on around them or what other people think about them for that matter. But the 2% is probably a polling error because both you and I know that the percentage of people who don't give a damn about anything is more like 10%, not 2%.
       Thinking people really don't know how to address this 10% because we are also told that some 47% of the people are also on the Government dole. How this 47% figures into the 25, 31, 42 numbers is no doubt well beyond human cognitive capabilities.
       What I'm thinking here is that the 10% are the ones who say out loud “I don’t want to work, just want to bang on the drum all day.” This of course brings us back to that glaring 9% number that is close enough to the 10% number to be “within the margin of error”.
       So it occurred to me that the “don’t give a damn” 10% are the very same ones who think that the highly compensated members of Congress are doing a good or excellent job because they too (the highly compensated members of Congress) Don’t want to work, they just want to bang on the political drum all day.

    Friday, June 13, 2014

    Minerva Research Initiative

    I would like to suggest that you Google "Minerva Research Initiative", which has to do with the Federal Government (DOD) conducting research on how to deal militarily with civil unrest, and uprisings. After you have researched what the Minerva Research Initiative is doing and recommending, you may pause and speculate about what has the research Inititive have to do with the citizens of the USA. Perhaps, in order to answer that quesition, one must first determine how would you support the findings of the Minerva Research Initiate with action? Actions supporting of the findings of the Initiative should point the way to answer the question, What has this Initative got to do with American Citizens?
    Perhaps you will recall how the National Security Agency (NSA) has many data mining and citizen surveillance programs underway with enormous amounts of "META" data being stored about every aspect of American activity and identification. NSA has never fully explained why they are doing this against American citizens. However, if after researching the Minerva Research Initiative, one could certainly make the case that such "META" date would be required in order to support the findings and recommendations of the Initiative. Now couple that with the unexplained actions of Homland Security in creating an unconstitutional National Armed Police force while purchasing extraordinary amounts of ammunition, along with acquiring implements for war fighting, perhaps you can connect the dots about how you would support the findings of the Initiative with action.
       So, perhaps, the question concerning how does the research Initiative have to do with American Citizens can be answered by what the NSA and Homeland Security has been doing. You make the call.

    Sunday, June 1, 2014


    From Lee Standing Bear Moore, Manataka American Indian Council:

    At Manataka, we do not see and cannot hear bad news coming from the media.  We do not see or hear from the world of politics, finance and degenerate society.  We do not hear the fear-mongers thus they cannot control us.  This allows us to concentrate on that which builds good people and communities without the negative, fear-mongering interference of the outside world.    ~Lee Standing Bear Moore 

    Sunday, March 30, 2014

    Putin's Fiddle

    That squeaky sound you are hearing is Putin playing Obama like a fiddle.

    Friday, March 21, 2014

    Poison Pill Redux

    As you can see, I posted this on 13 Oct 2013. The subject was clear and obvious long befor I posted this piece. It needs to be reposted because it is happening before your very eyes. RLC

    THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2013

    Poison Pill Obamacare

    I believe the decision was made by Obama & Co. that the only way to get to a Government run Universal Healtcare System was to destroy the current healthcare System as a first step. Hence, all of the poison pills in Obamacare (ACA) to do just that. No doubt they will find a way to blame Repubs, but I believe that main target for destruction will be the Insurance Companies. It has already begun. So as you can see, Obamacare was constructed with Political goals, not heathcare goals other than conversion to Single payer. Thats what they told the Country they were doing, and I believe them.

    Friday, March 14, 2014



    Sticks and stones may break my bones,
    But words can really hurt me.

                Words are the weapon of choice in the enduring contest for political power because words are the most efficient means to exercise political power over the willing, as well as the unwilling. Whereas in days gone by, Chairman Mao mused that political power grows from the barrel of a gun, today's Leaders in a modern voting society, muse that political power grows from the spigot of mass media that spews out the words to enable the willing and maneuver the unwilling, just like Mao's AK47s were used to spew out bullets to enforce his political will and maneuver the unwilling. Indeed, when Mao shot to death a political adversary, he charged the surviving family members with the cost of the bullet used to dispatch the political challenger. When today's leaders wish to dispatch a political challenger, they use words to destroy the person's life with the same effectiveness as Mao's bullet and then use the Government bureaucracy to charge the survivors with the cost of the effort. 
                What makes words so effective is the ease by which those in political power can use words to set the political argument and then manipulate the outcome. For example, the Government has deliberately chosen not enforce the immigration laws that have served this country of immigrants well for as long as we have been a country of promise and opportunity for all. By not enforcing the immigration laws, the Government then declares the immigration system "broken" and needs to be fixed. According to the manufactured Government narrative, the immigration system requires overhaul because it is obviously "broken." Mass media picks up the narrative and provides anecdotal evidence to support the narrative. Even astute political commentators, like Charles Krauthammer, unwittingly parrots the Government narrative that the immigration system is broken and professionally points out the pros and cons on how to fix the "broken" immigration system. He, and his talking head brethren, use the Government narrative as fodder for their professional needs rather than pointing out that the immigration system is not "broken" because the Government chooses not to enforce immigration law and broke it on purpose to serve their political needs.
       Many other examples exist, like the best medical system the world has ever seen does not serve all of the citizens and needs the Government to run the system in order to provide better and cheaper healthcare for all. Many more examples are available for examination, but why bother? We won't bother until words become the death of us all, in one fashion or another. 

    Friday, January 3, 2014

    The Arrogance Of Knowledge

    The Dark Side Of Knowledge

    I'm going to ask that you seriously consider the above subject. It is a subject that is rarely discussed openly, even though it deserved to be well understood. Basically, the dark side of knowledge means, that as people become more educated, and have an opportunity to utilize the knowledge gained, the more likely it is that the knowledge gained will be utilized to gain power to subjugate others. It is human nature (and all life) to do so. The inherent nature to survive and dominate is encoded into Human, and all life's DNA, and results in people's passion for power in order to dominate and subjugate all others.
                For example, the advance of knowledge, codified by Charles Darwin in his 1859 tome, The Origin Of Species, had a very attentive pupil. The attentive person was one, Adolf Hitler. Evidence abounds that Hitler's blueprint for NAZI domination of the world as the Master race (Mein Kamph) was based upon the knowledge of Survival Of The Fittest, made available by the esteemed work of Charles Darwin. The result being that untold millions of people were murdered, and unfathomable amounts of Human treasure and property was destroyed, and all because a Man used knowledge gained nefariously. Also consider Atom Bombs, Chemical and Biological Agents, and Rockets, as being just a few more examples of the misuse of knowledge.
                Here are two quotes from Mein Kamph that you will recognized as being utilized today by today's Master Politicians and those lusting for power, to wit:
    "The great masses of the people will more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one."
    "The broad masses of a population are more amenable to the appeal of rhetoric than to any other force."
                If you are a student of history, you may not have recognized the infallible fact that all people who have come to dominate other people throughout the history of Mankind were also the most educated of their kind. And they enthusiastically used their superior knowledge to kill and destroy everything in their path in their headlong rush to dominate and subjugate their fellow man.
                So the question today is: Should we elect or support those who are the most educated among us to positions of power, when evidence abounds that to do so is inviting disaster? For a today's example, look at the two above Mein Kamph quotations and decide if the current President has used the above knowledge in a nefarious manner, because after all, our President is one of the most educated of all the people on the Planet.