Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Education, It's Time To Roll

Education Initiative

There is little controversy regarding the dismal state of public education in the country nowadays. Perhaps it’s time for the citizens of this country to roll up their sleeves and take up this issue because it is much too important an issue to continue to let Politicians and Special Interests keep using it as a political football while our children grow more ignorant by the day. As a matter of fact the time is now for Parents, Citizens and Tax Payers to insist that they be at the head of the table, as the number one special interest, when Educational reform is considered. What I’m suggesting here is that we all think deeply about this issue and then use our respective citizens forums to thoroughly and carefully discuss the issue so as to come a consensus of opinion as to facts, philosophy, problems and solutions concerning public education. We can then distil the results of our deliberations in order to codify a statement of facts and problems within the our educational systems and then set forth a set of recommendations to take to the appropriate Governor for action. If we all can do this, we can gain the initiative from the professional special interests and finally become a positive force that the politician and educational system will have to listen to. I will start the ball rolling with some comments to start fleshing out this important issue.
1. It is patently obvious that more money does not equal better education.
2. Lawyers must be taken out of the classroom.
3. Strict discipline in the classroom must be regained in order that our children have the proper environment to learn.
4. Culture is the most important factor that determines if children have a desire to learn.
5. Parents and citizens must approve textbooks and curriculum to ensure our children are being educated and not indoctrinated.
6. Teaching is one of Man’s most honorable professions and is not a job. Unions are for protecting and representing workers that have a job, so therefore, teacher’s unions cannot represent the honorable profession of teaching.
How is that for starters? This is a big issue and perhaps this can be a great test to see if Parents and Citizens can effect important change divorced from the political class. Come on Patriots, let’s roll!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Conventional wisdom is that the American democracy provides for periodic revolution at the ballot box, therefore negating the need for the more historic type of revolution. I am beginning to question if that wisdom can prevail for the ballot box revolution to disestablish the huge federal establishment that the Tea Party agitates for. And here is the reason why. Most all of the federalization of everything has become institutionalized into the entire fabric of American life and we all have become “vested” in it. It is the INSIDIOUS way to build a new government that is not constitutional. Just one example of “vesting” is the Social Security act. SS was promoted as a safety net for old age that has now morphed into a social engineering vehicle to promote a socialist fabric people can become comfortable with (bet you didn’t know Medicare and Medicaid, as well as Obamacare was enacted under the Social Security act). Here is how the “vesting” takes place. The Govt. taxes you for your share of Social Security, and after time passes, you demand your “fair” share of social security because you have your money invested in it. INSIDIOUS. Do you recall the incredible sound bite during the run up to Obamacare that had an elderly lady saying, “We don’t want socialized medicine and don’t be messing with my Medicare either”? INSIDIOUS. I fervently hope we can affect a revolution at the ballot box on 2 Nov., but when push come to shove, I really don’t think the “vested” population will support a real disestablishment of the Federal Government back to Constitutional size.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


SALARIAT, The Fourth Branch of Government

Breaking News: The Federal Government work force is growing. Perhaps I engaged in a little hyperbole here because this really isn’t breaking news, but then, what is breaking news nowadays anyway? Ready for some numbers?
Total Federal Employment (less Postal Service)
Year 2007 3,776,000
Year 2008 3,919,000
Year 2009 4,188,000
Source: US Office of Personnel Management, Federal Employee Statistics

There are the numbers, but what does it mean other than it takes a lot of Bureaucrats to run the Federal Government establishment? Well for one thing, all of these federal employees are salaried, i.e., they are not paid wages for their labor, they are instead, paid a salary. The romantic word for those who work for wages is the Proletariat. Those who work for a salary also have a word to describe them and that word is the Salariat. Salariat is not a new word. Socialist and Communist intellectuals coined the word to describe the necessary Government salaried Administrators to turn their esoteric political philosophy into mundane everyday practice. But what is so important to our benevolent Socialist and Communist intellectuals about the distinction of being a salaried government Bureaucrats rather than being a wage paid government Bureaucrat? Wages are normally paid for work associated with producing a product and so the expense of labor is part of the product price. This arrangement means that there are customers required to purchase the product being produced and this means that the one working to product the product is therefore connected to the customer, i.e., no product, bad product or too expensive product, no customer and no more wages. That is to say, wages are part of the production expense. Salary paid to government Bureaucrats are simply an administrative expense born by the taxpayers and the one receiving the salary is only required to administer the laws, rules and regulations assigned to them and so they are only connected to the salary paying Bureau or office they belong to. That is to say, the Bureaucrats will continue to receive their salary regardless what taxpayers or citizens say or do because they are only connected to the Bureau or Office that pays them their salary. This distinction of salaried Bureaucrats is so important that both Bernard Shaw and John Maynard Keynes said that salaried Bureaucrats (the Salariat) is the administrative vehicle designed to operate the Socialist society.
So, if one wanted to fundamentally transform a Democratic Republic into a
Socialistic Government, one would have to establish a salaried Bureaucracy big enough to do the job. That is exactly what has been happening as President Obama appoints Czars without Congressional approval, takes over the healthcare system that has untold numbers of new boards and offices to administer the new program, and on and on. Lets just look at the new national Healthcare program. Not only is there over 2,300 pages to describe a new law that no one understands, Bureaucrats are busy creating thousands of new rules and regulations that will have the force of law without the necessity of having the peoples congress being involved. Hey, who needs that messy democratic congress thing when we will have salaried Bureaucrats that will, for all intents and Socialistic purposes, become the fourth branch of Government?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Veritas Through a Looking Glass

Roger said, “I am lying.” Is what Roger said the truth or a lie? When you consider what Roger said, there is no truth to be found, only a paradox. So how is one to know the truth (Veritas) when the truth is always viewed through the subjective human looking glass like the Roger statement above? How about another anecdotal example of Veritas through the subjective human looking glass? In 1809 the Miami Indians, in what is now the central area of Indiana, reluctantly agreed to a treaty (The treaty of Fort Wayne) to sell some 3,000,000 acres of their land so that white settlers could establish homesteads in what is now central Indiana. The treaty was signed by the Miami, Potawatomi, Delaware, Wea and Kickapoo Indian tribes for subsidies and payments that amounted to about 3 cents per acre (the treaty is also known as the 10 O’clock Line Treaty). The Miami War Chief, Little Turtle, did not trust the white man’s instruments because he said the white man could manipulate what the surveying instruments indicated (as relating to the agreed upon true direction of the boundary line) and so he would only sign the treaty if the boundary line of the tract of land to be sold was determined by the direction of a shadow cast on the ground by a spear at ten o’clock in the morning. I can’t imagine why Little Turtle did not trust the white man, can you? But I digress. So where is truth as to the direction of the boundary line to be found? Is the truth to be found in the white man’s scientific surveying instruments or the local sun at 10 o’clock in the morning casting a shadow of a spear thrust onto the good soil that the Miami Indians were currently living on? It mattered little where the truth was hiding because Tecumseh, who was living just north of the ceded lands, took much exception to the treaty. Tecumseh traveled to Vincennes with 400-armed warriors and met with Governor William Henry Harrison to demand that the treaty be rescinded. Harrison said no. Tecumseh said he would ally with the British to void the treaty with armed force. The battle of Tippecanoe ensued and all of this eventually led to the war of 1812 with the British. So was the truth concerning the direction of the boundary line instrumental in what happened later as consequences, unintended and otherwise, unfolded? Not really because Veritas is subjective and always subject to interpretation by whomever has the most power or is victorious. All of this leads me to question the veracity of the notion that President Obama will oversee a fundamental transformation of the United States of America. Will knowing the truth in this matter really make a difference to you and me? I doubt it because if the transformation is to be from a democratic Republic to a socialistic Government, then all freedom and independent loving citizens will take exception to the transformation and gather together to defeat the notion rendering it false. If the transition to a socialistic Government occurs and we all yearn for a utopia where all men are forced by Government to be equal, then the notion of transformation will be made true. Regardless what the President really meant when he said he was going to fundamentally transform America, the truth will not be known until all of the consequences of all of the actions relating to this matter have played out. So Veritas will likely never be served until we are no longer upright on the sunny side of the grass. Nevertheless, I really like the word Veritas. I like it because it sounds like a more authoritative word than the English word Truth does, don’t you think? Well, if you are searching for the truth, or Veritas, in what President Obama is doing nowadays, I urge you to spend some time reading the following authoritarian account of John Maynard Keynes at Harvard University. Why read about Keynes at Harvard? What you will discover upon reading the account is that President Obama is a student of Keynes and the true agenda of his Presidency can most likely be found in the pages detailing the life and time of John Maynard Keynes.
Click here:
Long live Veritas.