Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Coming Age of the Borg, Redux

First there was John Henry matching muscle power with a steam machine. Then we had Garry Kasparov matching wits with IBM's Deep Blue in a thinking contest over a chess board. And now we have Ken Jennings and Brad Ritter matching knowledge with IBM's Watson over the Jeopardy board. We all know what the outcome is going to be. And what this means is we lose more jobs to computers and automation that all of the outsourcing and current job killers combined. The American deep thinkers had better consider what is happening with computers and automation causing a great social change and formulate policies to deal with it or we will become irreverent.

Thats right John Henry, Garry Kasparov, Ken Jennings, Brad Ritter, Mr. & Mrs. America and all the ships at sea: