Friday, January 7, 2011

Divine Science

Divine Science

Perhaps you have read my rants about science and how science has somehow become the de facto sole source of truth. Well we now have another instance of criminal science being perpetrated and the really sad thing about it is that most people, and certainly not the mass media, don’t seem to care all that much about it.

The criminal science I’m talking about here directly resulted in the unnecessary death of innocent children in addition to suffering unnecessary pain, and in some cases, permanent disfigurement. What I am talking about here is one Dr. Andrew Wakefield and his published findings in Lancet that our modern children’s vaccines cause autism. The so-called scientific study was manufactured by Dr. Wakefield for, are you ready for this, money. Lawyers paid Wakefield some $674,000 to create the fraudulent study in order to provide a scientific basis to sue vaccine manufactures so that they could make lots and lots of money. I can’t begin to imagine a punishment severe enough to serve justice for this despicable crime against not only children, but against science as well.