Sunday, August 18, 2013

Of Freedom, Where Art Thou

Oh Freedom, Where Art Thou?

Fervent concern for fellow man
Spews forth with boundless energy
To wrap itself around the perceived hapless
Who are trapped by the opiate of freedom
Into an addiction of personal liberty
That demands the hapless unenlightened to live
A life of personal freedom
Such selfish and boorish behavior cannot be long endured
By the cadre of self-appointed guardians for Social Justice
So, behold,
The enlightened army of concerned
Marching into battle armed with Laws, Rules, Regulations
And the ultimate weapon of ubiquitous peer pressure
To engage the freedom loving unenlightened
Into a perpetual war to ensure Social Justice for fellow man
Liberty and personal freedom must bend
To the demands of the battle tested concerned
Because only they know what is best and just for all
As they wage social war to finally usher in the Age of Aquarius
So that they can finally bring forth the ultimate new age Utopia
Where we all will live in peace and harmony
Regardless if we want to or not 
Waging social war to bring forth the Age of Aquarius
Is the imperative that fuels the enlightened soul
With a desire to constantly improve their fellow man
That brings unto the noble effort,
A flattering expansion of self worth that the Ego
Embraces with each self-righteous altruistic blow delivered
Upon the hapless, the ignorant, the boorish and the freedom loving
Selfish rabble
And when united with fellow enlightened social warriors
To wage social war upon the selfish unenlightened
Brings forth onto the enlightened the majestic providence of POWER
Because all humans are born with a lust for power
And man will always find a way to satisfy that lust for power
Made all the better by exercising power to the betterment of all
Of Course
Now consider the poor, hapless individuals who are the recipients
Of the slings and arrows of enlightened social holy war
They are as unprotected as a wayward sheep
Meandering into a pack of hungry wolfs
Righteous wolfs made powerful by usurping Government force,
To stampede the leaderless rabble into the loving embrace
Of the social warrior wolfs
Who always knows what is best for us all
So the unenlightened are battered constantly by the weapons of Laws, Rules, Regulations, and manufactured peer pressure,
That the holy social warriors use to grind down a persons dignity,
Until the freedom loving are forced to be constantly at odds
With their fellow man,
They are made an outcast within the community of man
These are the consequences of being an independent
And free soul nowadays in the land of Government supported
Holy social warriors forcing man to change
His nature to suit the enlightened mandate for a new age Utopia

Friday, August 2, 2013

Making A Famine Where Abundance Lies

 Making a famine where abundance lies.
The above is from Shakespeare's, The Sonnets, and perfectly describes how Socialism, and all of its variants, ruins a free man's industry, property and spirit. The idea of taking a free society's abundance and turning it into a famine for all in order to enable a goofy idea of "social justice", seems to enjoy immortality among the educated elite.

And the socialist idea of making famine for all is still alive and well nourished today as the Obama "spreading the wealth" agenda grinds on and on to the dismay of free citizens.

I have never understood how the fortunate among us, who have the benefit of freedom, unlimited education and prosperity, always seem to gravitate towards the ideas of Marx, Lenin, and Moa in order to create a utopia for all mankind.

If you have the stomach to read Obama's book, "Dreams From My Father", you will witness his continuous rant against the white race for all of non-whites ills and misfortunes. Based upon his written rant, you can easily see why he wants to "fundamentally change" the American society that has "enslaved" non-white people in order to obtain white prosperity. His "fundamental" change is to use the force of Government to impose "social justice" by confiscating wealth from free Americans and redistributing that wealth to those who have been enslaved by the white race.

What does Obama's agenda have to do with socialism?

I said above that I never understood how educated people could endorse Socialism, but I believe I now understand. Socialism is the method you can use in today's world to obtain the power of a democratically elected Government to exercise the required dictatorial power to impose the utopian idea of one equal human race. You can do this because you can shame gullible and well-meaning people into believing that "social justice" is a democratic idea.

You can also use the dictatorial power of "social justice" to enable the Obama desire to cut the white man down to size or to simply obtain power over the people.

Welcome to the 21st century.