Wednesday, April 28, 2010


War Nuevo

Someone once said, “War is the last act of diplomacy”. I invite you to reread the previous and consider what it truly means. It very well could mean that all nations, and groups of people, are constantly engaged in diplomacy as each nation and interest group rightfully attends to its self-interests within the world body, particularly in today’s modern and connected world, because nations and people nowadays cannot exist completely isolated from one another. So if a nation or a people cannot exist totally isolated from other nations and peoples, diplomacy is the time honored and civilized way of finding ways to cooperate with one another in such a way that each nation and people will reasonably address their self-interest and thus avoid using overt force to press the issue. Of course, war is the final negotiating tactic that uses force to pressure a reluctant party to accept terms that it would not otherwise agree to without the use of overt force. War is indeed the last act of diplomacy that can force a settlement that would not otherwise be forthcoming and can take many forms. War can be conducted militarily, economically, politically, and as many other ways as the creative human mind can conceive. For example, Nazi Germany came to believe that its people were the master race because “survival of the fittest” had enabled evolution to select them as the master race. Needless to say, nations and peoples of the world would not negotiate in good faith about how they would become subservient to the master race so Germany would be required to use more pervasive forms of diplomacy, namely war, to force acceptance of their self-interest. Now because Germany lacked the economic and political clout to force acceptance of its master race position, military power was the only remaining option available if it was to proceed to subject the rest of the world to its master race position. Well, we all know how that turned out, and Germany’s final negotiating position in its diplomacy effort to subject the world to its master race thing failed. There is another type of war becoming more common today due to being enabled by modern technology, global communications and the surging “One World” political movement by the intellectual cabal entrenched everywhere. This type of war is not really new because it has been used throughout human history with limited success, but nevertheless, it appears to be enjoying new success in Man’s never ending struggle to dominate one another. The war I am referring to is what I call the “Population” war. This war is currently being used by Imperial Islam to force its negotiating position that all of the world peoples must become Muslims. This war is being waged throughout the world at large and Europe is about to be conquered by Imperial Islam by sending waves of child bearing Muslims immigrants into Europe to overwhelm the local population and culture. It’s about all over except the shouting. China has been successful in using this type of war by sending waves of Han Chinese immigrants into Tibet and now Tibet is China. Closer to home, Mexico and others are sending wave upon wave of immigrants into the United States in a population war to overwhelm the local population and convert our culture. Soon there will be little distinction between the Mexico border and the United States border. By all accounts, this Nuevo Population War is a war that most of the world is not fighting because they still don’t recognize that this is a war. Most nations and people are still trying to establish negotiating positions within their diplomacy while Imperial Islam, China and Mexico are using population war to advance their self-interests in their final acts of diplomacy. I invite you to consider what is now happening at the border of Arizona and Mexico. Can there be any doubt that this is a population war being waged by Mexico and others and to the utter dismay of citizens, this war is being aided and abetted by the current crop of Intelligentsia within Government that secretly welcomes the war as a way to advance the “One World” Government agenda and to gain political advantage. God, I hate war.

Friday, April 23, 2010


I’m Just Saying

Perhaps you have been troubled and frustrated over the years by the realization that the Federal Government seems to go its own way with little regard to whomever it is that occupies the Presidency or rules the Congress. Of course, there are always exceptions to generalizations such as this and in this case the Regan years were somewhat a welcome relief from an ever expanding and duplicitous Federal Government. However, even the Regan years did not bring about any fundamental reform of the Federal Government that would make our Government compliant with Constitutional requirements, and in fact, Government continued to expand, albeit more slowly that before, even under the stewardship of Ronald Regan. So what is going on here? I invite you to consider the possibility that it matters little who is sent to Washington nowadays because it is impossible for any well meaning and reform minded representatives of the people to address the fundamental problem preventing Federal Government reform. The reality is that over the past 100 years, the Progressives have very carefully, and patiently, implemented “institutional” changes that defy reform. There are several reasons why this is so, and here are just a few of those reasons. Most of the institutional changes, like Social Security, have citizen vesting as a strategy to ensure perpetuity. For example, once Social Security became law, you were required to participate and part of your income, including what your employer pays on your behalf, goes to fund the program. Voila, you are now vested in the program and cannot afford to have the program reduced or discontinued. Here is another reason. Constitutional amendments, like the 16th (federal income tax) and the 17th (direct election of US Senators), provide the foundation for Government expansion and power and cannot be easily repealed. Another reason is the Progressive inspired lawsuits that have resulted in Supreme Court decisions that have usurped the Constitution instead of defending and upholding it. Indeed, it has become so bad that one only requires the Commerce Clause to justify anything. For example, the new law authorizing the Federal Government to “manage” all of the country’s waters will be justified by the Commerce Clause because if a migratory bird happens to land upon your pond, that construes that interstate commerce is being affected and so empowers the Federal Government to exercise power over all waters. This is no more a joke as is the Environmental Agency having power to control all commerce by regulating CO2 (CO2 is what you breathe out). I bet you didn’t realize that your breathing was affecting interstate commerce. The Commerce Clause will also be the means to enable the Supreme Court to judge that Obama Heath Care is Constitutional, just as the Civil Rights act was. Another reason is the explosion of US Governmental Departments and Agencies that adopt rules and regulations that have the force of law. For example, go to and you will find hundreds and hundreds of Departments and Agencies reaching into and controlling every aspect of citizen life. Your Senators and Representatives have little or no control over these Departments and Agencies, other than the purse. Good luck with that.
There are probably more reasons to prove the point but the reality is the current situation prevents any meaningful reform to be taken by well meaning people regardless of stature or standing. So when you hear soaring rhetoric by patriots bent on reforming Government by being sent to Washington, be hopeful, but be a realist too. They can do little, no matter how well intentioned, to effect reform. Indeed, any action taken by our Representatives is truly like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic in the hope that by moving the deck chairs around, somehow the Grand Ship can be prevented from going down. What to do? The only thing that seems viable is for the several states to call a Constitutional Convention and remove the offending institutional changes built up over the years. I’m just saying.

Monday, April 12, 2010


The Dark Side of Knowledge, Redux

I hope that you have had a chance to read my previous offering entitled “The Dark Side of Knowledge”, posted on 3/13/20009, where the misuse of knowledge for nefarious, and often times destructive purposes, was examined in detail. Upon much reflection, I believe that this subject deserves even greater examination because it’s importance in the affairs of civilized mankind cannot be overstated. In particular, it has occurred to me that throughout the history of civilization the most egregious harm done to man and country alike has most likely occurred whenever the intelligentsia has obtained the reins of political power. Of course, when we speak of the “Intelligentsia” in the political arena, we mean those intellectuals who have come together as an elite group for political or ideological purposes. You have a textbook example of an intelligentsia coming into political power today within the current administration of Barack Hussein Obama. Now just as it is incorrect to say that all Italians are great tenor singers just because most of the greatest tenors are Italians, it is also incorrect to say that all political intellectuals are autocrats just because throughout history most of the worst despots were intellectuals. To prove the point, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Winston Churchill and William F. Buckley were all worthy intellectuals who never used their obtained knowledge for tyrannical purposes. Why some intellectuals become part of a political intelligentsia that uses their superior knowledge to rule over their fellow man has always been a phenomenon worthy of serious investigation. I say that because you would think that those who have been privileged by their intellect to obtain far more knowledge than their fellow man would by the strength of their intellect be humbled, not emboldened, by the experience. So why do some intellectuals gather together into an elite group in order to impose their will upon others? I’m sure that the answer must lie somewhere between psychobabble and common sense but I’m also sure that if we knew the answer it would provide little practical benefit for us working stiffs trying to elect worthy leaders for our Republic. It certainly didn’t work out very well for the last election cycle, did it? But of course there is this old saw about “knowledge is power” and whether one is a dumb butt or an Einstein, power is a mistress all want to be intimate with. We all want power for many reasons and not all of the reasons for wanting power are for evil or selfish purposes. So I believe that the intelligentsia in charge today within our Government is not necessarily an evil or tyrannical group of intellectuals just because they are busy obtaining power in order to effect complete control over their fellow citizens. Rather, I believe that the cabal intellectuals are intoxicated with a shared abundance of knowledge that promotes an imperial benevolence towards their, less endowed with the benefit of superior knowledge, fellow man. The imperial benevolence I speak of is a result of a communal intellectual conviction that the less endowed citizens need guidance toward a more utopian society, for the good of all, of course. Therein lies the problem. Free American citizens really don’t guide very well, that is, free people are hard to herd so it takes a great deal of power to herd them towards a place they don’t want to go. The other problem for the intelligentsia is that the American form of Government accommodates the nature of man thereby enabling the very freedom that the intelligentsia must somehow overcome with the application of power. And now we come to the Voila moment. The intelligentsia must somehow change the American form of government that enables personal freedom into a form of government that promotes the application of power and restricts personal freedom in order that government will have necessary central control to direct society, as the intelligentsia requires. The changing of American government is now in full swing as the current intelligentsia is replacing free enterprise with central government control in all aspects of American society with regulations, executive directives, and the like, without bothering with Constitutional requirements. Voila, socialism. Socialist type of governance is the model for power politics because socialistic ideals must always try to change the nature of man by the application of power in order to accommodate the lofty ideals of utopian society that Socialism always promises. Because the nature of man is a free man, if you try to change the nature of man then you will not have a free man. This is why knowledge intoxicated intellectuals are always drawn to Socialism because Socialism is the tried and proven way to obtain and exercise the power necessary to impose their will upon their fellow citizens. Say goodbye to personal freedom. So whenever you head towards the election booth to mark your ballot, don’t forget that the American form of Government is a citizen government and not for the professional intellectuals that always make up a tyrannical Intelligentsia. I’m just saying.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Just a reminder to all of us who might have forgotten a basic tenet of Government, any and all Governments. Government is a political organization, so therefore, Governments can only make political decisions. Translated that means, if you let the Government make healthcare decisions for you, those decisions will be political decisions, not personal healthcare decisions. If the Government takes care of your retirement, decisions concerning your retirement will be political decisions, not personal retirement requirements. If the Government runs industry or business, decisions made will be political decisions, not business decisions. If you need an example of how this works, investigate how the USSR worked in its final days.