Monday, November 30, 2020

The Art Of War (Economically).

One of the most ancient Chinese writings is Taigong's Six Secret Teachings. In a chapter listed as "Civil Attack", the Emperor ask the question of the teaching Master, "How do you attack without military methods?" Master Taigong replies, "There are 12 ways."  Examine Taiging's12 ways and make a judgement as to the  modern Chinese  Communists Party current course of action, as they relate to the 12 ways, on how to dominate the world economy and thus rule the world without military action.

1. "First, appeal to your enemy's preferences and follow his wishes." "He will become increasing proud and arrogant and do erroneous things.'

2. "Second, acquaint yourself with those who are close to your enemy in order to divide his power."

3. "Third, bribe your enemy's ministers and build  a relationship with them."

4. "Forth, foster your enemy's indulgence and extravagance, encourage his lust and desire, bribe him with rare jewels, and gift him beautiful woman."

5. "Fifth, respect your enemy's loyal ministers and send them presents. Delay communication with his ambassadors and ignore their questions.

6. Sixth, "Bribe your enemy's favored ministers and keep the less favored at a distance."

7. Seventh, "If you want the enemy ruler to trust you blindly, you should offer him enormous gifts."

8. Eighth, "Bribe your enemy with treasure and persuade him to attack other countries."

9.  Ninth, "Honor him with a glorious title and protect him from danger."

10. Tenth, "Pretend to be humble and obedient toward your enemy. Gain his trust and see how he is positioned."

11. Eleventh, "Block his access to information."

12. Twelfth, "Support your enemy's disloyal ministers to confuse his heart and mind."

Well, what do you think? Examine the current CCP activities and see if these ancient teachings are being followed. Know your enemy.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

One Man One Vote was final ruling that ruined our Country


Urban versus Country

Urban Fortification of Socialism

2000 Census Population Density USA Today 2004 Election Red/Blue Map

I invite you to look very closely at the above two maps. They are profound in their similarity. The left map is the official 2000 Census Population Density Map where the red color indicates where the highest population density is located. Of course, the concentration of red also indicates where the great cities are due to the greater population within the respective counties and so clearly indicates where the great urban centers are located. The map on the right is the USA Today 2004 election results, also down to the county level. Red represents Republican votes and in general indicates a more conservative political area. The Blue represents Democratic votes and in general indicates a more liberal political area. Now, try to overlay each map in your mind. I think you will find that the red high-density areas (urban areas) on the population density map closely correspond to the democratic, or politically liberal, areas of the 2004 red/blue map. The political importance of these maps is profound in that it clearly shows that the urbanization of America is providing an irresistible fortification of socialistic tendencies due to liberal or “progressive” thought within the body politic by virtue of the greater population and thus greater political power of the urban areas. Indeed, those who demand that the US Constitution be treated as a “living document” to support progressive or socialist dogma may well have a viable argument due to the phenomena of urbanization. Think about it. The country was mostly rural when the Constitution was ratified and rural living peoples are very self-sufficient and fearlessly independent. The Constitution, in general, codifies self-sufficiency and independence of the individual as a way to ensure personal liberty and thus prevent tyranny from gaining a foothold in Government. When people congregate into urban areas, dependence upon one another is more important than self-sufficiency, and personal independence must be moderated in order to foster social conditions that will enhance the opportunity for all to live in peace and harmony with one another. In other words, urban living promotes a more socialistic environment by the necessity of interdependence, not independence, of city dwellers. This socialistic force due to urbanization is irresistible much like a trade wind that blows due to environmental factors, i.e., a socialistic wind is blowing due to urbanization factors and it will continue to blow stronger and stronger unless a way is found to reverse urbanization, and that is not likely. Indeed, the census bureau reports that the 2000 census indicated that 81% of America’s population is now living within urban areas while the remaining 19% of the population is living in the rural areas of the country. But wait, there’s more. Just this week the United Nations announced that the World population is now 50% rural and 50% urban. What does it mean? Every good sailor will tell you that it is folly to try and change the wind because the wind will blow to wherever the wind will blow. Every good sailor will also tell you that you can set your sail to the wind and go to where you want to go regardless of the way the wind blows. Somehow we must find a way to maintain personal freedom and liberty within a more and more socialistic environment that the urbanization of America is causing. It’s time for the intellectual sailors of this country to set freedom’s sail to the prevailing socialist wind so that personal liberty will still be the destination of our progeny.

Cities Aare Winning


Founders Wisdom

Look closely at the 2016 Presidential political map below where Red is Republican and Blue is Democratic voters. The basic reason the Electoral College is important is that history has shown that eventually a country's cities accumulate the most population, money, intellectual concentration, and power that eventually overcomes the rest of the country that supports the cities and their population. This condition always results in strife and destruction of the country as a whole. The senate and Electoral College provides balance between the the country as a whole and the urban centers, as the 2016 map clearly shows.

Friday, November 6, 2020

2020 Election

 Well America, looks like you have finally decided that liberty, freedom and prosperity for all is terribly  old fashioned and needs to be exchanged for socialism. Time to state what Ayn Rand, from a personal experience, said about socialism, to wit:

By voting for a corrupt Politician who leads a criminal enterprise boarding on treason, you are voting us into a Banana Republic existence.  I can only imagine how proud you children and grand-children will be when they have to live with your ignorant decision. I invite you to revisit my 2018 piece, entitled 

"Urban Versus Country" to get a sense of what is happening. Good luck America ......

Monday, November 2, 2020

Man-Caused Climate Change



Perhaps its time for a more rational and fact-based discussion on man- caused catastrophic climate change. Let start with the salient facts.

The Sun radiates 430 X 10 to the 18th power of Joules (Joules being a unit of energy) on the Earth’s surface in a single day.

Mankind produces and uses 410 X 10 to the 18th power of Joules in a single year.

Man’s production of energy is 0.00274% of the amount of energy received from the Sun.

Energy, be it man-made or Sun produced, is the sole driver of climate on our special space-ship, the benevolent Mother Earth.

CO2 (Carbon in today’s vernacular), is a small percentage by-product of man-produced energy. That small percent of energy is related to the releasement of captured carbon (as CO2), and that energy used is even a much smaller percentage to the Sun’s total energy received daily on the Earth’s surface. Of that miniscule amount of energy that produced CO2, that CO2 then contributes to a measure of heat capturing that can be related to man-caused climate change as relates to the Sun caused climate change.

Government and Government supported climate research has suppressed other scientific research that states, heat trapping man generated CO2 contributes less than 0.05% of the calculated heat trapping of the total Sun’s radiant energy on the Earth’s surface. In other words, man produced CO2, that can trap the Sun’s energy (which is the sole driver of Earth’s climate), is a tiny fraction of the Sun’s ability to cause Earth’s climate.

Dear earnest citizen, that understandably wants to save Mother Earth from man-caused catastrophic climate change. Perhaps your Government uses your earnest concerns to save Mother Earth from man’s follies, is in fact a way to obtain and use unlimited power to control all of man’s activities to advance social engineering, and other political aims, with citizens approval. I’m just saying.  

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Daylight Saving Time

The Old and wise Indian chief had DST explained to him. Upon hearing the explanation, He bowed his head and replied:

Only the Government could believe you can cut the top of a blanket off, then sew that cutoff piece to the bottom of the blanket, and then have a longer blanket.