Saturday, January 14, 2023

War, China style


The Art Of War 

One of the most ancient Chinese writings is Taigong's Six Secret Teachings. In a chapter listed as "Civil Attack", the Emperor ask the question of the teaching Master, "How do you attack without military methods?" Master Taigong replies, "There are 12 ways."  Examine Taiging's12 ways and make a judgement as to the  modern Chinese  Communists Party current course of action, as they relate to the 12 ways, on how to dominate the world and thus rule the world without military action.

1. "First, appeal to your enemy's preferences and follow his wishes." "He will become increasing proud and arrogant and do erroneous things.'

2. "Second, acquaint yourself with those who are close to your enemy in order to divide his power."

3. "Third, bribe your enemy's ministers and build  a relationship with them."

4. "Forth, foster your enemy's indulgence and extravagance, encourage his lust and desire, bribe him with rare jewels, and gift him beautiful woman."

5. "Fifth, respect your enemy's loyal ministers and send them presents. Delay communication with his ambassadors and ignore their questions.

6. Sixth, "Bribe your enemy's favored ministers and keep the less favored at a distance."

7. Seventh, "If you want the enemy ruler to trust you blindly, you should offer him enormous gifts."

8. Eighth, "Bribe your enemy with treasure and persuade him to attack other countries."

9.  Ninth, "Honor him with a glorious title and protect him from danger."

10. Tenth, "Pretend to be humble and obedient toward your enemy. Gain his trust and see how he is positioned."

11. Eleventh, "Block his access to information."

12. Twelfth, "Support your enemy's disloyal ministers to confuse his heart and mind."

After applying these 12 tactics, you can take military actions. When the omens from Heaven and Earth are right and all the auspicious signs are evident, you can attack him.

Well, what do you think? Examine the current CCP activities and see if these ancient teachings are being followed. Know your enemy.

Sunday, January 8, 2023





SOMEONE ONCE SAID, “WAR IS the last act of diplomacy”.

 I invite you to reread the above quote and consider what it truly means. It very well could mean that all nations, and groups of people, are constantly engaged in diplomacy as each nation and interest group rightfully attends to its self-interests within the world body, particularly in today’s modern and connected world. This is so because nations and people nowadays cannot exist completely isolated from one another in order to be a viable member of the connected world community.

 So, if a nation or a people cannot exist totally isolated from other nations and peoples, diplomacy is the time honored and civilized way of finding ways to cooperate with one another in such a way that each nation and people will reasonably address their self- interest and thus avoid using overt force to press the issues. Of course, war is the final negotiating tactic that uses force to pressure a reluctant party to accept terms that it would not otherwise agree to without the use of overt force.

War is indeed the last act of diplomacy that can force a settlement that would not otherwise be forth-coming and can take many forms. War can be conducted militarily, economically, politically, and as many other ways as the creative human mind can conceive. For example, Nazi Germany came to believe that its people were the master race because “survival of the fittest” had enabled evolution to select them as the master race.

 Needless to say, nations and peoples of the world would not negotiate in good faith about how they would become subservient to the master race so Germany would be required to use more pervasive forms of diplomacy, namely war, to force acceptance of their self- interest. Because Germany lacked the economic, intellectual, and political clout to force acceptance of its master race position, military power was the only remaining option available if it was to proceed to subject the rest of the world to its master race position.

We all know how that Nazi Germany thing worked out in the end, and indeed, Germany’s final negotiating position in its diplomacy war effort to subject the world to its master race thing failed.

There is another type of war becoming more common today due to being enabled by modern technology, global communications and the surging “One World” political movement by the intellectual cabal entrenched everywhere. This type of war is not really new because it has been used throughout human history with limited success, but nevertheless, it appears to be enjoying new success, because of modern technology, in Man’s never-ending struggle to dominate one another.

 The war I am referring to is what I call the “Population” war. The Population War is fought by using the masses of the world’s underprivileged populations, instead of armed troops, to infiltrate the established Nation States in overwhelming numbers. Sort of a NUEVO trojan horse operation if ever there was one.

 The sustained Population War keeps employing the movement of unlimited diverse peoples into the individual Nation States population until the Nation States can no longer sustain themselves. When this occurs, the Nation State ability to survive is in question and One World Government is the only answer to this created crisis. All in all, the classic political ploy of creating a crisis that only you can resolve in order to advance your objective.

This war is currently being advanced by the One World Cabal to use this war as the final act of diplomacy to pressure the world to accept Global Governance. Global Government being the ultimate goal of the One World Cabal of so-called intellectuals that want to rule the world. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? The Population War being the diplomatic effort to force its negotiating position on the world at large, to wit:

All of the world peoples must become world citizens and not citizens of a particular nation state and therefore become subject to world governance by the One World Egg Heads.

 The Population War is indeed the Trojan Horse that enables the war to be waged and is ongoing throughout the world at large. The local populations of Europe and the United States are about to be overwhelmed by the masses of immigration by the worlds peoples that undermines the very culture of each Nation State. When your national culture is destroyed, your existence as a viable Nation is in serious jeopardy. The stage is now set for the One World cabal to establish World Governance.

To see how this type of warfare has been successfully used in the past, one needs only to look at modern China. China was successful in using this type of war by sending waves of Han Chinese immigrants into Tibet and now Tibet is China.  By all accounts, this Nuevo Population War is a war that most of the world Nation States are not fighting because they still don’t recognize that this is a war.

 Most nations and people are still trying to establish negotiating positions within their diplomacy to deal with their unauthorized mass immigration. This diplomacy is misplaced because it has not yet identified the responsible party to negotiate with. That is, the various Nation States have yet to become engaged with the responsible party and not yet realized this is a Population War being waged by the One World Cabal for the goal of World Governance.

 Overcoming the One World Cable is made all the more difficult because their very own Governments are currently infiltrated with those who support the ideal of one World Government. Indeed, the utter dismay of Nation States citizens to deal with this situation is because this war is being aided and abetted by the current crop of Intelligentsia within Nation State Governments that secretly welcomes the war as a way to advance the “One World” Government agenda and to gain political advantage.

God, I hate war.