Wednesday, September 8, 2010


SALARIAT, The Fourth Branch of Government

Breaking News: The Federal Government work force is growing. Perhaps I engaged in a little hyperbole here because this really isn’t breaking news, but then, what is breaking news nowadays anyway? Ready for some numbers?
Total Federal Employment (less Postal Service)
Year 2007 3,776,000
Year 2008 3,919,000
Year 2009 4,188,000
Source: US Office of Personnel Management, Federal Employee Statistics

There are the numbers, but what does it mean other than it takes a lot of Bureaucrats to run the Federal Government establishment? Well for one thing, all of these federal employees are salaried, i.e., they are not paid wages for their labor, they are instead, paid a salary. The romantic word for those who work for wages is the Proletariat. Those who work for a salary also have a word to describe them and that word is the Salariat. Salariat is not a new word. Socialist and Communist intellectuals coined the word to describe the necessary Government salaried Administrators to turn their esoteric political philosophy into mundane everyday practice. But what is so important to our benevolent Socialist and Communist intellectuals about the distinction of being a salaried government Bureaucrats rather than being a wage paid government Bureaucrat? Wages are normally paid for work associated with producing a product and so the expense of labor is part of the product price. This arrangement means that there are customers required to purchase the product being produced and this means that the one working to product the product is therefore connected to the customer, i.e., no product, bad product or too expensive product, no customer and no more wages. That is to say, wages are part of the production expense. Salary paid to government Bureaucrats are simply an administrative expense born by the taxpayers and the one receiving the salary is only required to administer the laws, rules and regulations assigned to them and so they are only connected to the salary paying Bureau or office they belong to. That is to say, the Bureaucrats will continue to receive their salary regardless what taxpayers or citizens say or do because they are only connected to the Bureau or Office that pays them their salary. This distinction of salaried Bureaucrats is so important that both Bernard Shaw and John Maynard Keynes said that salaried Bureaucrats (the Salariat) is the administrative vehicle designed to operate the Socialist society.
So, if one wanted to fundamentally transform a Democratic Republic into a
Socialistic Government, one would have to establish a salaried Bureaucracy big enough to do the job. That is exactly what has been happening as President Obama appoints Czars without Congressional approval, takes over the healthcare system that has untold numbers of new boards and offices to administer the new program, and on and on. Lets just look at the new national Healthcare program. Not only is there over 2,300 pages to describe a new law that no one understands, Bureaucrats are busy creating thousands of new rules and regulations that will have the force of law without the necessity of having the peoples congress being involved. Hey, who needs that messy democratic congress thing when we will have salaried Bureaucrats that will, for all intents and Socialistic purposes, become the fourth branch of Government?

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