Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Gun Problem

The Gun Problem


On 14 December 2012, in the town of Newtown Conn., a monster walked into the Sandy Hook Elementary School with a modern weapon. The monster, with game-like precision, killed 20 innocent children and 4 ill-fated adults. The country was not only stunned, people were sickened and outraged. The President, also expressing outrage, quickly gathered his advisers, and with swift action, assessed the blame of the senseless massacre on the easy availability of modern guns. The President said Guns are the problem and more laws restricting guns will address the problem of innocent children being gunned down in the future.

            The new laws will make getting modern weapons, with high fire rate and capacity capability, much more difficult by citizens, thereby assigning a much needed measure of protection to our children from monsters with guns. Most people agree. Unfortunately, the law will also affect the 99.9% of the citizens who keep and bear arms as a Constitutional right and would never consider using their guns to gun down children. However, all responsible and reasonable citizens will recognize the need to limit some Constitutional freedoms in order to protect our children.

            Twenty innocent children being murdered is so painful that clearly more needs to be done to protect our children. Who could not agree? It may come as a surprise to some, but according to Government records ( over 1,560 children died from abuse or neglect in the year 2010. Experts in the field of Child Abuse say that the 1,560 murdered children is only the number reported. It is estimated that another 50% of murdered children is never reported. What makes this statistic so sickening is that the children who died from abuse and neglect, were killed by people in charge of their care, and the killing was much more horrible and terrifying than the antiseptic killings in Sandy Hook. Beating, shaking, drowning, stabbing, etc. is just some of the ways monsters kill our innocent children, each and every day.

            The President should address this horrific problem in the same manner he is addressing the Gun Problem. The problem with abused children being killed is that irresponsible people are in charge of the care of our children. The problem is irresponsible care givers, so the solution will be to enact laws that will establish a board of knowledgeable people that will require people, who wish to have children, to obtain a Government license to have children. The board will identify irresponsible people who will be most likely to abuse and kill their children and these people will not be given a license to have children or permitted to have children. All responsible and reasonable citizens will agree that a limited loss of Constitutional freedom will be necessary to protect our children from the abuse monsters. 

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