Tuesday, June 22, 2010


We Don’t Need No Stinking Political Parties

Those of you who are aware of or have read the seminal book, The 5000 Year Leap, http://search.barnesandnoble.com/The-5000-Year-Leap/W-Cleon-Skousen/e/9780880801485/?itm=1&USRI=5000+year+leap will recall one of the main principals the Founding Fathers all agreed upon was that fundamental Government was about political power, not political parties. They reasoned that complete political power exercised by Government on one extreme is called Tyranny while the other extreme is Government with no political power or control at all is called Anarchy. Both of these Governmental extremes were the historical norm up to the time of the American Revolution and these historical Governmental extremes always ended in abject failure and much human misery. The founding fathers all agreed that the new American way was to be an exceptional way that would enable People’s Law to occupy the political middle and therefore strike a careful and enduring Governmental balance between Anarchy and Tyranny. In order to do this, the framers of the Constitution knew that political power cabals (political parties) representing this political view or that political view would by necessity be excluded from the drafting process, because if People’s Law was to occupy the political middle, then all of the people would have to agree on all of the political principals that would be codified within the new American Constitution. Indeed, it took over 60 ballots for all of the framers, in secret conference, to finally come to a consensus on the Constitution. Note that I said a consensus, because the Founders believed that majority rule was an invitation to Tyranny and for People’s Law to be viable, consensus, not a majority, will always be necessary. Even the consensus obtained on the new Constitution was based upon a condition that the citizens at large would have an opportunity to make amendments immediately after signing in order for the states to ratify the new Constitution. This was agreed upon because the Constitution was drafted in secret, and if there was to be a political middle, then the people would be required to have an input in order for the middle to truly represent the People’s Law. Input indeed. The people, via the states, submitted 189 amendments that would eventually be codified into our precious 10 Bill of Rights along with the 11th and 12th amendments to protect them.
Political Parties are about power and political power is always used to force political views upon others, either by majority rule or by contrivance. So in a strict sense, Political Parties are basically un-American, because a Political Party can never foster a political consensus among all of the people because Political Parties are by their nature created to represent one or another particular political viewpoint. In order to obtain and maintain power, Political Parties have a perpetual finger waving into the political winds so that they can discover which way the popular political winds are blowing. They do this in order to determine what the voting public will respond to so that the Party can fashion a Platform that will get the most votes and therefore get more power. How Political Parties operate proves the point that Political Parties are about power, not about maintenance of People’s Law in order to conserve an enduring political middle. And political party platforms are little more than advertising sheets that try to entice people to vote for the party not unlike the endless auto dealer advertisements of urgent “Sales” of new and better belchfire 8 super cars. Go to http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/platforms.php and you can read all of the political party platforms from 1840 until today. And so I say again, We Don’t Need No Stinking Political Parties and I think the American people are being to agree, because as of today, more people consider themselves Independents rather than being affiliated with one of the Political Parties. There really is hope for the good guys, uh, that would be us.

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