Thursday, June 17, 2010


The Economic Endgame

I may not be the sharpest arrow in the quiver, but sometimes things become so obvious that even a dumbbutt like me can finally see organization and purpose in today’s carefully constructed economic chaos. In other words, I believe I can finally see some method to the madness that marks the Government handling of the Country’s Economic System. I’m sure most of us are confused, perplexed and downright scared about how the Government seems to be spending us into third and fourth world status by continuing to spend like there is no tomorrow. And it’s not just the spending, but what the spending is doing. For example, the $787 Billion “Stimulus”, the trillions in bailouts that are seemingly without end and always ends up with the Government either becoming a part of free enterprise business or a complete takeover of free enterprise, like the case of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the Government generated duplicitous notion that the Health Care system is broken and only a Government takeover can fix the system when the truth is we have the best health care system the world has ever seen but it costs too much and the Government takeover will only increase healthcare costs, Cap and Trade that will put the Government in charge of our energy industry, and on and on. I know that there is a notion out there that the current administration is simply incompetent and inexperienced and that is the reason why we are heading inexplicably down a road to utter ruin. Au contraire, mon frere’! There really is method to their madness and the method has the hand of “create a choice architecture” Cass Sunstein in it and the madness has the mind of Barack Obama all over it. The “choice architecture” that ole Professor Sunstein is cooking up is starting to surface within the opinion making sphere nowadays. The “Choice architecture” will take the form of a new buzz that will occupy talking heads and the Intelligentsia debating over the new age relevance of “Democratic Capitalism” versus “State Directed Capitalism”. Remember those two terms, “Democratic Capitalism” (current free market driven capitalism) and “State Directed Capitalism” (ala Communist China). Yes, that’s right, the world Intelligentsia is beginning to make the case that “Democratic Capitalism” is so yesterday and cannot possibly complete with the roaring success that modern China is experiencing with “State Directed Capitalism” (Orwell must be grinning from ear to ear with the double-speak that the words State Directed Capitalism represents). So what does out of control Government spending and the Government taking over “failing” free enterprise business (that are failing because of Government intervention and regulation) has to do with Democratic Capitalism? When the world and US Intelligentsia finally conclude that State Directed Capitalism is the only “HOPE” in today’s modern world environment because the evidence is overwhelming that Democratic Capitalism is failing left and right and so the obvious conclusion is that there is a need for a “CHANGE” to a new way. And the new way is State Directed Capitalism. With this “choice architecture” now in place, the American people will surely make the correct decision and embrace enlightened State Directed Capitalism as the way out of today’s economic malaise. So what is the endgame other than the obvious Federal Government taking control over all aspects of American life? The United States of American cannot be apart of the coming One World Government while Democratic Capitalism is running amuck so State Directed Capitalism will be one more step to finally get to the final Utopian One World Government. Are you beginning to see the light, Brother and Sisters?


  1. I think we agree on most things except when to create a paragraph.

  2. Norma you are soooo right. When I first started to write these pieces it was with a view to see if I could persuade a periodcal to use my stuff as a columnist. So I didn't make paragraphs and haven't yet stopped. I need to start to seperate lines of thought. Thanks.
