Tuesday, June 22, 2010


We Don’t Need No Stinking Political Parties

Those of you who are aware of or have read the seminal book, The 5000 Year Leap, http://search.barnesandnoble.com/The-5000-Year-Leap/W-Cleon-Skousen/e/9780880801485/?itm=1&USRI=5000+year+leap will recall one of the main principals the Founding Fathers all agreed upon was that fundamental Government was about political power, not political parties. They reasoned that complete political power exercised by Government on one extreme is called Tyranny while the other extreme is Government with no political power or control at all is called Anarchy. Both of these Governmental extremes were the historical norm up to the time of the American Revolution and these historical Governmental extremes always ended in abject failure and much human misery. The founding fathers all agreed that the new American way was to be an exceptional way that would enable People’s Law to occupy the political middle and therefore strike a careful and enduring Governmental balance between Anarchy and Tyranny. In order to do this, the framers of the Constitution knew that political power cabals (political parties) representing this political view or that political view would by necessity be excluded from the drafting process, because if People’s Law was to occupy the political middle, then all of the people would have to agree on all of the political principals that would be codified within the new American Constitution. Indeed, it took over 60 ballots for all of the framers, in secret conference, to finally come to a consensus on the Constitution. Note that I said a consensus, because the Founders believed that majority rule was an invitation to Tyranny and for People’s Law to be viable, consensus, not a majority, will always be necessary. Even the consensus obtained on the new Constitution was based upon a condition that the citizens at large would have an opportunity to make amendments immediately after signing in order for the states to ratify the new Constitution. This was agreed upon because the Constitution was drafted in secret, and if there was to be a political middle, then the people would be required to have an input in order for the middle to truly represent the People’s Law. Input indeed. The people, via the states, submitted 189 amendments that would eventually be codified into our precious 10 Bill of Rights along with the 11th and 12th amendments to protect them.
Political Parties are about power and political power is always used to force political views upon others, either by majority rule or by contrivance. So in a strict sense, Political Parties are basically un-American, because a Political Party can never foster a political consensus among all of the people because Political Parties are by their nature created to represent one or another particular political viewpoint. In order to obtain and maintain power, Political Parties have a perpetual finger waving into the political winds so that they can discover which way the popular political winds are blowing. They do this in order to determine what the voting public will respond to so that the Party can fashion a Platform that will get the most votes and therefore get more power. How Political Parties operate proves the point that Political Parties are about power, not about maintenance of People’s Law in order to conserve an enduring political middle. And political party platforms are little more than advertising sheets that try to entice people to vote for the party not unlike the endless auto dealer advertisements of urgent “Sales” of new and better belchfire 8 super cars. Go to http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/platforms.php and you can read all of the political party platforms from 1840 until today. And so I say again, We Don’t Need No Stinking Political Parties and I think the American people are being to agree, because as of today, more people consider themselves Independents rather than being affiliated with one of the Political Parties. There really is hope for the good guys, uh, that would be us.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


The Economic Endgame

I may not be the sharpest arrow in the quiver, but sometimes things become so obvious that even a dumbbutt like me can finally see organization and purpose in today’s carefully constructed economic chaos. In other words, I believe I can finally see some method to the madness that marks the Government handling of the Country’s Economic System. I’m sure most of us are confused, perplexed and downright scared about how the Government seems to be spending us into third and fourth world status by continuing to spend like there is no tomorrow. And it’s not just the spending, but what the spending is doing. For example, the $787 Billion “Stimulus”, the trillions in bailouts that are seemingly without end and always ends up with the Government either becoming a part of free enterprise business or a complete takeover of free enterprise, like the case of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the Government generated duplicitous notion that the Health Care system is broken and only a Government takeover can fix the system when the truth is we have the best health care system the world has ever seen but it costs too much and the Government takeover will only increase healthcare costs, Cap and Trade that will put the Government in charge of our energy industry, and on and on. I know that there is a notion out there that the current administration is simply incompetent and inexperienced and that is the reason why we are heading inexplicably down a road to utter ruin. Au contraire, mon frere’! There really is method to their madness and the method has the hand of “create a choice architecture” Cass Sunstein in it and the madness has the mind of Barack Obama all over it. The “choice architecture” that ole Professor Sunstein is cooking up is starting to surface within the opinion making sphere nowadays. The “Choice architecture” will take the form of a new buzz that will occupy talking heads and the Intelligentsia debating over the new age relevance of “Democratic Capitalism” versus “State Directed Capitalism”. Remember those two terms, “Democratic Capitalism” (current free market driven capitalism) and “State Directed Capitalism” (ala Communist China). Yes, that’s right, the world Intelligentsia is beginning to make the case that “Democratic Capitalism” is so yesterday and cannot possibly complete with the roaring success that modern China is experiencing with “State Directed Capitalism” (Orwell must be grinning from ear to ear with the double-speak that the words State Directed Capitalism represents). So what does out of control Government spending and the Government taking over “failing” free enterprise business (that are failing because of Government intervention and regulation) has to do with Democratic Capitalism? When the world and US Intelligentsia finally conclude that State Directed Capitalism is the only “HOPE” in today’s modern world environment because the evidence is overwhelming that Democratic Capitalism is failing left and right and so the obvious conclusion is that there is a need for a “CHANGE” to a new way. And the new way is State Directed Capitalism. With this “choice architecture” now in place, the American people will surely make the correct decision and embrace enlightened State Directed Capitalism as the way out of today’s economic malaise. So what is the endgame other than the obvious Federal Government taking control over all aspects of American life? The United States of American cannot be apart of the coming One World Government while Democratic Capitalism is running amuck so State Directed Capitalism will be one more step to finally get to the final Utopian One World Government. Are you beginning to see the light, Brother and Sisters?

Saturday, June 12, 2010


The Scare Continuum

We are all hapless residents bouncing along within the Scare Continuum as Scare Inc. goes full throttle with the latest “environmental catastrophe”. Scare Inc. is now running at top speed with the BP Oil spill providing all of the nitro-laced fuel necessary to spew out hyperbole at a rate that surly exceeds the rate of the spilling oil that the undersea camera faithfully records for all to see within the Scare Continuum. If we only had a BS camera that could faithfully record all of maneuvering to find oil-covered birds, tar balls fouling befuddled Granny’s pristine beach, finding just the right stretch of oil covered water suitable for a fearless reporter to dive headlong into, pretty little girls with bouncing curls and limp beach toys hanging down staring wistfully at destroyed sugar white beaches, primordial marsh flora drenched in the “Toxic” stuff that stupid humans use to willfully destroy the beautiful blue Planet. If only we had that BS camera operating right alongside that Scare Inc. camera, then perhaps we could get a “fair and balanced” account about what is really happening. But wait, there is such a thing as a BS camera and it is the exclusive property of the Fourth Estate. Oh no! The Fourth Estate is a charter member of Scare Inc. and fourth estate natural law dictates you can’t operate both cameras at the same time. Fourth Estate natural law being that law that requires profit regardless how obtained, (you know like industry profiteering from war). Perhaps ideology advancement might be part of the natural law that rules the Fourth Estate nowadays, I’m just saying. Suffice to say, The Scare Continuum is a very broad river that offers many opportunities for all willing to add content to the swelling confluence. Maybe even the Government sees opportunity to not let a good “crisis” go to waste and can advance treasured policy to obtain even more power and influence by encouraging Scare Inc. to pour it on. Because I’m not a member of Scare Inc., I have a few observations that might be useful in understanding the BP oil spill. Make no mistake, the oil spill is not a good thing other than for those wanting to profit (politically, competitively and howeverwise) from the misfortune. No doubt primary blame is BP’s alone and the free market will punish the crap out of them for their mismanagement. Profit that was to go to investors will now be required to mitigate damage and the loss of profit could well wreck the Company. This is how the free market works. There is more fundamental blame if anyone is interested in spreading blame. The United States is sitting on a sea of oil but cannot drill for it or use it because of Government restrictions. Such restrictions drive up the price of oil (greeniks nirvana) and drive those producing our required fuel to go into ever more risky environments, such as deep water to obtain our necessary oil. As far as the environmental “disaster, catastrophe, (take your pick)” is concerned, petroleum is a natural occurring organic compound that seeps constantly into the oceans naturally and there are many microbes out there bulking up on the oil bonanza. Indeed, the Ixtoc 1 oil spill in Campeche Sound 30 years ago gushed 3.3 million barrels into the sea for nearly 10 months. The environment scientists predicted all life would die as a result, but to their astonishment and embarrassment, the Sound recovered completely in little over 2 years. I bet you didn’t hear much about that from the Government or Fourth Estate.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Politburo, American Style

Politburo. A decidily unamerican word most of us are familiar with due to cold war politics. Most of us became familiar with the word while trying to understand the workings of the then Soviet Union and it’s Communistic Government. A little history. A Politburo was first established in 1917 during the Bolshevik Revolution in order to provide political leadership during the transformation of Russia from a Republic into a Oligarchy based on the political theories of Karl Marx. The first Politburo was disolved after the coup was completed by the Bolshevics. So what does the Soviet Union Politburo have to do with todays America? Well, if you recall, the candidate Barak Obama promised to “transform” America. Remember that? And you probaly thought the “transformation” being promised was a transformation from corrupt politics as usual into a transparent and pluralistic Government that truly represented all of the people. Is that what you thought the charismatic Barak Obama was promising? Well just like the Bolshevics needed a means to provide political leadership for the country while they transformed Russia, President Obama also needs a means to provide direct political leadership without all of that messy voting in congress thing while he transforms America. Volila, an American style Politburo that can directly implement policy while the country is being transformed into something that is most definitely not American and definitely unconstitutional. Here is the list of the current Czars that make up President Obama’s Politburo:

1. Technology Czar: Aneesh Chopra.
2. Drug Czar: Gil Kerlikowske.3. Copyright Czar: Not appointed yet.4. Energy Czar: Carol M. Browner.5. Car Czar: Ed Montgomery. 6. Terrorism/WMD Czar: Gary Samore. 7. Health Care Czar: Nancy-Ann DeParle.8. Education Czar: Not appointed yet.9. Economic Czar: Paul Volcker. 10. Mortgage Czar: Not appointed yet.
11. Urban Affairs/Housing Czar: Adolfo Carrion. 12. Guantanomo closure Czar: Danny Fried. 13. Great lakes Czar: Cameron Davis.14. Stimulus accountability Czar: Earl Devaney. 15. Cyberspace Czar: Not appointed yet. 16. Border Czar: Alan Bersin (Former US attorney).17. Intelligence Czar: Admiral Dennis Blair.18. Regulatory Czar: Cass Sunstein. 19. Pay Czar: Kenneth Feinberg 20. Iran Czar: Not appointed yet.21. Tarp Czar: Herb Allison. 22. Middle-East peace Czar: George Mitchell. 23. Science Czar: John Holdren.24. Green jobs Czar: Van Jones.25. Afghanistan Czar: Richard Holbrooke. 26. Sudan Czar: J. Scott Gration. 27. Mideast policy Czar: Dennis Ross. 28. Information Czar: Vivek Kundra. 29. AIDS Czar: Jeffrey Crowley. 30. Faith-based Czar: Joshua Dubois.
31. Climate Czar: Todd Stern.

See an Updated List Here :

If I were a really cynical person, I could be convinced that the Military equal Civilian National Security Force that President Obama has talked about creating will provide the necessary “Brown Shirts” to help force the transformation that the Politburo is directing. I’m just saying.
Note: See DOD Directive 1404.10 and House bill HR675 that seems to be setting the requirement to build the Civilian National Security Force.