Saturday, June 1, 2024


 The rapidly raising Federal Public debt is confounding to most citizens, and alarming to financial experts. However, if you know how big Government demands more and more power in order to continue to grow and control, then the spending contributing to raising public debt makes perfect sense. Remember, Taxes Are Power, and how do you get the people's representatives to cooperate in raising taxes in order to get more power?

  Well, you use the time-tested Government method of creating a problem that only big Government can solve, like the created problem of Global Warming. And how Government creates the financial problem that only bigger Government can solve is to spend, and spend, and spend until the country is facing certain financial ruin. Spending that is aided and abetted by our feckless elected Representatives, until the Congress must raise taxes in order to save the country from financial ruin. 

Mission accomplished, Taxes Are Power, and more taxes granted, and more power obtained. All at the expense of your personal freedoms and liberty as the Government controls more and more of your life and times by gaining more and more POWER through taxation. 

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