Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Needed Repair For our Republic



Section 1. The seventeenth and twenty-seventh articles of amendment to the Constitution of the United States are hereby repealed in their entirety.

Section 2. Senators appointed by their respective State Legislature to the Congress shall be compensated exclusively by the State Legislature that appointed them for all expenses and wages associated with the execution of their appointed office. Acceptance of any compensation or gift whatsoever by the Senator from any source other than from the appointing State Legislature shall be cause for immediate removal from office. Appointed Senator shall serve a maximum of one appointed term.

Section 3. Representatives elected to the Congress shall be compensated exclusively by the Congressional District from which they were elected for all expenses and wages associated with the execution of their elected office.  Acceptance of any compensation or gift whatsoever by the Representative from any source other than the electing Congressional District shall be cause for immediate removal from office.  Elected Representatives may serve a maximum of three terms.

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