Saturday, May 14, 2022


 One of the most important truths you can ever realize is, TAXES ARE POWER. More taxes generate more power for Government.  When the Government raises taxes to the point of diminishing monetary returns and has maxed out its power to control, it turns to restricting the unfretted and free exchange of money by free citizens.

     Government does this in order to finish complete final control over how supposedly free citizens can use money without Government approval. This can be done by replacing existing paper currency with a DIGITAL CURRENCY, of which, will be under complete control of the Government. In other words, you will not be able to stash money in your wallet for personal use because all digital money will be held by the Government to be doled out as Government sees fit. All digital money use will be at the discretion of the Government and, will be based upon political considerations, that will further and expand Government. This digital currency conversion will usurp the last remaining vestiges of citizen personal freedom guaranteed by the US Constitution. President Biden has started the establishment of DIGITAL CURRENCY by issuing an Executive Order to do just that.

 A feeble attempt by free citizens to prevent this from happening is the invention of CRYPTO currency using BLOCK CHAIN technology to prevent Government from using currency to control activity of citizens without Government approval. This is a feeble attempt because the Government will find a way to regulate and control Crypto currency. I'm just saying.       

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