Monday, October 11, 2021

Tyranny of the Minority

Tyranny, the cruel and oppressive rule by those who have obtained power, is most often the result of a fanatical, organized and determined minority that easily overcomes an unorganized and multifaceted majority. Two examples comes to mind in order to give dimension to what is written above, one positive and one negative. The positive one being the American revolution which was supported, in the beginning, by a small minority of Patriots. The minority of Patriots, said by some to have been less that 15% of the American 13 colonies population, ruled the day and effected a great change. The final result being a great freedom loving Constitutional Country was established by a determined minority.

The negative one being the Great Russian Revolution of 1917 which saw about 2,000 Bolsheviks storm the Russian Governmental capital of Petrograd (now St. Petersburg) and deposed the Tsarist Government. In other words, 2,000 Bolsheviks defeated an entrenched Government and took over the reins of  Governmental power and thus began the control of all of Russia by starting and continuing the Bolshevik revolution. The Bolsheviks (translated means, One of the Majority) shows how the use of words can mislead. In all of Russian, in 1917, there was at best 24,000 Bolsheviks. Of those 24,000, only a dedicated and organized 2,000 Bolsheviks caused the great change and eventual Revolution that took control of Governmental power in Russia. So the Bolsheviks were hardly "One of the Majority."

So what's the point of this discussion? Today in the USA, there is a determined minority of Statists who have patiently infiltrated all manner of American levers of power and culture, and are effecting a Revolution without having to storm Washington DC to take power from the people. So it is very possible that a great change is coming to the land of the free, and home of the brave, and that change will do away with out Constitutional Government and subject the free people of the Country to absolute control by a minority of Elites.  And all done by a determined and organized Tyranny of the Minority.

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