Saturday, July 3, 2021

1938, 2021: Deja vu All Over Again, i.e., A prelude to War

 Sept. 29th, 1938, Time Magazine named Adolf Hitler, "Man of the Year."

Aug. 6, 1923, Time Magazine named Benito Mussolini, "Man of the Year."

1939 and 1942, Time Magazine named Joseph Stalin, "Man of the Year." 

All of these, and others,  profound media recognitions had a number of  important things in common. The enlightened intellectual community was instrumental in these recognitions, and Wall Street and American Capital supported these regimes with hard American Dollars in the pursuit of profit. 

This begs the question,  Was the intellectual community and American Capitalists ignorant of the intent of these Statist regimes and potential for war and global destruction that these leaders portend? But of course they all knew, but they either supported the ideology that these leaders represented, or it was irresistible greed that was these Statist regimes offered, regardless of eventual dire human and society consequences. Indeed, war is still good business for global enterprises. Likewise, the enlightened intellectual community has never had to live with the reality of their idea of utopian societies governed by a cabal of elite global intellectuals.

And now comes the year, 2021. China has just announced they will bash any who dares to resist the nation of China and any of their numerous nefarious activities. And what is the enlightened intellectual community and American Capitalists (Wall Street) doing in this year of 2021? They are acting exactly the same way with China, and their allies, they did in 1938 with the all of the above apathetic Leaders. And we all know that global war resulted from the above misguided  leadership circa 1938. And we now seem to be following the exact same path as we did in the fateful prelude to WWII.   


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