Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Taking Charge of Your Life

 Let us use sailing as a metaphor as to how to take charge of ones life in spite of  forces that always seems to oppose all you wish to do. That is, in sailing, the winds and waves, which are the only forces available to you to advance your boat, most often are not directly available to you in order to use their power to speed you on your way. However, the wind and wave can still be used to go to where you want to go if you know how to set your boat's sails to the opposing winds and waves. That is, don't fight the wind and wave, instead, use the power of the wind and wave, not their direction, to go to where you want to go instead of letting the wind and wave carry you along like a bit of  flotsam caught in the current of an unstoppable river. Indeed, most of the time in sailing, you advance your boat directly into the wind and against the waves by knowing how to adjust your sails to extract their power even though they are in opposition to you.

So, let us consider the winds and waves in sailing the same as the forces in life that are always blowing and rolling your way, be they man made or otherwise, and be they advantageous or otherwise.  And let us consider the sails as your will and ability to make life's decisions as to how you wish to live your life. And the boat itself, is indeed, your life as you continue your life's journey to its inevitable conclusion. So let the following sailing poem be your guide to help you along on your life's journey.

So set your sail to wind and wave,

To mount the unstoppable  forces,

And ride your splendid advantage,

To wherever your purpose advances.

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