Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Growing Old Gracefully

My eyes no longer widen in wonder when something splendid happens my way, nor do they narrow in pain when sorrow blocks my path. I no longer lean forward into the task, and take no pleasure from a challenge mastered.

I rest easily even though great mysteries remain to be solved, and I fatigue too quickly when pompous words ring in my ears. My resolved has been hobbled by the three stages of indecision, Could Have, Would Have, and Should Have, and satisfaction is no longer a condition for contentment.

Excitement and rest have now become equal in importance and closely watched rituals now earn a nonchalant hand. Earnest gossip and sage advise are both received with equal enthusiasm, and a mind-numbing throb results when intrigue comes calling.

The only thing that has never diminished, even though the sprit weakens, is my love for family and dear friends. So the day will come when my life’s torch will flicker and die, and on that day, I will say, Its been quite a ride, and oh yes, a splendacious dance of edges and curves. And my profound thanks to the gracious being that made such a life possible.

Rest in peace, Ronald Russell.

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