Monday, November 16, 2015

America's Intelligentsia Is Leading Us Back To the Future Again

   As we watch Islam promote Jihad in order to subjugate the World's People into a global Caliphate, I am struck by the similarities of America's Intelligentsia response to this Islamic Political Movement of today (Global Caliphate) with that of the 1920's and 1930's US Intelligentsia response to the socialist movements going on in the Soviet Union (USSR) and the fascists in Germany and Italy at the time. Indeed, leading 1920's and 30's American Intelligentsia such as:
Charles Lindbergh, William Randolph Hurst, Joseph Kennedy (JFK's father), John D Rockefeller, Andrew Mellon, Allen Dulles, and Prescott Bush, were just some of the prominent Americans that gushed over the fascists Francisco Franco, Benito Mussolini and Adolph Hitler as being the leaders of the new world order that is surely to come. Even the influential Magazine Time, and other leading publications, had Hitler as man of the year in 1938.
American Companies were also on the fascist bandwagon, such as: DuPont, General Motors, Standard Oil, National City Bank, and General Electric. These, and other giant American Companies, were all doing business with the up and coming Fascists in the 1920's and 30's. We all are painfully aware that the American Intelligentsia and Business support for these hideous movements lead us to World War II and the unprecedented loss of innocent life and property.
            So here we are once again bearing witness to a new and improved American Intelligentsia that is embodied by the career body Politic, Mass Media, Entertainment, Art Community, and an Academia that no longer swoon over the Fascists and Dictators of yesteryear, but are now champions and paid up members of the American Progressive movement that now swoon over the prospect of no national borders and the elimination of constrictive national Governments along with their worthless scraps of paper called Constitutions. The very same Progressive Movement that inspired FDR, and other Leaders back in the day, to institute the Socialist Programs that are still with us today, such as, Social Security, Income Tax, Medicare, Medicaid, Obama Care, are the decedents of the same Intelligentsia that were yesterday's enthusiastic supporters of the Socialist movement that produced the Communists in the USSR, and the Fascists of Spain, Italy and Germany.  Yes Sir, these are the same Progressives that today find no fault with the Political movement that uses Islam as a Tactical Vehicle to make us all equal under Sharia Law.

            So it's back to the future for those of us who provide currency to today's Intelligentsia that are still very much hard at work to finally propel us all into the promise land were Utopia beams bright and strong, be it by a vehicle of new and improved Socialist doctrine or by living as one under Sharia Law.

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