Thursday, June 6, 2013


It sure took 1984 a long time to get here.

A. Your Government is now looking at, and recording, every one of your private communications, including landline phone, cell phone, e-mail, and yes, this Blog. In other words, your Government knows who you are talking to, what you are talking about, and everything about your personal life.
B. Under the new Dodd-Frank law, your Government knows about your entire financial dealings and worth. The Feds also knows with whom you have financial dealings with, and why.
CUnder the ACA (Obamacare) health act, your Government will know every thing about your health, will dictate how and with whom you get healthcare, and how much healthcare you get. And your Government will dictate how and how much you will pay for healthcare.
D. Your Government has now politicized the Federal Justice Dept. and can can prosecute any and all American citizens under all encompassing Federal law, and can do so with impunity, and for purely politicial reasons.
E. Your Government has politicized the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and can destroy any citizen it chooses by using the offices of the IRS to do so, and for any purpose, politicial or otherwise.
F. Your Government has now constituted, under the Homeland Secutiy Act, a standing armed  Federal Police force that can police any and all American Citizens. This federal police force can, and will, enforce federal politicial will by armed agents.
G. Your Government has now politicized the Environmental Protection Agency and can control all basic means of production. The EPA now controls all land, be it private or public, by selective enforement of environmental rules it establishes.

If you are still foolish and naive enought to believe you are a free American citizen today, and that the Constitution protects you, you deserve everything that is coming your way.

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