Friday, March 25, 2011

Same Sex Marriage

I never thought intelligent people would be required to debate the fundelmental aspects of Marriage anymore than I thought there would be a necessity of debating what makes males and females physically different. But here we are, forced by a powerful minority that thinks the world revolves around their sexuality and insisting that all other people and society must change to suit them. If this powerful minority can force society to change against its will, one can only speculate what other behavior, that took untold generations to determine as deferential to society, will also insist on being made civil.
It seems to me to be unecessary to state it is SOCIETY that has determined that marriage between a man and a woman needs to be encouraged because the resulting nuclear family is the bedrock upon which civilization rests. Same sex marriage is an invalid argument because neither you or I created the Human Race and required different gender as the means to procreate it's people. In other words, gravity dictates we fall down, we cannot fall up regardless if a self-centered and powerful minority insists that we must fall up. Why we even have such sophomoric discussions about "Gay Marriage" in the first place is beyond me. The worst part of this manufactured debate is that somehow the "Gay" community (aided and abetted by the entire length and breath of Media, academia and entertainment industry) will foster the label of bigotry and assigning hate upon people who only support society authorizing marriage between a man and a woman. Most people, including me, believe sexual preference is a personal matter, not an official society sanctioned matter, but yet we are accused of being hateful and ignorant by not supporting same sex marriage. I'm for living and let live and if same sex people want to join together I say more power to them, but they can no more be married than you can fall up.

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