Sunday, November 14, 2010

Psst, Wanna Know a Secret?

Wanna know a secret? A secret that multi-billion dollar Pharmaceuticals Companies don’t want you to know? They don’t want you to know because if you knew, they couldn’t sell you a $5.00 pill that requires a $6.00 pill to address side effects the first pill caused and on and on. Ya know what I’m talking about here, don’t you? I’m talking about a way to prevent the common cold, that’s what. That’s right, it works every time and only costs pennies. Alright, stick with me now, think back to previous winters when it turned cold and your house got really dry inside and all of a sudden you started blowing small amounts of blood into your Kleenex. What happens is that the capillaries inside your nose are very close to the surface, and when it gets dry outside, the inside your nose starts to dry out too, exposing the capillaries and causing them to leak blood. You now have exposed blood vessels inside your nose that will permit the direct introduction of germs into your blood stream. So when you breathe in through your nose, you are providing an avenue for cold and others viruses that are in the air a way to get directly into your blood stream. Viruses and germs that have a direct path into your blood stream will ensure infection. This nonsense of washing your hands to prevent virus introduction into your mouth is a bunch of hooey. This is not how most colds are caught. Most colds are caught because the virus has a way to get into the blood stream (inside the nose) and directly causing a cold infection. What to do? Every morning grab a Q-Tip and dab a generous amount of Neosporin on it and then put it inside your nose to thoroughly spread it around in there. Do it for each side of your nose. What happens is that the petroleum base of the Neosporin will reverse the dryness inside your nose and thereby permit the openings in the capillaries that are leaking blood a chance to heal and no longer be an avenue for virus to infiltrate into the blood stream. This simple step will prevent most viruses from gaining an avenue to infect you. Also, the antibiotic compounds in Neosporin will kill any bad guys that are still in there. Rather simple and oh so logical. Try it, it really works, and you will enjoy a cold free winter without all of the colds remedies and misery.

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