Thursday, October 15, 2009

World Federalist Movement

World Federalist Movement
(or how I learned to stop worrying and love the (Convergence) Bomb)

The World Federalist Movement, American Movement for World Government, Citizens for Global Solutions, Democratic World Federalists, One World Trust, The United Nations and other like organizations only feed the conspiracy minded that there is a vast and loosely organized intellectual Cabal out there that is leading and pushing the world’s struggling masses towards a utopian One World Government. Conspiracy or not, there is little doubt that an acceleration towards a One world altruistic (ethical) community is occurring within the world body politic and this new one world community will seek to end, for all times, the collection of self-centered (rational) nations that are now free to go about their own ways at the expense of all others and the planet. The race towards One World Government may not be obvious to all of us at this point in time, but I’ll wager we all instinctually feel that something very big is happening to our country and culture even if we don’t yet understand what is happening or why it is happening. I believe the unknown thing that is happening that feels so big nowadays is that the international intellectual community now believes that a rare confluence of events has occurred that will enable the dream of a One World Government to become reality and so a lot of seemingly unconnected things are being pursued in the furtherance of One world Governance. A theory that has been out there for a very long time now is that divergent political thought, like Communism and Capitalism, will eventually converge into a single socialistic movement, and when this happens, it will pave the way for One World Government. This event of convergence is now happening. Other of the more importance events that has happened, and has made the international intellectual community so giddy and hopeful, is that the United States has finally elected a progressive leader who also embraces the One World notion which means the timing is now perfect for acceptance of a One World Government by the rest of the world at large. The timing is now perfect because the world community, including the United States, has been conditioned by the mass media, academia and science that the human race has finally outgrown its regressive tribal instincts and is now ready for the enlightened notion of a single human family all living in peace and harmony under one World Government: Kumbaya, y’all. You know; Save the Planet, the United States uses an inappropriate amount of the world’s resources, it takes a village to raise a child, only the entire world can stop global warming and save the planet, immigration is a human right, it’s Government’s responsibility to ensure no one goes hungry, it’s Government’s responsibility to ensure all have the same health care, the Planet’s resources belong to all of the people, etc. Of course these words sound familiar because these, and other such rhetoric, are part and parcel of the progressive indoctrination, or education if you prefer, that has been going on for sometime now and is supported by the mass media, intellectual community, Academic and Scientific communities, and others that generally support a movement towards an altruistic world government. The timing is perfect because, of all things, the United States has even elected a black President who supports the One World Government movement. To really understand what is happening, we should visit why the One World Government movement began in the first place. The One World Government movement really got going as a result of World War I & II, which resulted in the very real and commendable desire to find a way to prevent such human catastrophes from ever happening again because science and the resulting technology will increasingly make it possible to destroy us all if unlimited war between nations continues unabated. No thinking individual could possibly be for unlimited war and destruction of all of mankind, could we? The problem is that there is no proof that One World Government is the way to prevent world war and strife by raising all of mankind up to a common and sustainable level of existence and governance. Indeed, civil wars still happen today in the modern world and neighbor still kills neighbor even though democratic governments strive to make all equal under the law by promoting and embracing an enlightened progressive philosophy. Certainly One World Government is the ultimate social course to pursue but only if the human family is ready for it. Regrettably, I believe it is far to early in our social development to even consider such a thing. Why, you ask? Even though we humans are the sentient life on this beautiful blue planet, we are, nevertheless, still only just one of the animal species that lives here. I know we all believe that we are well beyond mere animal existence, but like it or not, we all still have the antecedent animal instincts still encoded within our DNA (that is, if you believe in Evolution) and we behave the way we do because we are hard-wired by evolution to do so, i.e., we will always be burdened by our primitive animal past. By the way, isn’t it paradoxical that those who believe life accidentally sprang from an inert soup of materials which then allowed evolution to propelled us humans to where we are today, developmental wise, but yet question that our behavior is still governed by our antecedent animal ancestors as well as our evolution derived superior cognitive brains. What’s that you say? You don’t believe we are governed by our primitive past? Oh really. Was that you that ate that nice juicy steak? You are an animal that eats other animals just as big fish eats smaller fish. And don’t hide behind “Well, I’m a vegetarian and I would never eat animal flesh”. Plant life is life just like animal life with the exact same life giving DNA, and the fact is, life must consume life in order to live (at this point in our development, that is) and is just one aspect of our primitive past that we all must live with. I recommend that you read the book “THE MIND OF THE MARKET”, by Michael Shermer, to investigate this line of reasoning further because you will be surprised to learn such things as “fairness” was derived from our hunter-gathering past when those who did not contribute to the clans existence were shunned. This understanding of how we developed a sense of “fairness” goes a long way in explaining why we get so upset today with welfare programs and the like. So, as much as we all would dearly love to live in peace and harmony as one happy human family, we simply have not progressed far enough from our primitive animal past to do so. Personal freedom enabled by democracy and free markets within our respective cloistered nations is still the best possible choice until we all have raised ourselves to the same level of existence and governance. Whenever that happens, we should finally then be really ready for one world Government as a human family. Unfortunately until that time, it is probably true that those who are now clamoring for One World Government are doing so because of the desire for unlimited power. I don’t think you could ask for better proof that our primitive past is still governing our behavior in today’s supposed enlightened environment than the primordial yearning for power over your fellow man. God help us all.

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