God and Guns
Do you remember back in April 2008 when the Presidential Candidate, Barack Hussein Obama (BHO) confided to his urbane buddies in California about the small town residents in Pennsylvania? Here is the quote, “It’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them, or anti-immigrant, or anti-trade sentiment, as a way to explain their frustrations.” I think most people took his remarks as an anti-gun statement as well as confirmation of an elitist attitude. My take on the quote was that it reminded me of an old time aristocratic English explorer sitting comfortably in a massive leather chair within the privileged confines of an exclusive Explorer’s Club, and while sipping gin with the other fellow aristocrats, explained the social workings of a primitive tribe he had discovered while exploring some far-off land. I say that because the quote certainly has an “us and them” quality about it, you know, he did not describe the small town Pennsylvanians as “my fellow Americans”, he instead described “them” in an antiseptic and diagnostic manner. But I digress. Well regardless of my take on the quote, most people took the remark as an anti-gun statement and of course any political statement about guns brings us at once to the Bill of Rights and the second amendment of the Constitution, to wit, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Please indulge me now. I ask you to carefully reread the amendment and do not fixate on the right to keep and bear Arms. My point being that the second amendment is not about the right to keep and bear Arms, it is instead about the right of the free people of this country to form and maintain a Militia. I think the argument about the second amendment has been purposely transformed from one of the people’s right to form and maintain a Militia to one about the right to keep and bear Arms. In other words, how can you have a Militia if the citizens do not have a right to keep and bear Arms? Think about it. A Militia is an ad hoc formation of citizens (not a professional standing army) that relies on the necessity of a citizen to be armed in order for the Militia to be able to viably respond to threats to community or freedom. The political Gun control people are really concerned about the right of the citizens to form and maintain a Militia and if they can criminalize the keeping and bearing of arms, then the people cannot have a viable Militia. And when you think about it, the right to keep and bear Arms must mean Arms equal to that of the Government or again, a Militia cannot be viable. For example, if it was finally decided that citizens could be armed but the authorized weapon could not exceed a 22 caliber single shot pistol, then you have effectively disarmed the Militia. Additionally, arguments about assault rifles, machine guns, etc., is really only another way for the Federal Government to effectively usurp the right to form and maintain a viable citizen Militia by limiting the type of Arms they (the citizens) can keep and bear. Further arguments about the ability to hunt and personal protection, while worthy arguments, are not at all germane to the Militia right. And please, don’t buy into the baloney that the National Guard is the Militia. The National Guard is indeed National and an official and Federal Government funded auxiliary arm of the standing United States Army, not a citizen Militia. My previous piece, “The War of 1787” stated that the anti-federalists insisted on the bill of rights as a protection from a strong central Government’s ability to usurp the individual rights of citizens and the second amendment attests to the importance of the amendment concerning citizen Militias and the maintenance of a free state to ensure those freedoms. Why did the founding fathers attach so much importance to the right of citizens to form and maintain a Militia? As usual, the Federalist Papers is the reference the founding fathers promulgated to explain the language of the Constitution and one can find discussions about Militias in Federalist Papers numbers 24, 26, 28, 29, 47,53, 56 and 69. Of these, Federalist Paper number 47 by Madison is the most illuminating of all. I quote from that paper, “Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of.” It really never occurred to the founding fathers that a free people could ever be denied the means of procuring and maintaining their freedoms when the laws of the Republic failed to do so because free people have an inherent right as free people to be fully armed in order to form and maintain militias to ensure their freedoms. The second amendment was expressly crafted to ensure the people had the armed means to resist a usurping Federal Government bent on complete authority over the people, to wit, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state.” If anyone feels that armed militias have no place in a modern society, then by all means take your case to the people and obtain the consent of the people to amend the Constitution accordingly.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Political Parties
Political Parties
Has this ever happened to you? One day you look at something that has always been a part of your world and suddenly you discover, hey, why I am still using this? For example, a short time ago I looked at my landline telephone and then at my cell phone and said; why do I have my old telephone hanging on the wall when I have a personal telephone in my pocket? All I ever get from the old telephone is unsolicited calls from the FOP and roofing contractors, so why am I still paying for this thing? So I discontinued the telephone service that has been a part of my life for over #?X!** years and I have not missed the old ring-a-ding thing at all. There are a number of other things like the telephone that could be used to make the point, but I think we all understand that we make similar changes every day as circumstances allow and dictate. The point being that time marches on and technology, modern circumstances, personal preferences, etc., all play a role in changing what we need in the modern world to either get along or make life easier. After I wrote the previous piece, “The Decline and Fall of the GOP”, I suddenly thought, who needs political parties in this day and age anyway? Think about it. What is the purpose of a political party in a Democratic Republic? Perhaps in the old days a political party could provide a needed service to the electorate by distilling a political philosophy into every day terms that could be more readily understood by the people. The party could then promote a doctrine that reflected the stated political philosophy and take positions that a citizen could either support or oppose. Well that was then and this is now and the fact is that people nowadays have much more educational opportunities than was available in the good old days and we all should be wiser about all things political as a result. Also, in the good old days, communications was either by word-of-mouth or newspapers, but today we are completely overwhelmed by information coming in from every direction, constantly. So there is no reason on this beautiful blue planet why anyone should not be informed as to what is going on in the world and this knowledge should provide us with all of the wherewithal required to make informed judgments and vote accordingly. So why do we still need political parties telling us what they want us to hear? As a matter of fact, the two party system now entrenched in our political system is more interested in providing misinformation and spin in order to stay in power rather than actually providing an objective political service to the electorate. What the hell, we might as well call a rose a rose; the ruling political parties are corrupt and you cannot believe one word they say. So I say; we don’t need no stinking political parties anymore, let them go the way of the telephone! Let’s all become Independents and trust our own judgments rather than let the self-serving political parties lead us to where they want us to go. Enabling technologies and modern times provides us all with the means to be completely independent, and for goodness sakes, now is the time to do so. This is something we can actually do, and by so doing, it (become Independents) could well be the first meaningful step by the people to take back control of our country. Think about it. I can’t imagine a more freedom-enhancing situation than having a completely Independent electorate guiding the country.
Has this ever happened to you? One day you look at something that has always been a part of your world and suddenly you discover, hey, why I am still using this? For example, a short time ago I looked at my landline telephone and then at my cell phone and said; why do I have my old telephone hanging on the wall when I have a personal telephone in my pocket? All I ever get from the old telephone is unsolicited calls from the FOP and roofing contractors, so why am I still paying for this thing? So I discontinued the telephone service that has been a part of my life for over #?X!** years and I have not missed the old ring-a-ding thing at all. There are a number of other things like the telephone that could be used to make the point, but I think we all understand that we make similar changes every day as circumstances allow and dictate. The point being that time marches on and technology, modern circumstances, personal preferences, etc., all play a role in changing what we need in the modern world to either get along or make life easier. After I wrote the previous piece, “The Decline and Fall of the GOP”, I suddenly thought, who needs political parties in this day and age anyway? Think about it. What is the purpose of a political party in a Democratic Republic? Perhaps in the old days a political party could provide a needed service to the electorate by distilling a political philosophy into every day terms that could be more readily understood by the people. The party could then promote a doctrine that reflected the stated political philosophy and take positions that a citizen could either support or oppose. Well that was then and this is now and the fact is that people nowadays have much more educational opportunities than was available in the good old days and we all should be wiser about all things political as a result. Also, in the good old days, communications was either by word-of-mouth or newspapers, but today we are completely overwhelmed by information coming in from every direction, constantly. So there is no reason on this beautiful blue planet why anyone should not be informed as to what is going on in the world and this knowledge should provide us with all of the wherewithal required to make informed judgments and vote accordingly. So why do we still need political parties telling us what they want us to hear? As a matter of fact, the two party system now entrenched in our political system is more interested in providing misinformation and spin in order to stay in power rather than actually providing an objective political service to the electorate. What the hell, we might as well call a rose a rose; the ruling political parties are corrupt and you cannot believe one word they say. So I say; we don’t need no stinking political parties anymore, let them go the way of the telephone! Let’s all become Independents and trust our own judgments rather than let the self-serving political parties lead us to where they want us to go. Enabling technologies and modern times provides us all with the means to be completely independent, and for goodness sakes, now is the time to do so. This is something we can actually do, and by so doing, it (become Independents) could well be the first meaningful step by the people to take back control of our country. Think about it. I can’t imagine a more freedom-enhancing situation than having a completely Independent electorate guiding the country.
Monday, May 25, 2009
The Decline and Fall of the GOP
The Decline and Fall of the GOP
Times They Are A-Changin’ (Bob Dylan). Well of course times are a-changin’, nothing in this universe is ever static and the fact that the affairs of mice and men are still a-changin’ in our time is just as inevitable as death, taxes and Oprah giving advice to the eager. Listening to Colin Powell, Newt Gingrich, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Tom Ridge, John McCain and others mix it up over the future of the Republican Party (GOP) is about as boring as watching paint peel and listening to rusty wheels squeak, but as often is the case, the boring stuff can be the most important stuff in the grand scheme of things. Squeaking wheels and peeling paint aside, the mutterings of the aforementioned could well be the death rattle of the Grand Old Party and the possible demise of this very important force in American Body Politic should be the cause for serious introspection by the body citizenry. Let us not forget that the Republican Party grew into a National political force from the ashes of the Whigs when the Whigs as a national political party could not agree to support or oppose slavery, and as a result, fractured into obscurity as a national political force. Notable people, such as Abraham Lincoln, switched to the Republican Party from the Whigs because the Republican Party opposed slavery while the Whigs that supported slavery switched to the Democratic Party and aligned themselves with the southern political contingent. Rank and file Whigs that opposed slavery switched to the Republican Party and became aligned with the northern political contingent. And so the stage for the great Civil war was set, rather boring stuff, huh? For the life of me, I can never understand the bloc support by the Black Community for the Democratic Party when it was the Republican Party, and not the Democratic Party, that supported the abolition of slavery, and indeed, as late as 1964, it was the Republicans that provided the support needed to pass the Civil Rights act when the Dixiecrats (southern Democrats) as well as other Democrats opposed the passage of the Civil Rights Act. But I digress. When discussing the decline and fall of important social entities, like the GOP, people often return to the seminal work of Edward Gibbon (The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 1776) to make sense of it all. I too returned to that work and found what I was looking for and I will quote the passage of interest: “The decline of Rome was the natural and inevitable effect of immoderate greatness. Prosperity ripened the principal of decay;” This quote about ancient Rome suffering from the effects of “Immoderate Greatness” could certainly apply to the GOP and indeed the USA as our power and influence on the world stage has been without peer and our immoderate greatness propelled a prosperity that was the envy of all. But alas, “Prosperity ripened the principal of decay”, describes the great engine of social change because decay always follows closely on the heels of unbridled success. Few could argue that decay has not set in where prosperity once ruled the day, not only for the GOP, but for the USA as well. Lets look at the GOP and the total success it enjoyed when it inherited a balanced budget and surpluses “as far as the eye can see” from President Bill Clinton in the year 2000. Not only did the GOP inherit a sound economy (for the moment), the GOP gained a massive political advantage granted by an electorate that had grown weary of silly peccadilloes and the secret dealings of a cult Government. What did the GOP do with its “Immoderate Greatness”? It totally focused on the maintenance of personal as well as party political power and spent the country into ruin while propelling us deeper into a bigger and bigger socialist style Government of entitlements and rights. The prosperity that can ruin a country can also decay a Political Party into obscurity as quickly as it can ruin an individual indulging in excess. The sound economy for the moment that the GOP inherited from President Bill Clinton was in reality a ticking time-bomb because the GOP as well as the Dems had a hand in passage of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley (GLB) act in 1999 that repealed part of the 1933 Glass-Steagall act. The passage of the GLB act set the stage for the financial disaster that has befallen us today by, in general, virtually eliminating regulation of lending and banking and that lack of prudent regulation allowed greed to take flight and ruin citizen and countries alike. Another insight can be gained about the effect of the GLB act on our current financial disaster from the historians Arnold Toynbee and James Burke. Toynbee and Burke argue that ancient Rome was doomed from the start because its economy was basically a “Raubwirtschaft” or plunder economy based on looting existing resources rather than producing anything new. When GLB was passed, it accelerated our decent into a consuming economy fueled by making money off of money. Making money off of money is the new and improved modern way of managing a plunder economy that simply loots existing resources gained from things of real value and multiplies (substitute the modern financial term of leveraging here) the real value into an inflated value that cannot sustain a real economy. In short, our modern 70% consumer economy is based on plunder looted from existing resources and was enabled by passage of the GLB act that the GOP and Dems can both take credit for. But again, I digress. I believe the GOP is doomed and I say, good riddance. All in all, what a dumb and stupid end for the Grand Old Party that rose into prominence by championing the abolishment of the scourge of slavery. I hope one day soon to say that the Democratic Party is also doomed and we all can say, good riddance. With each passing day, more and more citizens are finally waking up to the fact that a periodic revolution at the ballot box is no longer possible with the corrupt entrenched two-party system that we now have. Realizing this situation is accelerating the identification of being an Independent rather than Republican or Democrat and we can only hope our enlightened youth will step into the void with some new leadership some day soon.
Times They Are A-Changin’ (Bob Dylan). Well of course times are a-changin’, nothing in this universe is ever static and the fact that the affairs of mice and men are still a-changin’ in our time is just as inevitable as death, taxes and Oprah giving advice to the eager. Listening to Colin Powell, Newt Gingrich, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Tom Ridge, John McCain and others mix it up over the future of the Republican Party (GOP) is about as boring as watching paint peel and listening to rusty wheels squeak, but as often is the case, the boring stuff can be the most important stuff in the grand scheme of things. Squeaking wheels and peeling paint aside, the mutterings of the aforementioned could well be the death rattle of the Grand Old Party and the possible demise of this very important force in American Body Politic should be the cause for serious introspection by the body citizenry. Let us not forget that the Republican Party grew into a National political force from the ashes of the Whigs when the Whigs as a national political party could not agree to support or oppose slavery, and as a result, fractured into obscurity as a national political force. Notable people, such as Abraham Lincoln, switched to the Republican Party from the Whigs because the Republican Party opposed slavery while the Whigs that supported slavery switched to the Democratic Party and aligned themselves with the southern political contingent. Rank and file Whigs that opposed slavery switched to the Republican Party and became aligned with the northern political contingent. And so the stage for the great Civil war was set, rather boring stuff, huh? For the life of me, I can never understand the bloc support by the Black Community for the Democratic Party when it was the Republican Party, and not the Democratic Party, that supported the abolition of slavery, and indeed, as late as 1964, it was the Republicans that provided the support needed to pass the Civil Rights act when the Dixiecrats (southern Democrats) as well as other Democrats opposed the passage of the Civil Rights Act. But I digress. When discussing the decline and fall of important social entities, like the GOP, people often return to the seminal work of Edward Gibbon (The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 1776) to make sense of it all. I too returned to that work and found what I was looking for and I will quote the passage of interest: “The decline of Rome was the natural and inevitable effect of immoderate greatness. Prosperity ripened the principal of decay;” This quote about ancient Rome suffering from the effects of “Immoderate Greatness” could certainly apply to the GOP and indeed the USA as our power and influence on the world stage has been without peer and our immoderate greatness propelled a prosperity that was the envy of all. But alas, “Prosperity ripened the principal of decay”, describes the great engine of social change because decay always follows closely on the heels of unbridled success. Few could argue that decay has not set in where prosperity once ruled the day, not only for the GOP, but for the USA as well. Lets look at the GOP and the total success it enjoyed when it inherited a balanced budget and surpluses “as far as the eye can see” from President Bill Clinton in the year 2000. Not only did the GOP inherit a sound economy (for the moment), the GOP gained a massive political advantage granted by an electorate that had grown weary of silly peccadilloes and the secret dealings of a cult Government. What did the GOP do with its “Immoderate Greatness”? It totally focused on the maintenance of personal as well as party political power and spent the country into ruin while propelling us deeper into a bigger and bigger socialist style Government of entitlements and rights. The prosperity that can ruin a country can also decay a Political Party into obscurity as quickly as it can ruin an individual indulging in excess. The sound economy for the moment that the GOP inherited from President Bill Clinton was in reality a ticking time-bomb because the GOP as well as the Dems had a hand in passage of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley (GLB) act in 1999 that repealed part of the 1933 Glass-Steagall act. The passage of the GLB act set the stage for the financial disaster that has befallen us today by, in general, virtually eliminating regulation of lending and banking and that lack of prudent regulation allowed greed to take flight and ruin citizen and countries alike. Another insight can be gained about the effect of the GLB act on our current financial disaster from the historians Arnold Toynbee and James Burke. Toynbee and Burke argue that ancient Rome was doomed from the start because its economy was basically a “Raubwirtschaft” or plunder economy based on looting existing resources rather than producing anything new. When GLB was passed, it accelerated our decent into a consuming economy fueled by making money off of money. Making money off of money is the new and improved modern way of managing a plunder economy that simply loots existing resources gained from things of real value and multiplies (substitute the modern financial term of leveraging here) the real value into an inflated value that cannot sustain a real economy. In short, our modern 70% consumer economy is based on plunder looted from existing resources and was enabled by passage of the GLB act that the GOP and Dems can both take credit for. But again, I digress. I believe the GOP is doomed and I say, good riddance. All in all, what a dumb and stupid end for the Grand Old Party that rose into prominence by championing the abolishment of the scourge of slavery. I hope one day soon to say that the Democratic Party is also doomed and we all can say, good riddance. With each passing day, more and more citizens are finally waking up to the fact that a periodic revolution at the ballot box is no longer possible with the corrupt entrenched two-party system that we now have. Realizing this situation is accelerating the identification of being an Independent rather than Republican or Democrat and we can only hope our enlightened youth will step into the void with some new leadership some day soon.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Rock In Tree
Rock In Tree
Lets say that your television set crapped out, and in desperation for something else to do, you meandered down to Brown County Indiana. Further, after stopping at the Dairy Queen for a “Death by Chocolate” blizzard, a local yokel directed you towards the very small town of Needmore Indiana (wouldn’t you just love to find out how the town of Needmore Indiana got it’s name?), because, he said, there was evidence that aliens from outer space had visited the area and proof of the outer space visit could be found in the Yellowwood State Forest. Well now, vegetating in front of a TV is one thing, but looking at a potential full-scale adventure is quite another, and so with eager anticipation radiating from your gullible big-city face, you ask the knowledgeable Hoosier for directions to where you could find the evidence for the out-of-this-world event. After much arm waving about this crook in the road and that turn-off next to the scum-covered pond, and, oh by the way, what out for ticks (don’t wear white clothing) you are directed to a country gravel road in the middle of no place, where, no doubt, the Owls make love to the Chickens in the dark of night. And so fortified with an ice-cold brewski, you put on your hiking boots and prepare to hike to a most unusual place, a place where few have even heard about and fewer still have even bothered to go. If you have a GPS, you’re in luck. Punch in the following coordinates, 39°, 12.204 North and 086°, 21.995 West. Take your time in getting to the GPS point because the forest is about the way it was before there was even a people called Hoosiers milling about in the area and so there is much to see as you walk in the privileged area. Perhaps you will notice that the flora and critters haven’t changed all that much since the time when the last continental Glacier ground to a halt on this very spot and before the stout Hoosiers began to chop down the old growth trees in an attempt to eke out a living in these parts. If you would have gotten to the designated GPS coordinates a couple of years ago, you would have found a mighty 80 foot Oak tree on the banks of Plum Creek (or Plum Crick as the indigenous folk call it), and if you looked up, you would have seen a 400 pound boulder wedged in a branch fork about 30 feet up. No doubt you have noticed that I mentioned that if you would have gotten to this place a couple of years ago, you would have seen what is pictured above, because a mighty storm racked the area a awhile back and felled the once mighty and storied tree with the terrestrial interloper still locked in it’s branches. The tree fell with the pictured stone still firmly wedged in its fork and it now lies on the forest floor instead of reaching for the sky with its strange burden trying to pull it down. But wait, there’s more. There are a number of trees that are still standing around in the same area that have big rocks in their branches. Here are the GPS coordinates for two more of them: N39, 14.986, W086, 18.492 and N39, 14.984, W086, 18.560. I have went to these places and seen the strange sight of boulders in the tree tops with my own eyes and have speculated, along with many others, as to how heavy rocks could find themselves, up in a tree. Many experts have speculated about how the rocks defied gravity and lodged themselves in the tops of trees, but in reality, no one knows. There are two prominent theories concerning this mystery and they are, (1) drunken IU students put the heavy stones in the trees by some unknown means and they did so because it seemed the thing to do at the time with the added benefit of confounding the local Hoosiers by doing so, (2) a UFO visited the area and put the stones up in the trees. I personally think that theory (1) is the most plausible theory because I have seen the many implausible and mysterious things that drunken IU students have done in the past. As far as the UFO theory, think about it. Why would a people smart enough to build space ships that can motor about the cosmos find it necessary to go to Needmore Indiana in order to place rocks in the tops of trees? Would they do so to confound Hoosiers? I think not, because there are many lesser things that confound Hoosiers, e.g., Hoosiers are still confounded about the change to daylight saving time, so placing heavy rocks up in the trees would not seem a worthy endeavor by an advanced race of greenies. But there is something else about these rocks in the trees. Rocks do not belong in the top of a tree; they belong on the ground with all of the other rocks. As I looked up at the trees this obvious truth became apparent because like the rocks stuck up in a tree, there are those among us that are also stuck in a place where we do not belong. Some call these out-of-place people Contrarians, because they always seem out of place with their contrary opinions and counter arguments. In these days and times, I feel more and more like a Rock in a Tree.
Lets say that your television set crapped out, and in desperation for something else to do, you meandered down to Brown County Indiana. Further, after stopping at the Dairy Queen for a “Death by Chocolate” blizzard, a local yokel directed you towards the very small town of Needmore Indiana (wouldn’t you just love to find out how the town of Needmore Indiana got it’s name?), because, he said, there was evidence that aliens from outer space had visited the area and proof of the outer space visit could be found in the Yellowwood State Forest. Well now, vegetating in front of a TV is one thing, but looking at a potential full-scale adventure is quite another, and so with eager anticipation radiating from your gullible big-city face, you ask the knowledgeable Hoosier for directions to where you could find the evidence for the out-of-this-world event. After much arm waving about this crook in the road and that turn-off next to the scum-covered pond, and, oh by the way, what out for ticks (don’t wear white clothing) you are directed to a country gravel road in the middle of no place, where, no doubt, the Owls make love to the Chickens in the dark of night. And so fortified with an ice-cold brewski, you put on your hiking boots and prepare to hike to a most unusual place, a place where few have even heard about and fewer still have even bothered to go. If you have a GPS, you’re in luck. Punch in the following coordinates, 39°, 12.204 North and 086°, 21.995 West. Take your time in getting to the GPS point because the forest is about the way it was before there was even a people called Hoosiers milling about in the area and so there is much to see as you walk in the privileged area. Perhaps you will notice that the flora and critters haven’t changed all that much since the time when the last continental Glacier ground to a halt on this very spot and before the stout Hoosiers began to chop down the old growth trees in an attempt to eke out a living in these parts. If you would have gotten to the designated GPS coordinates a couple of years ago, you would have found a mighty 80 foot Oak tree on the banks of Plum Creek (or Plum Crick as the indigenous folk call it), and if you looked up, you would have seen a 400 pound boulder wedged in a branch fork about 30 feet up. No doubt you have noticed that I mentioned that if you would have gotten to this place a couple of years ago, you would have seen what is pictured above, because a mighty storm racked the area a awhile back and felled the once mighty and storied tree with the terrestrial interloper still locked in it’s branches. The tree fell with the pictured stone still firmly wedged in its fork and it now lies on the forest floor instead of reaching for the sky with its strange burden trying to pull it down. But wait, there’s more. There are a number of trees that are still standing around in the same area that have big rocks in their branches. Here are the GPS coordinates for two more of them: N39, 14.986, W086, 18.492 and N39, 14.984, W086, 18.560. I have went to these places and seen the strange sight of boulders in the tree tops with my own eyes and have speculated, along with many others, as to how heavy rocks could find themselves, up in a tree. Many experts have speculated about how the rocks defied gravity and lodged themselves in the tops of trees, but in reality, no one knows. There are two prominent theories concerning this mystery and they are, (1) drunken IU students put the heavy stones in the trees by some unknown means and they did so because it seemed the thing to do at the time with the added benefit of confounding the local Hoosiers by doing so, (2) a UFO visited the area and put the stones up in the trees. I personally think that theory (1) is the most plausible theory because I have seen the many implausible and mysterious things that drunken IU students have done in the past. As far as the UFO theory, think about it. Why would a people smart enough to build space ships that can motor about the cosmos find it necessary to go to Needmore Indiana in order to place rocks in the tops of trees? Would they do so to confound Hoosiers? I think not, because there are many lesser things that confound Hoosiers, e.g., Hoosiers are still confounded about the change to daylight saving time, so placing heavy rocks up in the trees would not seem a worthy endeavor by an advanced race of greenies. But there is something else about these rocks in the trees. Rocks do not belong in the top of a tree; they belong on the ground with all of the other rocks. As I looked up at the trees this obvious truth became apparent because like the rocks stuck up in a tree, there are those among us that are also stuck in a place where we do not belong. Some call these out-of-place people Contrarians, because they always seem out of place with their contrary opinions and counter arguments. In these days and times, I feel more and more like a Rock in a Tree.
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