Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Bend Down

Bend Down

Bend down. Bend down low and hear my lament:
Who will cry out and care for the forgotten when the fog of crisis blinds and frightens virtuous fools and unscrupulous mavens alike? The virtuous fools, who are now blinded and bewildered by the fog of crisis now becoming reality, are those who swooned and stampeded like ignorant children into believing that an effortless Nirvana awaited us all, if only we just believe. Yes, those virtuous fools who feasted upon “feel-good” ideas and soaring rhetoric that promised a new world of enlightenment that would educate the ignorant, bring wealth to the poor, justice to the downtrodden, healing to the sick and respect from the world at large, and all to be gained by just believing. The virtuous fools cannot cry out and care for the forgotten because they still believe in the carefully constructed hooey that was designed to bring power to those who strive to remake us into something that we are not. Could it be, Pogo, that we have met the virtuous fools and the virtuous fools are us? The unscrupulous mavens, who only worship greed and lust for power, are only freighted by the unfolding crisis because they must blindly hurry in the resulting fog to find a way to turn a profit and retain power from the very mess that they created and they care not one wit about the forgotten. And who are the forgotten and what is the crisis? The forgotten are our progeny, our children and grandchildren, who will inherit a broken country that renders freedom meaningless. The crisis that I am speaking of is unfolding before our very eyes and is the changing of our democratic Republic into a broken third-world wreck by the Educated Idiots (or the French, Idiot Savants, if you prefer) in the form of BHO and Company who are heel-bent to remake our country into some kind of Socialist thing and remake the world for good measure. My lament is that our innocent children and grandchildren will not benefit, as we did, from the careful husbandry of our magnificent country by those who preceded us that not only blessed us with freedom, wealth and unlimited opportunity, but also instilled within us, a sense of morality that was the envy of the world.
Fall down. Fall down and hear my despair:
The wrecking of our country will occur not from bullets or bombs rained down upon us by despots or fanatics, the wreckage will be perpetrated by the Educated Idiots we ourselves place into Governance over us. The cascading financial debacle, perpetrated by greed and lust for power, will be used by the Educated Idiots as a fortuitous vehicle to purposely debauch our money into worthless pieces of paper and thereby make us all beholding to the Government instead of ourselves for our livelihood and well being. What an inglorious legacy for such a glorious country.

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