Saturday, February 21, 2009

Womb Government

Womb Government

Rosy Fingered Dawn comes creeping up over the eastern darkness and the birds and other critters acknowledge the new day mistress by beginning to stir from their nocturnal sojourn. Hesitant chirping and animal mutterings signal that a new day is about to begin as the rosy glow gently changes night into day. Be it a day of new challenges or boring sameness, only time will tell. The soft colored light begins to filter through your bedroom window and starts the process of washing out the gray scale images of fitful sleep by bringing color and revealing structure to your bedroom and nuance to your consciousness. If you’re fortunate enough to have a loving mate, you resist the urge to awaken further by pulling closer to the warmth and security that is yours for the taking. Instead of springing out of the warm embrace of your bed, you instead wriggle down into the covers much like the vice grip hold that Linus always has on his security blanket. If the above describes in any way your routine of meeting the day, don’t feel too bad about it. We all do the same thing in one manner or another. I believe it has something to do with a primordial instinct that is plumbed into us all and that is to seek the warmth of security in order to put off the harshness of reality and the uncertainty of life and living. Some have even said that our craving for warmth and security is a universal longing to return to the womb where it was always warm, safe and secure notwithstanding that everything was not only comfortable but all of life’s requirements were being provided for as well. Some have even likened Mother Earth as being a womb that shelters us all while proving for all of our needs during our sojourn here on this beautiful blue planet. That’s a fanciful notion I could believe in. The thing about being safe and warm in the security of a Mother’s womb is that you are not free to do everything you would like to do, in others words Brothers and Sisters, there is never a free lunch. There are some really, really smart people that know all about Mark 1 Mod 0 humans longings for the warmth that security brings to the human condition and that, most generally, we are prepared to give up a great deal of freedom to obtain it (security). These really smart people use this knowledge to their advantage as they create programs and situations that are irresistible to us in our desire for the warmth of security that having all of life’s requirements provided for us brings. Why do these smart people do this? Come on now, you can’t really be that naïve, can you? They do it to obtain and hold onto power. As responsible adults (removed from the real womb, that is), we all know that we really can’t get something for nothing, (like government provided universal health care, social security, welfare for the poor, education for all, housing and shelter for all, food for all, etc.,) but we always buy into the notion that it is the other guy who is going to pay the price. Some have called this kind of Government that is so kind and caring “Nanny Government”, but I really think a much better term would be “Womb Government”. Well the price we all must pay for Womb Government not only comes out our paychecks but it is also paid for with our loss of freedom as well. The country’s founding Fathers were also very smart and they knew about the human condition much better that most of the Flim Flamers of today. They struggled mightily with the rare opportunity to start with a clean slate and create a kind of government that would not only preserve the dignity of man but guarantee freedom for all as well. The Government that was finally decided upon is called a Republic and not a Democracy. That form of Government, Republic, is being systematically destroyed by the notion and desire for Womb Government. The founding fathers were deathly afraid of the “Tyranny of the Majority” because the founding fathers knew that the majority can be easily manipulated by the clever (womb to tomb benevolence) to obtain and keep power and that’s why a Democracy was feared. History proves the founding fathers wisdom in this regard. A Republic uses the rule of law to ensure liberty and justice for all and it’s not at all surprising that the “Justice System (Supreme and federal courts)” is the vehicle used to change the Constitution and establish law to create a Democracy where none existed before. This is being done in order to enable the far left agenda that uses Womb Government to further that agenda. We good people unknowingly further the far left agenda by not insisting on change back to our Republican form of Government but by accepting the silly notion of Womb Government as well. My friend Dick Blaker has dug out an amazing video that is the best I’ve seen to further explain this Government thing. I hope you will take the time to view this very important work.

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