Sunday, August 27, 2017

Draining The Swamp

The 17th Amendment to the Constitution is the germ that has infected our Democratic Republic and created the swamp. The only way the swamp can be drained is to enact the below propose 28th Amendment. By enacting this Amendment, the drain plug can be pulled that will enable the swanp to be effectively drained.




Section 1. The seventeenth and twenty-seventh articles of amendment to the Constitution of the United States are hereby repealed in their entirety.

Section 2. Senators appointed by their respective State Legislature to the Congress shall be compensated exclusively by the State Legislature that appointed them for all expenses and wages associated with the execution of their appointed office. Acceptance of any compensation or gift whatsoever by the Senator from any source other than from the appointing State Legislature shall be cause for immediate removal from office.

Section 3. Representatives elected to the Congress shall be compensated exclusively by the Congressional District from which they were elected for all expenses and wages associated with the execution of their elected office.  Acceptance of any compensation or gift whatsoever by the Representative from any source other than the electing Congressional District shall be cause for immediate removal from office.  Elected Representatives may serve a maximum of three terms.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017


“We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.”

― Winston Churchill

Tuesday, May 2, 2017


Its time for the Republican Party to be retired as the Wigs were some time ago and let the Republican professional politicians (RINOs) join the Democrats where they will be welcomed.

Swamp Politics

An election was held, people voted, the Republicans won everything, promised big change, the result being the Democrats and ruling class are still in charge.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

American Socialism

The slow decline of American exceptionalism into the abyss of socialism continues unabated since FDR started his Social Security program. Obamacare and the "Me Too" Republican Obamacare lite is just another step towards the abyss.

Thursday, March 2, 2017


The plight of today’s Obamacare harkens me back to the day when there were public pay toilets. There was a pitiful refrain after one put their money into the door of the toilet and set down to get one’s money worth. Perhaps a word could be changed in the old refrain to match today’s Obamacare, but the sentiment is still spot on. That old refrain goes like this, “Here I sit all brokenhearted, paid to poop but only farted.”  

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Rocks In Trees

Ronald L Clark is pleased to announce that his 5th book has been published and is available world wide in all book stores and of course from Amazon and Barns & Noble. However, for quick response, and as a favor to the author, you are encouraged to buy directly from the publisher. The link to do so is provided below:

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Election 2016

Perhaps, I'm just saying, Trump was not elected to unify the country. He was instead, elected to do war with the Ruling Class and give the power back to the people. If he can win the war with the Ruling Class then perhaps the country will stand a good chance of unifying once the Ruling Class will no longer be able to divide the people in order to maintain power.

Monday, January 2, 2017


Its great to be alive and enjoying the magnificent show called life. Dear Readers, I hope that the new year will afford you and yours the best show ever.