There has been a great deal of rhetoric lately about the
need for a reformation of Islam to rid us of the so-called "radical
Islam" that is largely responsible for worldwide terror. Not only is
Radical Islam responsible for rampant terror, it is also responsible for the
new holocaust of Christians unlucky enough to be living in the lands where
Radical Islam is in total control. I think this rhetoric about Islamic
Reformation has currency because the Reformation of Christianity was so
successful, and so it follows that a similar reformation of Islam would produce
the same positive result.
Not so, say I.
The Christian reformation was enabled, in large part, by the
invention of the printing press. The printing press not only put the unedited
Holy Bible in citizen's hands, the start of the Industrial revolution also
enabled a new middle class to form and become enlightened. The Holy Bible was
not changed by the printing press; it was made available to the masses
unchanged. And so, the Biblical message of Jesus riding an ass while waving
palm leaves instead of a sword, and preaching a gospel of Love and Peace, was
made manifest to all who would read and understand.
The impossibility of a likewise reformation of Islam is so
because the Holy Koran is now available to all who would avail themselves, and
that Holy Koran would have to be changed to enable a reformation. That is to
say, all that is happening in the name of Islam today is clearly authorized by
the Holy Koran as it is written today. So it follows that in order to reform
Islam, the Holy Koran would be required to change or added to as it stands
today. This in itself is not impossible because the Holy Koran is so
constructed that whatever is written last will supersede all that was
previously written and at odds with that which is written later.
In my opinion, changing the Holy Koran to reform Islam will
never happen today, tomorrow or ever.