Friday, November 16, 2012

Taxes Are Power

This post relates, in part, to the so-called Fiscal Cliff and the contrived crisis to force the country to vote for more taxes, and more power. We deserve what we get.
I hope by now, all of American Citizens fully realize that Taxes are Power, i.e., more taxes equals more power, less taxes equals less power. If the body citizen fails to understand this axiom, then we all will see power continued to be consolidated within the Federal Government at the expense of individual freedom.

So what is the inscrutable way the Government can raise taxes and increase their power and still have the body citizen go along with it?

Why you spend, spend and keep on spending until the national debt threatens to destroy the country which the citizens will then demand taxes be raised to save the country, thats how.

Good Lord, we are so dumb that it staggers the imagination.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Social Lab Rats

From Mr. Mark Levin:

November 7, 2012

MARK LEVIN: We conservatives, we do not accept

bipartisanship in the pursuit of tyranny - period. We will

not negotiate the terms of our economic and political

servitude - period. We will not abandon our child to a dark

and bleak future. We will not accept a fate that is alien to

the legacy we inherited from every single future generation

in this country. We will not accept social engineering by

politicians and bureaucrats who treat us like lab rats,

rather than self-sufficient human beings. There are those

in this country who choose tyranny over liberty. They do

not speak for us, 57 million of us who voted against this

yesterday, and they do not get to dictate to us under our


We are the alternative. We will resist. We're not going to

surrender to this. We will not be passive. We will not be

compliant in our demise. We're not good losers. You better

believe we're sore losers! A good loser is a loser forever.

Now I hear we're called 'purists.' Conservatives are called

purists. The very people who keep nominating moderates,

now call us purists the way the left calls us purists. Yeah,

things like liberty, and property rights, individual

sovereignty, and the Constitution, and capitalism. We're

purists now. And we have to hear this crap from

conservatives, or pseudo-conservatives, Republicans.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Daylight Saving Time


After Daylight Saving Time was explained to the old Indian, the old Indian said:

Only the Government could believe you can cut a foot off the top of a blanket, sew it on the bottom of the blanket, and then have a longer blanket.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Before The Cock Crowed

Peter denied Christ three times before the Cock crowed, and Christ was crucified for man’s sin.

Obama denied his Ambassador three times before the Cock crowed, and the Ambassador was killed for 40 days of reelection politics.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Ronald L Clark announces publication of his latest book, Libertas And Thunderbolt, ISBN-13:9781455751214
A brief Synopsis follows:
Carl Sagan, Steven Hawking, and others, are well known for their theory of why we do not see abundant intelligent extraterrestrial life all around us. The reason being, that once intelligent life discovers technology, that technology is used in a self-destructive orgy that brings about the extinction of all intelligent life within reach. So, when one looks out into the Cosmos to search for intelligent life, all life that once was there, no longer exists, save mankind. This theory, of course, has profound implications for us stranded here on spaceship Earth, especially as we watch in horror as our technology grinds out bigger and more powerful weapons of mass destruction every day. This book is a flight of fancy that supposes our Creators (with profound apologies to those who do not believe we have Creators) have undertaken a mission to save Humankind from blowing themselves to kingdom come just like all of the other "Intelligent" life has already done well before mankind began to build parking lots, shopping malls, and H-Bombs. Our Creators have names, and their names are Yahweh and Asherah. So come take an interstellar ride with Yahweh and Asherah as they struggle to help Humankind become an exception to the doomsday theories of Sagan and Hawking.
This book can be purchased at any book store or on line at any book retailer. I have included links to Amazon and Barns and Noble:
Ron Clark

Monday, April 16, 2012

Vesting Redux

Please bear with me as I once again post the piece on the insidious use of VESTING as a means to make Government Programs permanent and unstoppable. I have come upon a quote from President Franklin D. Roosevelt during the implementation of Social Security Program that proves the charge that these programs were developed with vesting as a fundelmental and important part of their structure in order to make them unstoppable. President Roosevelt quote, to wit:
"Those taxes (Social Security payroll taxes) were never a problem of economics. They are politics all the way through. We put those payroll taxes (Social Security Taxes) there so as to give the contributors a legal, moral, and political right to collect their pensions and their unemployment benefits. With those taxes in there, no dammed politician can ever scrap my Social Security Program. Those taxes aren't a matter of economics, they're straight politics."
Quote source:

Why We Can’t Win At The Ballot Box

You say you want to cut Big Government down to size and regain our freedoms by using the ballot box? Good luck with that. It can’t be done and here is the reason why. VESTING.

That’s right fellow citizens, VESTING. What is vesting? Vesting is when you invest your money, time or other good and valuable resources into a program and then expect a return on your investment. Let me give you a real life example of how our elected Government uses Vesting as an insidious device to perpetuate and expand power by creating basically social programs that cannot ever be stopped or curtailed because of vesting.

Let’s take Social Security as an example and here is how it works. You start a safety net program for old age and pass a law that says you must participate in the program by paying taxes to support the program. Viola, you are now part of the program and you can’t get out without losing all of the money you have paid in even if you could. After time passes you realize that you have paid a great deal of money into the system and you then demand that the program be continued in order that you receive your fair share of what you have invested into the system. In short, you have become VESTED regardless if you wanted to be or not, and the program can never, never ever, be terminated because the citizens have become VESTED in the program.

It only gets better. The Government keeps on expanding the program (Social Security) into other areas and forces you to pay more taxes because you can’t or won’t get out of the program due to VESTING. I bet most people don’t realize that Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, Aid to Dependant Children, etc. were all enacted under the Social Security Act. Insidious. Now multiply all of the others program that use vesting to perpetuate themselves and you have a situation where the citizens of this country will never allow anyone to stop these programs because of VESTING. For these programs to be fair, they should include an “Op In” clause so that if you want the Government to run your healthcare or retirement, then you must Op In into the program and only you and others who Op In to pay the taxes to support the program. I am now laughing out loud! You should live so long. I’m sorry Brothers and Sisters, you can’t fix our Big Government via the ballot box, it was designed to be unstoppable.

Monday, April 9, 2012


I feel compelled to address the ongoing Orwellian speak being accepted by intelligent people everywhere. The subject is the acceptance of the "Green" label for things that minimize the release of CO2 (Carbon Dioxide).
For example: By shutting down coal burning power plants, we will reduce the amount of CO2 released and thereby encourage ways of producing energy that does not release CO2. These new ways of producing energy, sans CO2, is the "Green" way to produce energy.
Incredible; have we completely lost our collective intelligence?
Flora, all plant green things, require CO2 as their life's blood in order to be green. More CO2, more green things. More green things, more O2 for Humans and other animals as a byproduct.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Gas Price

I guess being cynical nowadays means you are way more right than wrong.
Take the gas price surge.
Here is a cynical look at why the current spiking gasoline prices could be occurring
What if the oil companies have had a belly full of Obama and his desire to force gasoline price up in order to promote a "green" agenda. So perhaps, the companies are conspiring to jack up the gas prices themselves in order that people will blame BHO for wrecking their economic lives.
You know, a proactive approach to ensure BHO looses the election because it looks like the Repubs are going to screw up this election big time.
I'm just saying

Friday, March 2, 2012

A Conflict Of Visions

Perhaps you have been as confused as I by what is going on in the Political Arena and society in general nowadays. I am confused because I refuse to believe that the root cause of our loss of freedoms and the decline of morality in our society is because the powerful people who are orchestrating the loss of freedom and morality decline are doing it because they are inherently evil. Perhaps I’m an eternal and naive optimist, but I feel for the most part the powerful behind-the-scenes movers and shakers, along with their compatriots in the Governing Class, are not really evil. I like to believe they are not evil because they simply believe that what they are doing is because they sincerely believe that their vision for the country is the best way for all people. They believe and do these things even if they use deceit and power to force people to adhere to their vision. A fine example of, The Ends Justify The Means.

The problem with this, of course, is that evil is never done in the name of evil it is always done in the name of glorious good for all, regardless if the Do-Gooders are evil or not These people may not be inherently evil, but they sure as hell enjoy the power that comes from enforcing their vision. All of which means, free people are no longer free, and are forced to give up their freedom and hard earned treasure by those in power, for the good of all, of course.

I have found some clarity to all of this by reading a book that goes a long way in understanding why these people are doing what they are doing. The book, A conflict Of Visions, by Thomas Sowell:

posits that the reason for today’s political schism is because people have a conflict of vision on how society should operate. The difference in visions being:

Constrained and Unconstrained Visions.

Constrained vision meaning, man is born with certain inalienable God given rights along with a hard-wired notion of what is “right” and “wrong” developed from experience generated from countless generations of social living. All of these things then form the inherent nature of man. What this means is that Government must accommodate the fact that man is constrained by these things and must not seek to change the nature of man. The US Constitution is the incorporation of this vision.

Unconstrained Vision meaning, the nature of man is not fixed but is malleble and capable of being changed by superior knowledge and benevolent intent, for the betterment of all. Of course, only those with superior knowledge know what is best for all. Socialist Governance is the incorporation of this vision.

Reading this book will be well worth the while if you are interested in understanding what is going on.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Hubble Far Field Cosmos Video

Required viewing when one believes how important one is.

A discussion:

Very good video, indeed. I follow this stuff with total awe. I have always wanted someone to point the Hubble at a point in far field, record the scene, and then point the Hubble 180 degrees in far field, record the scene, and then determine if the scene is of the same objects in reverse (like a reverse scene in a mirror). My problem is that the objects observed in the Cosmos are always analyzed as if every thing is traveling in a straight line. This defies logic because nothing in nature is linear or straight line. So making measurements of distance as a straight line is flawed if the Cosmos is a contained sphere and Einstein proved that gravity refracts light and all other fields for that matter.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Mitt Romney, AKA Gordon Gekko

I think the Repubs are being suckered. They are being told that Romney is the only one that can beat BHO. The Dems can't wait to portray Romney as Gordon Gekko, because he is. He is not a Capitalist, he is a Money Changer that makes money off of money. Capitalism is when you invest your money in Productive Enterprise and that enterprise makes a product that people buy and all profit.

Romney makes his money by wrecking existing business, and making money off of the parts. Don't forget the issue of the OWS thing is the Fat Cat Money Changers and that issue is supported by a wide majority of Americans, and the Dems will leverage this fact to victory.

Romney is the last person who can beat BHO, IMO.