Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Fear, It's Frightening
Most of us have seen the old newsreel of Franklin D. Roosevelt sitting there during the depth of the depression in 1932 and with jutting jaw and his trademark clinched teeth smile say to the Congress and American people, “The only thing we have to fear, (patented FDR pause for dramatic effect) is fear itself.” Of course the reason that this quote comes to mind nowadays is that unbounded fear is spreading throughout the land once again because our economy is collapsing just like in 1929 and the leadership that is responding to this crisis are the very same ones that permitted and encouraged greed to replace honest enterprise, and without a doubt, greed is the primary cause for the cascading collapse that our economy is experiencing. We all should be very much frightened because greed is not being addressed in any manner whatsoever in the headlong rush to mitigate the continuing economic crisis. In fact, rather than stamping down greed, it (greed) is being encouraged to take advantage of the bankrupting of America as dollars are flowing from the Fed printing press to the very same Financial Services Robber Barons that enabled greed to replace honest enterprise in the first place. To bring this more into focus I am going to quote what Thomas Jefferson said in 1802:
“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standingarmies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issueof their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks andcorporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people ofall property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent that theirfathers conquered”.
What I am talking about here is the fact that Financial Services (a synonym for practical greed) enabled our manufacturing sector to go from 25% of the nation’s GNP in the 1970s to less than 12% of GNP today and they accomplished this feat by replacing honest enterprise with greed. How this occurred is that financial entities, such as Hedge Funds, have bought into Public Corporations using worthless leveraged money and gained overwhelming control. Once in control, they (financial entities) demanded more and more profits until the only way to satisfy the insatiable demands was to ship jobs and factories overseas in the search of cheap labor and intellect in order to boost profits until today the displacement of our manufacturing sector is nearly complete. The result being that we are becoming a country that can no longer “make it here.” This is important because when countries (like the old British Empire) can no longer make its goods and things domestically, they lose control of their destiny and become relegated to third world status. Greed is causing this to happen (see my pieces “OBL and the 3rd Deadly Sin and One World Eggheads and Credit Default Swaps”) because greed only craves money, not the necessary honest enterprise that is required to make money that represents something of value (like an automobile, corn, house, pig, intellectual property, etc). Sometimes we forget in order for money to be viable, it has to represent something of value that people have faith and trust in and greed just makes money off of money and does not really represent anything of value. Oh, by the way, Financial Services now represent over 21% of our national GNP today. Think about it. A segment of our economy that makes nothing of value is 21% of our GNP. Now that’s something to become frightened about Mr. FDR.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Change and Chance
All of the knowledge
That can ever be earned,
And all of the wisdom
That can ever be gained,
Will never give the hand of Man
The power to stop the flow of Change
Or prevent the Happenstance of Chance.
Change and Chance is like
Wind and Wave,
They both will blow and roll
To wherever they will go.
Folly will reward all who try
To change the Wind and Wave,
Because they will always blow and roll
To wherever they will go.
So set your sail to Wind and Wave
To mount the unstoppable forces,
And ride your splendid advantage
To wherever your fancy advances.
Knowledge and wisdom can be your sail
To set to the forces of Change and Chance,
And you can cruise to your good fortune
With bended might for your circumstance.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Honk if you love Peace and Quiet
I am as guilty as anyone else when it comes to taking note of what we consider negative things or trends while ignoring the many positive things that constantly surrounds us. Indeed, if one reads all that I have written lately, the conclusion would certainly be that I only feel compelled to give voice to things that I consider wrong or at least, not correct. Sadly, I can say that upon rereading my stuff, few words can be found that point out what is going well with the world, only wording that promotes concern and worry. Perhaps the reason for this imbalance is that I am only running the master DNA program that God, or Mother nature if you prefer, programmed into all of us standard Mark 1, Mod 0 human type people, i.e., we have a survival instinct that is inherent to us all and this programmed instinct causes us to focus on negative things more than positive things so that we can consolidate our actions to prevent circumstances from disturbing our well-being, or worse still, cause our ruin. Well, that my ten-cent theory, if you have a better one, I would like to hear about it. One thing I know for certain is that how we look at things to determine if they are positive or negative depends in large measure upon our perspective and our perspective is a result of our respective life experiences to date. For example, my Grandfather had a sign over his desk that he would always point to when I complained about a perceived injustice or that everyone always seemed to have more desirable stuff than I had. The sign read:
“I complained I had no shoes to wear until I saw a man with no feet.”
I think that old sign sums up the perspective thing rather nicely. I can also remember how my Grandmother once told me how wonderful things had gotten during her lifetime (circa 1887-1954). She said the most important improvement was that people are so much better looking now than in her day because modern faces are no longer being scared by the Pox and everyone was more graceful because contemporary people were no longer being broken by hard physical labor. I know about the hard physical labor thing because labor killed my Stepmother’s Father before he could reach 50 years. His premature death was a result of the hard physical labor required of him by being a laborer in the Stone Quarries of Bedford Indiana and he was done in before disease and other age related infirmities could take their due. My own personal perspective about things like this is that I can remember winters in Indianapolis when the primary heating for residents was coal fired stoves and the like. The coal burning produced black soot that fell from the smoke stacks and covered everything and everyone so that just staying clean and breathing was a full time job. With this coal soot perspective in mind, it’s understandable why someone like me would find it difficult to get all excited when the Penthouse Environmentalists* tell us that we must continuously do more and more to help Mother Earth get back to a pristine state of cleanliness or we all are gonna die while gasping for breath in polluted air that will not sustain life worth living. So when a contemporary person’s perspective about air quality is that today’s air is dirty, it is because they have been repeatedly told that the air is indeed dirty and needs to be made completely void of man’s byproducts in order to arrive at the final desired state of cleanliness. Of course my perspective about today’s air is that the air is wonderful compared to what I lived in during my younger days when we had soot, sulfur, and God only knows what, to breathe. My perspective about clean air causes me to be concerned about the necessity of wrecking our economy and jobs to arrive at an unreachable and mostly academic notion of clean air when today’s air, while not perfect and can always be prudently improved, is a remarkable improvement over what was before. As a matter of fact, I am thankful that the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) was created and is responsible for the wonderful air we have today. Here is the problem. Once an Agency is created and the bureaucrats are entrenched, they must continuously expand their reach and authority in order to remain viable. This means that the air will never be clean enough, the water will never be clear enough and the environment will never be pristine enough. So how do we determine when enough is enough of a good thing? Therein lies the dilemma of being positive or negative. In any event, young people have no idea what a blessing modern life is today and the idealistic notion that we need to get to a more natural state of living is naivety at its grandest folly. I just wonder when today’s youth grow up to become old geezers like me, will their perspective be that their modern lives are much better than when they were young? I hope so. However, I’m afraid they too will be mostly negative about things because they also want things to continuously improve just like those who proceeded them and that requires that we be mostly negative. So keep on honking those horns for peace and quiet, it’s really not as illogical as it sounds.
* Penthouse Environmentalists.
Those well meaning, but out of touch souls, who bang on Teflon covered pots and stainless steel pans about the necessity of saving Mother Earth from the evil humans. They have actually persuaded the ideologues in the Environmental Protection Agency to rule that the exhaled breath of animals, which includes humans, is a pollutant. I kid you not. All plant life will also be surprised at the news that CO2 is a pollutant, because CO2 is the building block for all things green. After a hard day’s work saving Mother Earth from all things human, the Penthouse Environmentalists climb into their Beamers to go home to their electrically wired, air-conditioned and WiFied Condos, and feel really good.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Why, Why, Why
Why do they put rear pockets on women’s jeans? Why does my brother do a comb-over? Why does our Government think it can pay off a credit card with a credit card? Why did God put all of that easy to get oil in the middle of Islam lands? Why does gray hair look awful on a woman but great on a man? Why is it that only bellies and ears get larger with a man’s age? Why does Osama bin Laden smile when he says that all Infidels must die? Why be a dirty old man when you can’t do anything about it? Why do women’s breasts succumb to gravity while their butts seem to defy gravity? Why doesn’t hair on your arm grow longer? Why are black people called African Americans but white people aren’t called English, French, German, Irish, Indian, Italian, et all Americans? Why does my Sunday Newspaper contain 90% ads and 10% news mostly gathered by outside sources? Why is my Newspaper called a Newspaper? Why are the chairs called Lazy Boys when nothing but Lazy Men buy them? Why are they allowed to advertise “Free” with purchase? Why can only white people be racists? Why do Brides smile so broadly when they say, “I do” while Grooms have a vacant, almost innocent look on their faces? Why are prisons called “Correctional Facilities?” Why do I fall asleep watching television? Why is the Democratic Party called the Democratic Party? Why do small children and old men keep asking why? Why do Politicians swear an oath? Why does Dolly Parton seem so different? Why does Hip Hop produce a mind-numbing throb? Why is it called Social Security? Why are women generally referred to as “Ladies?” Why aren’t men generally referred to as “Gentlemen?” Why does Senator Barney Frank look like a fag? Why do all of the really smart people live in Hollywood? Why is it called investing? Why do little old people buy really big automobiles? Why is it called the “Armed Services?” Why are most Lawyers rich? Why did they put the pointy ends on a football? Why do they build Churches so big? Why did the great scientist Albert Einstein believe in God? Why do they build Schools so big? Why does beer make you fart but wine doesn’t? Why do new cars go 120 mph? Why do Thongs cost more than Mumus? Why do they pass the plate before the sermon? Why does my childhood house seem so small now? Why do I have an urge to say, “Have a Nice Day”, to strangers? Why does “thinking outside the box” only works for others? Why is it when I have a 50/50 chance of being right, I’m always wrong? Why do long lines (queue) move faster than short lines? Why does it require force to produce good change but bad change is spontaneous? Why do I become frightened when a woman says “Fine.” Why do men try to understand women? Why don’t women want to understand men? Why are black people color blind to the red color of stop signs? Why do white people think Perry Como is the greatest singer of all time? Why won’t grocery carts go in a straight line? Why does too much sleep make you tired? Why do women wear bras? Why do men wear really big belt buckles? Why are gay people really not? Why does the phrase “Oh, By The Way” cause a cardiac arrest?
Monday, November 24, 2008
Standarization and the US Constitution
US Constitution
The other day I went to my neighborhood Home Depot to purchase a much needed bathroom faucet replacement. After clucking like a mother hen over the price of faucet assemblies that now range up to and exceed $200, depending on how fancy you want to get, made our selection, self-checked out with a swipe of a well-worn Visa, set off the “please step back” shoplifting alarm because I didn’t rub the faucet box over the “integrated security device” disabling area on the check-out stand, headed home with the “please step back” automated voice ringing in my ears while muttering over and over about how in the hell can a made in China faucet cost $200 when the Government says inflation is fully contained, got home, started the process of hauling out tools that would eventually empty out my entire tool stash, pre-positioned the band-aids, said a few out-loud cuss words to warm-up, pulled my work pants low enough to expose the butt-crack so that I could at least look professional, and got to it. Finally got the old faucet assembly removed and slipped in the new assembly that fit nicely into the 4 inch on-center holes that is the standard precut that comes with all bathroom sinks here in the good old USA. All of this sounds like just another day in paradise, don’t you think? Thank your luck stars that it is routine. Sometimes the most mundane and “take for granted” things, particularly in the physical world, are the most important because they make our everyday world, “practical”. What I am talking about here is the esoteric and very boring world of Standardization. The new faucet assembly fit into my old sink because of the standardization of the precut holes, pipe threads that would accept the old fasteners, and on and on. This standardization allows real competition in the market place because everyone who wants to manufacture and sell a faucet assembly must comply with a whole range of standardization requirements so that competition will be on the basis of price and quality and not because only company Z’s widget will only fit Company Z’s widget holder and so company Z can charge anything they want because competition can’t really work in such a old world regimen. I know a lot about standardization because I spend most of my professional years as a design engineer working for the US Navy (Government). Most people are surprised to learn that most of our present day standardization has come about through the mechanism of Military and Government Specifications because when you are in the South China sea doing battle with bad guys, you can’t afford to have your really big gun not shoot because a broken bolt can’t be replaced. Why can’t the bolt be replaced? It can’t be replaced because the idiots that stocked the replacement bolt didn’t use the proper specification and the replacement bolt won’t fit. I could fill the Library of Congress about the benefits of standardization that most of us learned about in grade school when we were taught about how the railroads standardized their rail gage, and viola, commerce began to roll on standardized tracks and America became a great nation. My cluttered mind thought about these things when it occurred to me because America is the world’s greatest marketplace and to participate in our marketplace you must comply with our bazillions of standardization requirements and by so doing we are inadvertently making the physical world a common place that transcends politics and national borders. Oh my God, Globalization done on behalf of pipe threads and on-center holes. Well what the hell, if Globalization is good enough for faucets, it should be good enough for politics and Governments too. When you began to think like this it is rather a small leap to consider that the US Constitution is in reality a Standardization Specification about how to establish and maintain a society that is peaceful, prosperous and stable, you know, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, i.e., if you standardize the behavior of people in accordance with the US Constitution, you will have a just and stable society. History proves this so. This can explain why the current Globalization effort is such a contentious issue because the world does not have, or will it accept, a proven Constitution like the US Constitution to standardize global human behavior. If the world had such a Global Constitution, then its varied people could socially compete in a meaningful way to obtain and maintain peace and prosperity much like companies can all build faucet assemblies and compete equally on the basis of price and quality. Standardization of human behavior is the only current mechanization to ensure common justice and equality without sacrificing personal liberty. It seems to me that the League of Nations and the current United Nations are the first attempts at Globalization but the League of Nations is long gone and the United Nations is doomed because it is not relevant and will suffer the same fate as the League of Nations because the United Nations Charter is in no way a Constitution that can standardize human behavior in a just way. Indeed, just like Washington DC is the place where reality goes to die the United Nations is the place where Common Cause goes to die. So until someone can come up with a better way, the US Constitution, and others like it, should become the template for the world to standardize human behavior that will in turn, standardize justice and equality so that the world can ensure the peace and promote prosperity for all humankind. In short, Standardization not only enables equality, it is your friend.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
A PC Holiday Greeting
Best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral, winder solstice holiday, practiced within the most joyous traditions of the religious persuasion of your particular choice, but with respect for the religious persuasion of others who choose to practice their own religion, as well as those who choose not to practice any religion at all. Additionally, a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the generally accepted calendar year 2009, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures, whose contributions have helped make our society great, without regard to race, creed, color, religion or sexual orientation.
(Disclaimer: This greeting is subject to clarification or withdrawal. It implies no promise by the wisher to actually implement any of the wishes for her/himself or others, and no responsibility for any unintended emotional stress these greetings may bring to those not caught up in the holiday spirit.)
Courtesy of the December 2008, American Legion Magazine.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The 17th Amendment
and the rise of Special Interests
There is another date other than 7 December 1941 that will live in infamy. The other date is 8 April 1913, the date that the Seventeenth Amendment was ratified. On that date the Congress and states changed Article 1, Section 3 of the Constitution that required each State Legislature to select two Senators for representation in the United States Senate. The Amendment requires instead that each Senator be elected by popular vote of the people rather than be selected by their respective State Legislators, to wit, “The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each state, elected by the people thereof, for six years, and each Senator shall have one vote”…….. The 16th, 17th, 18th (Prohibition) and 19th (Woman right to vote) Amendments were conceived during the “Progressive” movement that was gaining influence at the time and you will of course recall that the 16th Amendment allowed the Congress to lay and collect taxes on incomes. The “Progressive” movement has morphed into the “Liberal” movement of today and these two terms have come to mean that force is required to change people’s actions for the good of all, and Brothers and Sisters, as I have said on many occasions before: Taxes Are Power and the 16th is the single most important enabler of the power requirement that can force change. This Amendment was the legal basis for enacting legislation that began the collection of payroll taxes in 1937 for the Social Security Program. The 16th Amendment eventually enabled Franklin D. Roosevelt to sign into law the Payroll Withholding Tax Act in 1943, another date that infamy should lay claim to. But I digress. The importance of the original Constitutional requirement for Senator selection cannot be overstated because the Article 1, Section 3 requirement was carefully crafted to complement the Bicameral organization of the legislative branch of Government. I really don’t think I command enough of the reader’s respect to provide the reason for this, but perhaps one of the Country’s founding fathers could. I’m referring to James Madison and in the Federalist Paper No 10 he explained the reason for Bicameralism, “Before taking effect, legislation would have to be ratified by two independent power sources: the people’s representatives in the House and the State legislatures’ agents in the Senate.” This requirement would not only provide the means to ensure the concept of Federalism but would thwart the influence of special interests because of the requirement of satisfying two separate constituencies. Mr. Madison further explained the concept in Federalist Paper No 51: “In republican government, the legislative authority, necessarily predominate. The remedy for this inconveniency is, to divide the legislature into different branches; and to render them by different modes of election, and different principals of action, as little connected with each other, as the nature of their common functions and their common dependencies on the society, will admit.” You may be surprised to learn that the original method of Senator selection was so important that it was one of the few principals that enjoyed nearly unanimous approval by the founding fathers. Because of the Seventeenth Amendment, the authority of each State has been greatly reduced and due to the power of incumbency, each Senator has become a Potentate instead of a representative in a Senate that is coming to resemble the Senate of Rome in its last days. Also, because the Senators are now elected, special interests have a corruption avenue equal to that in the House of Representatives to funnel money and power to ensure election and satisfy plain old greed in exchange for favors in the legislative process. Indeed, the current financial catastrophe we find ourselves in can be traced directly to the influence of special interests in causing the Gramm-Leach-Blily (GLB) act in 1999 to become law. That law was enacted in spite of repeated warnings by knowledgeable and responsible people that its enactment would produce a financial crisis of Biblical proportions. The GLB act repealed part of the Glass-Steagall act of 1933 that was enacted to prevent the kind of financial crisis that produced the great depression. The GLB act removed most all restrictions and separations between commercial banks and all other investment and financial entities. Viola, financial crisis circa 2008, and all because special interests have gained a foothold that the founding fathers tried with all of their wisdom to prevent. I could even make the case that Article 1, Section 3, of the Constitution addressed the most fundamental special interest problem indigenous to a mature society. The special interest that I’m referring to is the special interest of the Cities versus the rest of the country. The cities always attract the most intellectual and financial capital and this concentration of wealth always demands more and more resources from the rest of the country. The ever-increasing demands of the Cities always causes a schism to develop between the whole of the people because one cannot exist without the other yet the cities keep making demands that would cause the rest of the country to fall into ruin (much like Rome in its final days). The cities can do this because there have the greater population concentration and can easily overwhelm the rest of the country with superior political power especially within a “one man, one vote” system. I refer you to the USA Today 2004 Presidential Election map down to the county level (commonly referred to as the “Red/Blue map) that clearly shows the cities (population areas) voting one way and the rest of the country another. The requirement that Senators be agents of the State instead of being directly elected by the people addressed the City/Country schism in a remarkable and effective way. I invite you to consider other areas that the 17th Amendment ratification may have influenced upon but suffice to say, the consequences of the 17th Amendment are far reaching and quite possibly damaging to our country as well.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Credit-Default Swaps
Credit-Default Swaps
It has been a surprise to me how the banking and capital generation system works in the real world. To say I am ignorant about the finer points of the current financial system that is in such disarray today would be a colossal understatement, however, with a little research and in simple terms that normal people can understand, I believe this is how it works. You deposit one ($1.00) dollar in your local bank, get your receipt, and feel good about putting a little away for a rainy day. Your bank is now authorized to provide a loan to a credit worthy person in the amount of ten ($10.00) dollars for every one ($1.00) the bank has on deposit of the real money real people deposited. Where did this $10.00 of “artificial” money come from to lend to a credit worthy person desiring a loan? A very good question Holmes. The $10.00 is borrowed from the Central Bank at the “discount rate” to provide the money for the loan. The Central Bank is part of the U.S. Federal Reserve System and the money it supplies is printed-up money based on some esoteric reasoning usually influenced by political reality. The Federal Reserve System was created for a number of good reasons but the main reason was its ability to provide for an “elastic currency”. The Federal Reserve officially defines “elastic currency” as: “currency that can, by the actions of the central monetary authority, expand or contract in amount warranted by economic conditions” or in everyday terms, it can print-up money or take money out of the system. Now if the loan originated by your bank happened to be a large amount backed by a physical asset as collateral, such as your home mortgage, the bank will sell the loan to another financial entity, like Fannie May or Freddie Mac for a fee and the fee received now provides more “real money” the bank can then leverage into even more loans. Fannie May and Freddie Mac (or other financial entities) takes your loan and bundles it with other loans it bought (some made to not so good credit risks and distributed within the bundle to hid them) and then sells the investment bundle to investors at a profit, of course, for its stockholders. It should be noted that Fannie May and Freddie Mac had the implicit backing of the Federal Government to “insure” that the investment package being sold was safe so the investment bundles being sold are very marketable. Other financial entities also buys bundled investment packages but they lacked the implicit government guarantee of safety so companies, like AIG, issued “Credit-default Swaps” policies for a big profit-making fee to insure the bundled investment instruments and the “Credit-default Swaps” insurance policy made the investment packages marketable to all investors. “Credit-default Swaps” is just one of many so called “derivatives” offered to investors (like your local government, IRA accounts, insurance companies, ad infinitum) by various financial institutions that are, in reality, instruments that further leverage money on top of leveraged money in order that everyone in the food-chain can continue to make a handsome profit without ever providing something tangible in return that would provide real value in exchange for the money earned. You may be surprised to learn that some financial entities have leveraged already leveraged money up to 30 or 40 times (not just the 10 times your bank did) to sell investment “derivatives” for big profits to “Hedge Funds” and other really smart people who then leverage the money that the “derivative instruments” represent to buy real companies that make things and provide jobs to real people. A case in point, Carlyle Capital, a division of the Carlyle Group, loaned out leveraged money at a ratio of from 20 and 30 to 1 and has, of course, failed. If all of this sounds vaguely familiar, it should. There are a large number of criminals in the slammer serving time for concocting such schemes as these and these schemes, when done on an individual basis, is call a Ponzi or Pyramid scheme. A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that involves promising or paying abnormally high returns (“profits”) to investors out of the money paid in by subsequence investors, rather than from real net revenues generated by real business (it was named after Charles Ponzi). Well if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, waddles like a duck, what the hell, it really must be a duck. If all of this hasn’t started to make your stomach churn, I know something that will turn you into a fetal ball. Christopher Cox, Chairman of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, wrote in a 19 October 2008 New York Times article that there are $55 Trillion Dollars in outstanding “Credit-default Swaps” out there right now. Oh by the way, $55 Trillion Dollars is more money than all of the GNPs (Gross National Product) of all of the nations on earth combined. I’ll just pause here a moment to let that fully sink in. So what does this have to do with One World Eggheads? Thomas L. Friedman writes in the same New York Times issue that the current leveraged mess is indeed a Global mess and only a fully connected Global economy and regulations can properly “fix” the mess. The One World Eggheads are dancing in the streets.
Monday, October 13, 2008
John McCain
Have you ever decided to do something with the feeling that if you go ahead and do it, there is a good likelihood you will eventually regret that having done it? Has that ever happened to you? Trying to decide if I should vote for John McCain leaves me with that kind of conflicted feeling. But of course there is another option and that is, I could abstain from voting and avoid this whole decision conflict thing altogether. However, lets think about trying to decide whether to vote or not to vote. On the one hand, if I vote for John McCain, I will be voting for the lesser of two evils and I have grown weary of always voting for the lesser of two evils because it somehow violates my sense of dignity to keep doing something that is contrary to my real beliefs and values. On the other hand, if I do not vote at all, I will, in effect, enable those who do vote to multiply their vote due to my abstention by increasing twofold the value of their vote should they vote for the greater of two evils. Why are real life decisions like these always so complicated? Why even ask why. I believe John McCain is the lesser of two evils because there are a number of times I do not agree with the positions taken by him or agree with a large number of his votes cast over the years while serving in the United States Senate even though he has identified himself as being a Republican. I believe there are those who call John McCain a RINO (Republican In Name Only) because of his positions taken and votes cast. Nevertheless, Senator McCain wistfully celebrates his record as being proof that he is in reality a “Maverick” and not a prisoner of any particular dogmatic persuasion and that is the reason his record does not coincide with any one party philosophy or another. His position is that his Maverick record should be celebrated and not condemned because he is beholding to no one or any one party. When I reflect about this notion of being a potential “Maverick” leader, one has to consider the value of a leader who does not adhere to any particular philosophy to guide his decisions other than his own notion of what is fair and right. I’m not so sure what we need is a “Maverick” in our complicated world full of nukes, religious fanatics, ideologues, greed hustlers and tree-hugging raised to a religion notwithstanding the everyday complications of governing the most powerful country in the world. Having said all of this, one cannot help but admire the man who has served his country so unselfishly and endured what would break the resolve of most any man. I could even make the case that being mistreated and tortured during his captivity as a prisoner-of-war has made him hypersensitive about the treatment of people to such an extent that it is very likely that his judgment ability is impaired (witness his calling Obama a good and decent man and his refusal to condemn Obama’s nefarious associations and actions). Even though he may be the lesser of two evils in my mind, John McCain is certainly not the greater of two evils that the other potential President represents. So on November 4th, the dilemma of voting for the lesser of two evils or not voting at all requires all of the wisdom that Solomon could ever muster up. This voting dilemma can be placed squarely at the feet of John McCain because he is in reality, just the lesser of two evils.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Hurry me down to Calamity.
I wish I knew who was responsible for maintenance of the Seven Deadly Sins list because I would waste no time in lobbying for an addition to that deadly list. The most urgently needed addition that should be added to the malevolent list of deadly sins would be the most pervasive sin of all, Expediency. Those of us who have bought and paid for all of the gray hair that has so graciously adorned our bowed heads know exactly what I am talking about when we consider the ramifications of Expediency. You know, when we do something in a hasty manner because it is more convenient to do so and the supposed need is so great and urgent that there is no time to carefully consider all aspects of the decision. For example, who among us has not rationalized a quick decision to buy that 60inch flat screen television because we really did not want to invest the time or effort to consider the worth, value or necessity of the 60 easy payments because, after all, it was extremely important that the Colts versus the Patriots game be viewed in a manner befitting the august nature of the contest. And now we, as a collective people, are faced with all of the ramifications of a Governmental decision to “Bail-out Wall Street” that was done with all of the haste and urgency that Expediency could ever demand. Never mind that we will print $700 billion new dollars to enable the “bail-out” and that those printed-up dollars will be added to the currency now in circulation and further devalue our already shrinking dollar value. I believe when that happens it is called inflation and inflation is the cruelest tax of all. That’s right, we will not only pay for that printing press money someday (make that our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren who will do the paying) but we will be taxed tomorrow to pay for this spending by the most cruelest tax of all, Inflation. And never mind that greed and irresponsibility is being rewarded by the “bail-out” while those who acted responsible and played by the rules will once again get slapped in the face as a reward for their prudence. Have we all not been appalled by the lady dressed to the nines getting out of her new SUV to buy the finest cut of meats with food stamps while sneering at us poor dopes for working two jobs to pay for the whole thing. This “bail-out wall street” thing just keeps the disincentives coming for the good productive citizens while the leaches and gamers keep on getting rewarded with other peoples hard earned money. Not only will we have the welfare professionals sneering at us dopes as they buy their choice cuts of meat with food stamps, we will now suffer the indignity of the wall street fat-cats sneering at us dopes for being too dumb to play in the new economics game and for not getting on the gravy train with the rest of the smart people. Expediency is also being employed to justify many other things today, for example, the supposedly global warming “crisis”. There is no doubt that human activity is causing some perturbation of earth’s climate, but how much and is the effect positive or negative for humankind? I direct your attention to a Scientific American article by William F. Ruddiman (a marine geologist and professor emeritus of environmental sciences at the University of Virginia) published in March 2005 to help answer the question. The article is entitled “How Did Humans First Alter Global Climate?” and suggests, backed-up with scientific evidence, that human activity may have well prevented an ice age that all scientific evidence suggests was due several thousand years ago. If the predicted ice age had occurred and was not prevented by human activity warming up the climate modern human society, as we know it today, would not even exist. Here are some additional facts to factor in when considering the question of Global climate change having either a positive or negative effect for mankind. The only time humankind has ever advanced is when there has been a climate warming. The reason for this is, of course, obvious. Also, which is more catastrophic for human society, a mile-deep ice sheet over our heads or a 12inch rise in the oceans? The reason this question is so important is because before all of this Global climate change became the expedient cause du jour, science was predicting that a modern ice age was coming upon us. So perhaps, global warming due to human activity can once again prevent another major ice age and save mankind. The Lord surely does work in mysterious ways. So the burning question is: Why all of the expediency to act to prevent global warming from continuing? My theory is that the One World Eggheads, along with other ideologues, have co-opted the Global Warming issue to advance their goal of one world government by proclaiming only world government can address a global problem. Also, why all of the expediency to bailout wall street with printed-up money? I don’t think we will truly know until all of the facts are fully known but what I do know is that when Expediency is employed calamity is usually along for the ride. Why? Because used car salesmen and government always use expediency to cloak the real reason for acting urgently.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Oh No, Mr. Bill
Not another new word.
Illiquid….Illiquid?….Huh?…Sick liquid? Don’t you just love these Orwellian attempts to put a happy-face on really bad things? You know, really bad things like massive bad debts that stand no chance of being satisfied. The word “Illiquid” is trying to put a positive spin on a situation that greed cooked-up with such a complicated and esoteric Ponzi scheme that it defies the normal meaning of words to explain. The shameless and faceless charlatans who conjured up this new word for public consumption, created the word to subliminally suggest a connection with a normal business type of situation where frozen or untouchable assets cannot be used to service cash flow needs. That normal situation is called a liquidity problem and even us everyday people find ourselves in this situation when we need cash but our money is tied up, for example, in a CD that cannot be redeemed until a future maturity date. A trip behind the tool shed would be a good first step for those trying to describe a Ponzi scheme that has collapsed with a word that suggests a normal business situation. Why would anyone create this word unless they were purposely trying to deceive and confuse? Because they are purposely trying to deceive and confuse so that they can engineer an even more brazen attempt to pickpocket the hapless public in order to save their ill-gotten bacon. I hope this new word does not become part of our new age lexicon like “downsizing”, “outsourcing”, “delayering”, “smartsizing” and other such horrible words have become because these words, in reality, are always a harbinger for more bad times for ordinary people.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The Comming Age of the Borg
The Ballad of John Henry, Steel Driving Man
John Henry was hammering on the right side,
The big stream drill on the left,
Before that steam drill could beat him down,
He hammered his fool self to death.
Who among us could not feel a grudging kinship with the Steel Driving Man, you know, fighting the inevitable with sprit even though the outcome was as certain as death and taxes? Besides, who could feel the slightest affinity for that big mechanical steam drill that was taking a man’s livelihood away and all for the sake of the dollar that some faraway good-smelling Dude laid down so he could make even more dollars without breaking one iota of steel driving sweat. We all may crack an amused smile at the thought of a real live man actually challenging a steam machine to a steel-driving contest with only his muscle, grit and determination to match the power of steam. We smile, of course, because of the foolish nature of the contest. But then again, I wonder what most contemporary people were thinking and feeling at the time when in 1997 they witnessed a more recent contest between a real live man (Garry Kasparov) challenging a thinking contest with only his brain, grit and determination matched up with the power of billions and billions of silicon switches fastened together with the lifeless software of the chess-playing computer, Deep Blue? Somehow I think we probably feel a little differently about the thinking contest due to the contemporary and cognitive nature of the contest. But, I don’t know why! The two contests are identical and the outcomes just as inevitable! Perhaps we don’t even think the chess match was a foolish contest because of the notion that the magnificent organic thinking machine, the human brain, is surely the ultimate cognitive device that no mere machine could ever match. The human brain will surely prevail for all times just like John Henry thought his muscles could surely prevail over the mighty mechanical steam drill even though we now concede our magnificent muscles are no match for lifeless machine power. Here is a thought to muss up your day when trying to decide what to do about being outsourced by the machines of automation and all because some faraway good-smelling Dudes are still trying to make more money without breaking a contemporary sweat. John Henry and Garry Kasparov are not the only contestants in a continuing struggle between man and machine that started when Gorg rubbed two sticks together to make fire. We all are front and center in the enduring contest and so will all of our progeny. Research shows that we are loosing far more contemporary jobs to automation than jobs that are lost to distant lands where labor is cheaper and more abundant. Indeed, one of the biggest loss of jobs today is due customer outsourcing. What that’s you say? What is customer outsourcing? Customer outsourcing is transferring a job that was once done by a paid employee to a paying customer instead. Here is just one minor scenario of customer outsourcing. You drive your rattletrap Chevy to the local gas station emporium where you get out of your seat, pop in and quickly remove your Master Card or Visa (a lot of lost jobs of people taking money, counting money, bookkeeping, accounting, depositing, etc.) and wait for the computer screen to instruct you to continue. After being authorized by a great big computer somewhere that is connected by satellites, relays and God only knows what, lift the pump-handle and pump your gas (more lost jobs of gas attendants). Hell, I’m even checking myself out at the local Wally World and Home Depot and buying stuff off of the Internet by clicking a mouse and causing a massive whirling of untold computers that fetch my latest Ronco gadget, package and ship it without a single paid employee in sight. All of this is made possible by technology and (oh no Mr. Bill!) machines. Because this is a continuing process, it is less noticeable in our everyday, put the meat-on-the-table lives. For example, before the industrial revolution, well over 50% of all people in the country was working on farms while today we produce all of our food needs by less than 1% of the population, i.e., million and millions of jobs lost to machines and we rarely think about the farm job losses as we rant about all of our current jobs going to China, India and machines. And the non-physical jobs like engineering, accounting, marketing, research are also being outsourced to machines and cheaper labor, so no one is immune to job loss except the rich (that is if you believe making money off of money constitutes a job). I think you get the picture and if you get the picture then you know that contemporary job losses will continue on at an ever-accelerating rate and due mostly to automation (machines). What to do? Hell, I don’t know either but I do know that at some distant point in the future the Cyborgs will have all of the jobs and I really don’t know how humans will make a living. That’s right John Henry:
Friday, September 12, 2008
OBL and the 3rd Deadly Sin
Remember the movie Wall Street? Remember the famous scene that has Michael Douglas playing the role of Corporate raider Gordon Gekko and Gekko stands up before the hapless hard working people of Teldar Paper and delivers the famous line: “The point is, Ladies and Gentlemen, that greed --- for lack of a better word --- is good!”
I remember it well. I remember it because to me it was such a perfect example of how the glib and self-assured charlatans of this world get honest people to start believing that a vice, like greed, is in reality, a virtue. Once these Flimflammers can manage that trick, then it’s relatively easy for them to convince the gullible that they are being “cheated” by not being virtuous (greedy) enough and demand their fair share that Mr. Gekko alone knows how to obtain. Of course, all of this nonsense was in reality only a ruse because Mr. Gekko was not really interested in fairness or the welfare of the people. Gekko, in truth, only needed the people to believe in what he was saying so that they would do his bidding. All of this manipulation of good “honest” people was, of course, solely designed to eventually satisfy Mr. Gekko’s own virtuous greed. Never mind that a Company that had sustained the people for many years would most likely be destroyed in the process. Hard work and sacrifice is so old fashioned in the new economy because all you really have to do is listen to those like Mr. Gekko and wondrous riches can be yours, if you only believe. I listed greed as a vice, but we all know that greed was the third of the seven deadly sins. I know we don’t really like to talk about deadly sins all that much but to refresh our memories about these vices, I have listed them in order: Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and Pride. Greed has, without a doubt, replaced hard work and sacrifice as the engine that is now driving our unbridled Capitalism and let me say without reservation that unbridled Capitalism is just as poisonous to society as unbridled Socialism could ever be. Lets look at some of the dismal results that greed has fathered and unbridled Capitalism has fostered that will, unfortunately, be the legacy we stand to leave to our children and grandchildren to sort out. The national public debt now stands at $9,698,267,795,301 as of 9/11/2008. America’s total debt, pubic and private, now stands at $53,000,000,000,000 and is increasing at about $4.3 trillion per year. Hell, I can remember when the late Senator Dirksen of Illinois was reported to have said “A billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon you’re talking real money”, and now here we are talking about a trillion here, a trillion there. Are these trillions really money? You bet they are. They are our 401ks, our IRAs, our retirement funds, our insurance money, our equity funds and on and on. Now don’t get me wrong. I am not smart enough to know what is really going on here, but one thing I do know with perfect clarity and certainty, when people like Mr. Grekko (Merrill Lynch, Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, et al) and Flimflammers (Politicians) tell us every thing is OK and just believe in what they say and we all can continue to “get something for nothing” (debt with no hope of repaying), I know we are in big trouble. However, I do know what real money is. It is the exchange for work and other things of value for a certificate we all agree has the same value as work or property and in so doing, facilitates the operation of an economy. Money relies exclusively upon the faith and trust of the people that money is as valuable as their hard work, property and sacrifice. When you think about it for a while it becomes obvious that money is in reality the basis of an authorized official Ponzi scheme that operates on faith and trust, and as long as things are in balance or value is always increasing, it works just fine. But when faith and trust begins to wane and money loses it’s value, the scheme begins to falter and if faith and trust isn’t restored in a timely manner, the whole scheme begins to cascades into an unstoppable demise. I believe we are now seeing the beginning of the cascade into ruin. Here is some evidence of the cascade and the impending ruin that it portents. Lehman Brothers, a 158 year-old investment bank, has lost 95% of it value due to greed and will no doubt fail and billion of dollars will disappear. Bear Stearns Companies, an 85 year-old investment company that was one of the world’s largest, has failed resulting in the loss of untold billions. Fannie May and Freddie Mac, a government sponsored and backed investment entity, has failed and precipitated a takeover by the Government with even more borrowed money (will someone tell our Government that you really can’t pay off a credit card with a credit card) resulting in untold loss of billions of dollars and property. Merrill Lynch and Washington Mutual are next up on the failure docket with General Motors, Ford and Chrysler floundering as foreign companies complete their takeover of our last manufacturing capabilities. Need I go on? Unadulterated greed is the basis for all of this mess we find ourselves in, and that unbridled Capitalism has facilitated, be it individual greed or the collective greed of an electorate that buys into the notion that it can get “something for nothing” at the expense of others. So, if I were Osama bin Laden hiding in a cave somewhere planning our demise, I would not bother. Just wait a little while longer and the 3rd deadly sin, greed, will do the job just nicely.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Can't Do America
Have you ever gotten yourself into an unpleasant, dangerous or compromised situation, and while struggling to repair your position, reflected on how you managed to get into such an awful mess in the first place? I think we all have experienced a number of these “reality” offerings simply because we are all Standard Issue, Mark 1, Mod 0, Human type persons and while these unpleasant situations may well become a positive lesson-learned opportunity, most of us would just as soon be spared the “hard-knock” lesson that our Parents and Grandparents warned us about with waving fingers and the nodding gray heads for wise emphasis. One thing that is almost always certain about getting into most of these situations, is that the getting there is nearly without fail a slow and meandering process, and not a flash-bang, out of the blue thing that finally propels the uninitiated into an acknowledgement that all is not well. In other words, we almost always have been fully warned by converging events, large and small, about the coming happiness-interruption, if only we are wise enough to recognize the storm-clouds swirling about us for what they are and vigorous enough to make an effective change to prevent misfortune from having its merry day at our tranquil expense. So you ask, “What has all of this got to do with a Can’t Do America? Well if you think about it for a moment or two you will realize that the good old US of A is not a merely a place or thing, it is in reality, an amalgamation of standard issue, Mark 1, Mod 0, Human type persons that has a collective behavior not unlike anyone of its unique Human parts and can get into unpleasant, dangerous or compromised situations with the same ease as you and me. And my fellow Americans, we as a Country, have most definitely meandered into a number of unpleasant, dangerous and compromised situations without the wisdom or vigor to marshal the wherewithal to propel ourselves out of the mess we now find our country in. Just like your Great Aunt Betsy, who told you with bad breath and a weathered hand, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions”, that same road to hell for a country can likewise be traveled upon that have been paved with the collective cobble stones of “Good Intentions” and all laid down by a collection of Americans with sweetened breath and manicured hands that have somehow managed to acquired incredible power and persuasion without the necessity of being responsible for what they do. The fact is now obvious that the seemingly good intentions of environmentalists, one-world government advocates, naturalists, and other like “I know what is best for all of us” people and organizations, has so hobbled and muscle-bound this country with their “Good Intentions” that instead of the traditional Can Do America, we have become, for all practical purposes, the Can’t Do America. How on earth could we have conceived, planned and built the 6,636,360 Square Foot Pentagon in only sixteen Months and today we would not even begin the process of an environment impact statement for the project in sixteen months (has the Pentagon building wrecked the environment sans an environmental impact statement)? The situation reminds me of the pathetic “Help me, I’ve fallen and can’t get up” advertisement that can juxtapose a weak and helpless person bound by the infirmities of old age into a clueless and helpless behemoth that can’t get up and going because it is bound by the infirmities of an ever expanding infinity of laws. This has come about because each “Good Intention” faction has learned how to use the power of the money/power grubbing legal and judiciary system, aided and abetted by the ideologues and money grubbers in the fifth estate, to effectively block any action, including those of other “Good Intention” factions, that does not support their particular advocacy. And so all that occurs is that we can’t do this or we can’t do that and all because irresponsible people have somehow obtained the power to stop anything or anyone. Of course all of this can’t do nonsense uses up the precious intellectual and capital treasure of this country that should be used for positive Can Do purposes but instead is utterly wasted in epic and useless battles of such esoteric nonsense that even the reason for the battle is no longer important in the quest for power and advocacy (not unlike the great debate of how many Angles can fit on the head of a pin). And never forget, most of the battles being fought are not necessarily being fought for the purpose stated, for example, the One World Government advocates will enthusiastically support the Environmentalists goals as a vehicle to devise laws and policy that can eventually subjugate a Country’s sovereignty to a global sovereignty under the guise of Environment Protection and therefore satisfy the One World Government goals. Even if I knew how to fix our current Can’t Do malady and could support my remedy with irrefutable logic, legal and Constitutional support, it would do no good because it takes enlightened leadership to effect real change. The self-serving Yahoos who wrap themselves in leadership clothes nowadays in order to further their lust for power and wealth are hardly the giants needed to get us back to Can Do America. But you know what, we are the ones who let this situation happen because a Country is not a place or thing, it is amalgamation of Standard Issue, Mark 1, Mod 0 Human type people and it takes people to made real change.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
The Iraq War
Someone once said, “War is the last act of diplomacy” and that just might be true but to me it sounds like something the intelligentsia would cook-up to prove how really advanced and intelligent they are. From a practical standpoint, such esoteric uttering would matter little to a Grunt stuck in a mud hole getting his butt shot off and all because previous diplomatic efforts to effectively communicate with a potential enemy had failed and produced a real enemy instead. Moreover this diplomacy thing begs the question, is diplomacy only conducted by commissioned Diplomats and as such are they, therefore, the only ones responsible for the peace failure? I think not. Perhaps diplomacy is conducted by a great number of responsible people, maybe even a President, regardless if he realizes it or not. For example, I recalled I literally cringed when President GWB announced with a halting voice that sounded like a chain going around a broken sprocket with a few teeth missing, “Your are either with us, or you’re against us.” Who really knows how much diplomatic damage this pronouncement made but I’ll wager my last Krugerrand that it was extensive. Well, regardless if war is diplomacy laced with bullets instead of words, war was addressed in 1936 by FDR who said to a very apprehensive nation, “I have seen war, and I hate war” and yet we ended up in the biggest war to date. Even though all of the worlds best and brightest Diplomats and world leaders tried with all of their might to prevent war, Hitler, Mussolini and Togo were not dissuaded from their Imperial designs by mere words but finally by bullets. Even though I hate to give any quarter to the Intelligentsia, they indeed are probably correct about this “War is the last act of diplomacy” thing because does anyone really think they could talk and reason with today’s Osama bin Laden to stop doing his dastardly deeds and maybe even convert to Christianity and become, for instance, a Southern Baptist. That would be as likely as Nancy Pelosi marrying Newt Gringrich and forming the new Jeffersonian Political Party. So we will have war until we can find a better way and regardless if it be a containment, preemptive, defensive, unnecessary or whatever kind of war, it, like today’s war in Iraq, is not necessarily a failure of diplomacy or any other kind of non-violent persuasion but rather simply a problem that can only be resolved by acquiescence or force. With this in mind, here is what I think might be as good as any explanation of why we are in the current Iraq war. Lacking a viable diplomatic strategy to deal with a wide spread enemy that does not stand up a uniformed army, lacks a central command structure and hides within the general civilian population, I believe it was decided upon a military strategy that is as old as the teachings of Sun Tzu's, The Art of War. As part of a larger war on radical Islam that is heating up again after 1,500 years of on again/ off again battles and now enabled by petroleum, the anecdotal evidence suggests that the decision was made to use Iraq as a killing field. I believe you send out a patrol to find out where the enemy is and then present a target to draw him to your position of strength, which looks exactly like what we are doing in Iraq. We cannot go into every country where the bad guys are hiding and kill them, so you present such an irresistible target that they must respond or lose credibility and I believe the US (the Great Satan) right smack dab in the middle of Islam country is that irresistible target and is drawing the bad guys to our killing field. If true, this would only be a workable military strategy in lieu of a viable diplomatic or strategic strategy and one can but say, what a miserable situation for the long-suffering Iraq people.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Flim Flam

You can buy this book directly from me for $12.00 instead of the $14.95 listed price, and I will pay for shipping. Send cash, check or MO to:
Flim Flam
c/o Ronald L Clark
12222 Huntington Circle
Indianapolis, Indiana 46229
Flim Flam Synopsis
Meet Wilhelm Thaddeus Quinton, AKA Spoon, the most likeable person you
would ever want to meet. How could you not like a guy who lives by the mantra a
six-pack a day keeps mediocrity away and draws a crowd of adoring people
by just walking into a room? When the Spoon Man comes upon the scene it’s like
a raucous parade beginning to form-up with plenty of excitement and adventure
awaiting all who only need to throw normal caution to the wind and join-up. But
there is another side to the Spoon Man, he is a Master Gamer and the Game
Meister has his sights set on playing in the biggest game of all, Politics. And
when you are a people magnet like the Spoon Man, you are a natural born
Politician. But wait, there’s more! When Wilhelm Thaddeus Quinton plays in a
game he is always a winner because winners won’t play in a game they can’t
win, i.e., winners always rig the game so they cannot lose and if they can’t rig the
game they will not play. Rigging the game of Politics is always done the old
fashioned way with the time honored practice of Flim Flam and the Spoon Man is
an accomplished and enlightened Flimflammer par excellence. With patience and
cold calculation Quinton gathers his Lieutenants and supporters about him as he
shows us all how to play the game of Politics. And never ever forget, it’s not
really about Politics, it’s always and forever about the game and winning!
The Grace of Being

You can buy this book directly from me for $15.00 instead of the $17.95 listed price, and I will pay shipping. Send cash, check or MO to:
The Grace of Being
c/o Ronald L Clark
12222 Huntington Circle
Indianapolis, Indiana 46229
Suppose for a moment that you are God, even if you don’t believe in God or that there is any sentient intelligent life other than Human for that matter. And you as God decide, for one reason or another, that you are going to see to it that there should be life other than your own. By using your very Human logic and reason, why would you do it and how would you do it? By becoming a proxy for God and using your Human logic and reason you can maintain a Human perspective about this fundamental matter without resorting to a faith bound divine imperative.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Barack Obama
From his tongue flowed speech sweeter than honey…Homer, The Iliad.
We all have watched and listened with rapt attention as the Senator from Illinois has stormed upon our collective consciousness with pitch-perfect delivery and Hollywood star-quality image. The political arena has not seen such an accomplished practitioner of the persuasion arts since the late JFK marshaled the finest writers, idea Meisters and image-makers to promote the astonishing notion of a modern day Camelot to cure all of our political and social ills. Even God appears to be a loyal Lieutenant of Senator Obama because how else could you explain his recent trip to Europe when in cloudy and dismal Germany, the clouds parted and the sun begin to shine brightly just as the would be President began to speak to the adoring multitudes. With the brilliant Sun bathing the splendid new-age Man, he seemingly without visible effort, passed out soaring oratory and idealistic manna to the spiritually hungry modern multitudes rather like the Man who preached love and passed out the loaves and fishes to feed the hungry multitudes so long ago. And I say, why not? Who among us is not hungry for a satisfying spiritual meal in this modern materialist world that grinds us down to our least idealist parts? We all want to believe and faith is the coin of the political realm and when you have faith, all things are possible because change has been promised and I have faith that change is going to do us good, right? However, there is something troubling and vaguely familiar about self-described neo-Horatio person. This splendid new-age man who would have us believe that the age of Aquarius is finally within our reach, if we only we have faith and believe, has conjured up an old memory and the memory is a troubling one. Why this man’s message is troubling and familiar is because I experienced a man just like this when I was a young boy. When I was at the impressionable age of around 10 years old, I would accompany my Grandfather, who I thought was the wisest man on earth, to a marvelous Black Church where my Grandfather and I were generally the only white faces in the congregation. I really don’t know why my Grandfather went to a Black Church but I loved it because of the singing, the music and the flamboyant hell-fire and brimstone preaching among other things. But the preaching was the best! Oh that preaching, it would always encourage participation by the congregation that responded with rousing Hallelujahs and head-shaking Amens from every seat and corner. Juicy sin and everyday human failings were the usual targets by the soaring Reverend as he carefully revved-up the assembled to a raucous climax that captured every soul within reach. The Reverend, whom I will call Reverend G, was the undisputed Maestro of the congregation and was much respected as a man of the cloth as well as a spiritual and moral leader. Then one Sunday we assembled in the church and to my surprise it was unusually subdued and solemn and I soon found out why. Reverend G was not there and standing in his place was an older gentleman that only got an occasional Amen from the elderly as he struggled with his sermon. When the service was finally over, I asked my Grandfather why Reverend G was not there. With a nervous and embarrassed look, my Grandfather finally relayed the news that the good Reverend G had absconded with the church treasury and took one of the female parishioners, who happened to be another man’s wife, with him and had departed to points unknown. I was devastated! This troubling memory that has been revived by Barack Obama is because both Reverend G and Barack have a common attribute and that is to use soaring rhetoric and carefully crafted generalities to inspire and motivate those eager for change and spiritual fulfillment. Of particular concern is the ease by which these orators can captivate our young with their idealistic posturing. Our young are still idealistic (thank goodness) and do not have the benefit of a lifetime of reality to help shape their opinions and judgments and so they are become easy prey to lofty generalities and become active supporters. The troubling part is that my experience to date suggests that those who have used these kinds of attributes have usually done so for reasons not always associated with altruistic endeavors. Now I’m not at all suggesting that if elected President, Barack Obama would abscond with the federal treasury and take off with Nancy Pelosi and if you thought I am saying that, you missed the point. The point being that the more one relies on lofty generalities and inspirational rhetoric, the more likely that the person is not what he appears to be and the more likely it is that it is the less inspiring common lust for power that is the hidden endeavor.
Taxes are Power
Sometimes things are so obvious and well understood that we forget the importance of them. This thought occurred to me while enduring the continuous political season we call modern living here in the good ole USA during which Politicians trot out the perennial silly talk of reducing taxes while increasing benefits for all. The enduring truth we all know and continue to forget, while listening to this Flim Flam, is that Taxes are Power! More Taxes equals more power, less Taxes equals less Power so there is no way on this beautiful blue Planet that taxes are really going to be reduced because the one thing that is as certain as gravity is that Politicians crave power! I hasten to point out that I did not use the moniker Flim Flam inadvisably when talking about Politicians promising to reduce taxes while increasing benefits for all because Flimflammers can only Flim Flam those who think they can get something for nothing. Reducing taxes while increasing benefits for all sure does sound like getting something for nothing, doesn’t it? Perhaps we all have been conditioned by a lifetime of advertising nonsense that promotes the notion “We cheat the other guy and pass the savings on to you,” so getting something for nothing really does make sense when it’s the always the other guy that gets cheated. I feel like the child that naively points out to the conditioned adults that, Wow, the Emperor is naked as a Jaybird when I feel the necessity of saying, Brothers and Sisters, the other guy is always us! We all must surely forget that we are the “other guy” because the Politician that promises to reduce taxes and raise benefits for all is always the one who get elected even though I know our Mothers taught us with waving finger and squinted eye, “Boy, listen to your Mother, you really can’t get something for nothing.” Perhaps we still need our Moms standing beside us with her waving finger fanning our troubled brow when we scribble our mark beside the name of the current Flim Flam Politician. All of this begs the question, why do Politicians do what they do? Because they get elected when they do it. So the truth must surely be and what we also continuously forget is, Politicians crave power like an addict craves narcotics and unlike Moa Tse-Tung who reckoned that political power grows out of the barrel of a gun, Politicians in a Democracy realize that political power grows out of the fiat of taxes. And so we continue to buy in to the nonsense that taxes are a good thing and all law abiding and enlightened citizens should do their patriotic duty and support every “worthwhile” tax while secretly hoping that it is always the “other guy” that is going to get cheated. Sorry Mom.
The 9% Congress
Don’t you just love percentages? Sometimes I view percentages like Will Rogers viewed statistics, you know, “There are lies, damn lies, and statistics (percentages)” and just like statistics, percentages are about as subjective as you can get when defining Human endeavors. For example, how many times have we all scoured over our favorite baseball player’s batting percentages only to speculate with cynical wisdom, about the chances of our employment survival with a 323 average of performance success? And how about the chances of rain percentages that the weather guessers are always laying on us? I mean, is it really possible to get wetter if you are caught in a 90% chance of rain rather than a 30% chance. I have a remarkable and very unscientific theory about things like this based upon a lifetime of observations while usually sipping away on an ice-cold brewski, and it goes like this. Compensation (money, etc.) is usually inversely proportional to the importance of the job or position. Just think about it. The President of the US of A makes considerable less money than a tobacco-chewing and mediocre big leaguer while a really important job, like garbage collector, barely makes enough jack to buy cigarettes while trying to support a family. I think we all can validate my theory many times over. In an odd sort of way, this brings me to a recent Rasmussen poll that confirms what most of us already knew and that is about 9% of Americans think the highly compensated members of the United States Congress are doing a good or excellent job. When I saw the percentages listed in this poll, I was immediately drawn to the 9 % number. What attracted my attention was not the confirmation of my own feelings that the number represents, but rather the glaring 9% number sitting there all by itself. Let me explain, or pontificate if you prefer. The Pew research center reports that the American electorate has come to be divided along political party lines by the following percentages: 30% Democrat, 30% Republican and 30% Independent. Well I’m not a rocket scientist but I can calculate that 30 plus 30 plus 30 equals 90% of the electorate. So what happened to the remaining 10% of the American electorate that the poll failed to address? Well Rasmussen may not know who you are, but you 10% out there know who you are, and so do I. I have always been a little dismayed and a little envious of this 10% because they are the ones who never seem to go along with the rest of us because they don’t give a damn about what’s going on around them or what other people think about them for that matter. You know what I’m talking about here. I’m talking about the 10% who say out loud “I don’t want to work, just want to bang on the drum all day.” This of course brings us back to that glaring 9% number that is close enough to the 10% number to be “within the margin of error” so it occurred to me that the “don’t give a damn” 10% are the very same ones who think that the highly compensated members of Congress are doing a good or excellent job because they too (the highly compensated members of Congress) Don’t want to work, they just want to bang on the drum all day.