Saturday, June 1, 2024


 The rapidly raising Federal Public debt is confounding to most citizens, and alarming to financial experts. However, if you know how big Government demands more and more power in order to continue to grow and control, then the spending contributing to raising public debt makes perfect sense. Remember, Taxes Are Power, and how do you get the people's representatives to cooperate in raising taxes in order to get more power?

  Well, you use the time-tested Government method of creating a problem that only big Government can solve, like the created problem of Global Warming. And how Government creates the financial problem that only bigger Government can solve is to spend, and spend, and spend until the country is facing certain financial ruin. Spending that is aided and abetted by our feckless elected Representatives, until the Congress must raise taxes in order to save the country from financial ruin. 

Mission accomplished, Taxes Are Power, and more taxes granted, and more power obtained. All at the expense of your personal freedoms and liberty as the Government controls more and more of your life and times by gaining more and more POWER through taxation. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024


 The occurrence of 6 January brings to mind the ancient Sumerian Poet describing a rebellion by the Anunnaki to force their presumptive Lord to attend to their grievances. To wit,

"My Lord, your house is surrounded,

Battle has come right up to your gate."

Saturday, May 4, 2024


 Property tax is a wealth tax. That is, the current value of your house, particularly if you worked your lifetime to pay off your house, is UNREALIZED WEALTH.  Therefor property tax is, indeed, a wealth tax. 

Friday, April 5, 2024

Self-Sustaining Big Government

 Big Government operational paradigm. 

We cheat the other guy, 

and pass the advantage on to you......

Monday, March 18, 2024


 Mesoparalia, or The Land Between the Sea Coasts, is not only the heartland of the USA, but it may also become the remainder of the great American Experiment begat by our esteemed Founders. The Founders wisdom in establishing a Government of the People, by the People, and for the People, requires a foundational requisite in order for the promise of liberty and justice for all to be viable.  That requisite was best summed up by the Frenchman Tocqueville when he opined, "liberty cannot be established without morality, nor morality without faith." The Moral-Equivalency paradigm forced upon us all to define our culture and our freedoms by those who do not dwell in Mesoparalia is causing a great schism to occur. That schism, if not repaired, will surely break apart a once great united country into fragmented hostile Balkanized regions. IMHO.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Down Home Haute Couture

 I am a slave to clothing fashion. I follow the dictates of that fashion Maven, Monsieur LIFO, (Last In First Out,) or I grab what's on top of the pile.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023


 Today the Socialists, and their many variant Statist Governments and movements, brings to mind the Van Morrison song (The Mystery) lyric, to wit:

"Trust what I say,

And do what you're told,

And surely all your dirt,

Will turn into gold."  

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Alpha and Omega, The Beginning and the End

 First there is the fist and the tooth,

Then there is the stick and the stone,

Then there is the club and the ax,

Then there is the arrow and the sword,

Then there is the bullet and the bomb,

Then there is the biological agent and the chemical agent,

Then there is the energy of the universe let loose,

Then there is utter destruction and death,

Then there is barren land where life once was. 

Wednesday, November 29, 2023


 It's time to recall a Carl Sagan quote, to wit:


I'm Still Just Saving

 It is my considered opinion that the more educated a person is, the more easily it is for that person to be manipulated.

Thursday, September 28, 2023





Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Mr., Madam President

IMHO, this could well be what the Dems will eventually implement as a 2024 election strategy. President Biden will resign claiming his health situation does not permit him to carry on with the demands of the office. So therefor, he will resign for the good of the country, of course. Kamala Harris will then be sworn in as President. After an amount of time, President Harris will resign claiming she is unable to execute the requirement of the office. This will allow her to be in the history books as the first female President. She will therefor resign for the good of the country, of course. Harris will resign before offering a candidate for Vice President thereby elevating Speaker McCarthy to the office of the President. Once McCarthy is President, his Presidency will destroy the campaign of Donald Trump for President. Establishment Republicans and never Trumpers will then rush to embrace McCarthy as the only candidate for the 2024 election thereby completing the destruction of the Trump candidacy. A magnificent way to have your enemy destroy their own kind for you. This validates the Chinese war tactic of "Use a borrowed sword to fight."  This will also satisfy the ultimate goal of the Dems to keep Trump off of the ballot.  

 Because McCarthy is an establishment Republican, he will be subject to working with the Dems for the remaining term of the Presidency. This is an acceptable situation for the Dems and will be considered a win for the Dems. All of this then will allow the Dems to field a viable candidate for the 2024 election. 

I'm just saying.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Climate Factoid

 Our Sun is our life source. It is the power source that enables everything necessary for life on Mother Earth. And yet, the amount of the total sun's energy that reaches the surface of the Earth is but, 0.00000005%. Please consider the above number for what it represents when considering what truly powers climate on Mother Earth. This means that even the slightest change in the Sun's energy output or change in the Earth's orbit will have very significant climate effects. Man's ability to add to or subtract from the Sun's overwhelming power, as the primary source for Climate Change, is minuscule at best.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Russia today

 For some perspective on today’s Russian situation, I suggest you read my previous post,

“Tyranny of the Minority “. Current expert wisdom is that the Wagner group with 25,000 battle hardened rough fighters with full military hardware at their disposal will be no match for the Russian Army and security forces. 

Well, we shall see. 

Tuesday, June 20, 2023


 QUI TACET CONSENTIRE, (SILENCE CONFERS CONSENT), is an unfortunate feature of being willfully ignorant.  IMHO.

I'm just saying!

Sunday, June 4, 2023



I thought I would share a story with you about my brother and I, and our paternal Grandmother Elsie (1897-1973). Our Grandma was from sturdy southern Indiana stock that was the essence of hard work, family and earned respect. There is really no reason why I am sharing this story, other than you might find it interesting in light of today’s new and improved culture.

On day my brother and I was enjoying a day with Grandma, who was also a mother of six fully raised children, that she and Grandpa Ira fortified with that hard scrabble southern Indiana way of life. We noticed Grandma was worried and looking around like she had lost something. We asked what was wrong, and she said nothing was wrong, but she couldn’t find her eyeglasses. We immediately saw that her glasses were perched atop her head. Well, we thought we would have fun with Grandma, and went scurrying around acting like we were earnestly searching for her glasses, knowing that she was unaware that her glasses were stored atop her head. Deciding to have fun with Grandma illustrates the folly of youth of not thinking through the full implications of their actions. However, some people never learn how to fully think through the implications of their actions even though they have reached a ripe age of adulthood.

The implications of having fun with Grandma, was of course, that she would discover her glasses atop her head and also discover that her snot nose grandsons were having fun at her expense. Big mistake boys. She thereupon ordered us to go out yonder to the peach tree and get a “switch” (a limber tree part) that was suitable for hard application around little boy’s legs with enough force to leave welts. Well, we went out to that peach tree to get the switch that would surely cause us pain because Granma ordered us to do so, and it never occurred to us to disobey Grandmother’s orders. One must wonder if today’s grandchildren would also be so obedience. Of course, we finally selected a switch that was small enough to not cause much pain. Another big mistake. Grandma then ordered us back to that peach tree to get a really big switch or she would use Grandpa’s big leather belt to do the job. Well, the pain and welts taught little boys that disrespecting their dear old Grandmother, and other deserving people, was not to be tolerated. And the lesson Grandma metered out to my brother, and I have endured over these many years since then. Here is a thought, one must wonder if today’s grandchildren and their parents would tolerate such behavior to teach a worthwhile lesson.

 I’m just saying.    

Friday, March 31, 2023


 Ideas, and the words used to express them, can be as powerful as exploding artillery shells or eloquent enough to expand love and understanding. 

Friday, March 24, 2023

Tuesday, March 7, 2023


 Catastrophes are without number for the whole of those who willfully remain ignorant.

Saturday, January 14, 2023

War, China style


The Art Of War 

One of the most ancient Chinese writings is Taigong's Six Secret Teachings. In a chapter listed as "Civil Attack", the Emperor ask the question of the teaching Master, "How do you attack without military methods?" Master Taigong replies, "There are 12 ways."  Examine Taiging's12 ways and make a judgement as to the  modern Chinese  Communists Party current course of action, as they relate to the 12 ways, on how to dominate the world and thus rule the world without military action.

1. "First, appeal to your enemy's preferences and follow his wishes." "He will become increasing proud and arrogant and do erroneous things.'

2. "Second, acquaint yourself with those who are close to your enemy in order to divide his power."

3. "Third, bribe your enemy's ministers and build  a relationship with them."

4. "Forth, foster your enemy's indulgence and extravagance, encourage his lust and desire, bribe him with rare jewels, and gift him beautiful woman."

5. "Fifth, respect your enemy's loyal ministers and send them presents. Delay communication with his ambassadors and ignore their questions.

6. Sixth, "Bribe your enemy's favored ministers and keep the less favored at a distance."

7. Seventh, "If you want the enemy ruler to trust you blindly, you should offer him enormous gifts."

8. Eighth, "Bribe your enemy with treasure and persuade him to attack other countries."

9.  Ninth, "Honor him with a glorious title and protect him from danger."

10. Tenth, "Pretend to be humble and obedient toward your enemy. Gain his trust and see how he is positioned."

11. Eleventh, "Block his access to information."

12. Twelfth, "Support your enemy's disloyal ministers to confuse his heart and mind."

After applying these 12 tactics, you can take military actions. When the omens from Heaven and Earth are right and all the auspicious signs are evident, you can attack him.

Well, what do you think? Examine the current CCP activities and see if these ancient teachings are being followed. Know your enemy.

Sunday, January 8, 2023





SOMEONE ONCE SAID, “WAR IS the last act of diplomacy”.

 I invite you to reread the above quote and consider what it truly means. It very well could mean that all nations, and groups of people, are constantly engaged in diplomacy as each nation and interest group rightfully attends to its self-interests within the world body, particularly in today’s modern and connected world. This is so because nations and people nowadays cannot exist completely isolated from one another in order to be a viable member of the connected world community.

 So, if a nation or a people cannot exist totally isolated from other nations and peoples, diplomacy is the time honored and civilized way of finding ways to cooperate with one another in such a way that each nation and people will reasonably address their self- interest and thus avoid using overt force to press the issues. Of course, war is the final negotiating tactic that uses force to pressure a reluctant party to accept terms that it would not otherwise agree to without the use of overt force.

War is indeed the last act of diplomacy that can force a settlement that would not otherwise be forth-coming and can take many forms. War can be conducted militarily, economically, politically, and as many other ways as the creative human mind can conceive. For example, Nazi Germany came to believe that its people were the master race because “survival of the fittest” had enabled evolution to select them as the master race.

 Needless to say, nations and peoples of the world would not negotiate in good faith about how they would become subservient to the master race so Germany would be required to use more pervasive forms of diplomacy, namely war, to force acceptance of their self- interest. Because Germany lacked the economic, intellectual, and political clout to force acceptance of its master race position, military power was the only remaining option available if it was to proceed to subject the rest of the world to its master race position.

We all know how that Nazi Germany thing worked out in the end, and indeed, Germany’s final negotiating position in its diplomacy war effort to subject the world to its master race thing failed.

There is another type of war becoming more common today due to being enabled by modern technology, global communications and the surging “One World” political movement by the intellectual cabal entrenched everywhere. This type of war is not really new because it has been used throughout human history with limited success, but nevertheless, it appears to be enjoying new success, because of modern technology, in Man’s never-ending struggle to dominate one another.

 The war I am referring to is what I call the “Population” war. The Population War is fought by using the masses of the world’s underprivileged populations, instead of armed troops, to infiltrate the established Nation States in overwhelming numbers. Sort of a NUEVO trojan horse operation if ever there was one.

 The sustained Population War keeps employing the movement of unlimited diverse peoples into the individual Nation States population until the Nation States can no longer sustain themselves. When this occurs, the Nation State ability to survive is in question and One World Government is the only answer to this created crisis. All in all, the classic political ploy of creating a crisis that only you can resolve in order to advance your objective.

This war is currently being advanced by the One World Cabal to use this war as the final act of diplomacy to pressure the world to accept Global Governance. Global Government being the ultimate goal of the One World Cabal of so-called intellectuals that want to rule the world. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? The Population War being the diplomatic effort to force its negotiating position on the world at large, to wit:

All of the world peoples must become world citizens and not citizens of a particular nation state and therefore become subject to world governance by the One World Egg Heads.

 The Population War is indeed the Trojan Horse that enables the war to be waged and is ongoing throughout the world at large. The local populations of Europe and the United States are about to be overwhelmed by the masses of immigration by the worlds peoples that undermines the very culture of each Nation State. When your national culture is destroyed, your existence as a viable Nation is in serious jeopardy. The stage is now set for the One World cabal to establish World Governance.

To see how this type of warfare has been successfully used in the past, one needs only to look at modern China. China was successful in using this type of war by sending waves of Han Chinese immigrants into Tibet and now Tibet is China.  By all accounts, this Nuevo Population War is a war that most of the world Nation States are not fighting because they still don’t recognize that this is a war.

 Most nations and people are still trying to establish negotiating positions within their diplomacy to deal with their unauthorized mass immigration. This diplomacy is misplaced because it has not yet identified the responsible party to negotiate with. That is, the various Nation States have yet to become engaged with the responsible party and not yet realized this is a Population War being waged by the One World Cabal for the goal of World Governance.

 Overcoming the One World Cable is made all the more difficult because their very own Governments are currently infiltrated with those who support the ideal of one World Government. Indeed, the utter dismay of Nation States citizens to deal with this situation is because this war is being aided and abetted by the current crop of Intelligentsia within Nation State Governments that secretly welcomes the war as a way to advance the “One World” Government agenda and to gain political advantage.

God, I hate war.

Saturday, December 10, 2022

God's Greatest Gifts

 God provided two elegant and magnificent gifts to mankind. These gifts were meant to lift mankind   from fighting in the dirt into gracious beings worthy of His creation.

These two gifts are LOVE and MUSIC. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Sailing, Life's Metaphor


I invite you to look at the above picture I created as a metaphor for life's journey. It's probably known by most people that have never driven a sailboat, that even if the wind and wave oppose where you want to go, if you are astute enough, you can set your sails to the opposing wind and wave and use the unstoppable opposing forces to go where you want to go, instead of letting the wind and wave dictate where you will go in reality.

Now look at the picture with a new insight as a metaphor for your personal life's journey. The sea is the reality that your personal life (sailboat) must navigate upon during your life and times. The winds and waves of your sea of reality are the unstoppable reality forces that will blow and roll to wherever they will go, be they friendly, neutral, or unfriendly. However, if you are astute enough, you can set your personal life sails (personal decisions and actions) in such a way to harness the unstoppable forces to go where you want to go, instead of letting the unstoppable life forces in reality dictate where you will go.

Hense the caption I wrote at the bottom of the picture, to wit:

So set your sail to wind and wave, To mount the unstoppable forces,

And ride your splendid advantage, To wherever your purpose advances.

Friday, September 30, 2022

Climate Change

Claim: Man caused Climate Change is responsible for current Hurricanes, Storm intensity, Tornadoes, etc.

Fact: If mankind did not populate Planet Earth; Hurricanes, varying storm intensities, Tornadoes, etc., would continue to occur on Planet Earth.

Sunday, September 25, 2022


 Crisis is the mother's milk of Tyrants.

If a crisis does not present itself for exploitation,

Then the Tyrant will have the Apparatchiks create

a crisis to utilize.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Human Social Life Rules

It's not what you say, it's how you say it.

(It's not what you don't say, it's how you don't say it.)

It's not what you do, it's how you do it.

(It's not what you don't do, it's how you don't do it.)

Exception to the above rules.

It's not what or how you say or do it,

It's WHO says or does it.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Our Fragile Government

 It is also time to revisit the famous and insightful observation of the Scottish historian, 

Alexander Fraser Tytler, to wit:

"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.

The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence: 

From bondage to spiritual Faith; 

From spiritual faith to great Courage;

 From courage to Liberty; 

From liberty to Abundance; 

From abundance to Selfishness; 

From selfishness to Complacency; 

From complacency to Apathy; 

From apathy to Dependence;

 From dependence back into Bondage."

Needed Repair For our Republic



Section 1. The seventeenth and twenty-seventh articles of amendment to the Constitution of the United States are hereby repealed in their entirety.

Section 2. Senators appointed by their respective State Legislature to the Congress shall be compensated exclusively by the State Legislature that appointed them for all expenses and wages associated with the execution of their appointed office. Acceptance of any compensation or gift whatsoever by the Senator from any source other than from the appointing State Legislature shall be cause for immediate removal from office. Appointed Senator shall serve a maximum of one appointed term.

Section 3. Representatives elected to the Congress shall be compensated exclusively by the Congressional District from which they were elected for all expenses and wages associated with the execution of their elected office.  Acceptance of any compensation or gift whatsoever by the Representative from any source other than the electing Congressional District shall be cause for immediate removal from office.  Elected Representatives may serve a maximum of three terms.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Strong Medicine Wisdom

It's time to revisit the Stefan Aarnio quote that nowadays so exquisitely describes our current national and social state of affairs, to wit:






       WEAK MEN


       HARD TIMES 

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

New Age Wisdom


Nuevo Wisdom

 What kind of wisdom would blame the pencil for the harsh, malicious, and untrue words that destroys a person and righteous institutions?

What kind of wisdom would blame ink for malicious, untrue, and destructive words that ink spells out in publications designed to destroy and mislead?

What kind of wisdom would blame radio waves and digital data streams for delivering malicious, untrue, and deliberate misleading content to the population at large. 

What kind of wisdom would blame the thermometer for causing the fever that can kill a person?

What kind of wisdom would blame the automobile for killing and injuring untold numbers of people each year?

What kind of wisdom would blame the gun for killing and injuring people?

If so, then the same wisdom should demand that if the gun is outlawed, then pencils, ink, radio waves, digital data streams, and automobiles, should likewise, be outlawed.

Saturday, May 14, 2022


 One of the most important truths you can ever realize is, TAXES ARE POWER. More taxes generate more power for Government.  When the Government raises taxes to the point of diminishing monetary returns and has maxed out its power to control, it turns to restricting the unfretted and free exchange of money by free citizens.

     Government does this in order to finish complete final control over how supposedly free citizens can use money without Government approval. This can be done by replacing existing paper currency with a DIGITAL CURRENCY, of which, will be under complete control of the Government. In other words, you will not be able to stash money in your wallet for personal use because all digital money will be held by the Government to be doled out as Government sees fit. All digital money use will be at the discretion of the Government and, will be based upon political considerations, that will further and expand Government. This digital currency conversion will usurp the last remaining vestiges of citizen personal freedom guaranteed by the US Constitution. President Biden has started the establishment of DIGITAL CURRENCY by issuing an Executive Order to do just that.

 A feeble attempt by free citizens to prevent this from happening is the invention of CRYPTO currency using BLOCK CHAIN technology to prevent Government from using currency to control activity of citizens without Government approval. This is a feeble attempt because the Government will find a way to regulate and control Crypto currency. I'm just saying.       

Sunday, February 6, 2022

It's Their Dogma

 Progressives, Liberals, Socialists, Communists all hold their Dogma flag up high, to wit:

We love all of Humanity but hate People.  

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Look, Look, this Way

 There is nothing like a good old-fashioned WAR to divert attention from ones failing domestic policies. Just Saying.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021


Copy and paste this to open this lecture on CO2. It is well worth the effort to be truly informed on this issue.

Monday, October 11, 2021

Tyranny of the Minority

Tyranny, the cruel and oppressive rule by those who have obtained power, is most often the result of a fanatical, organized and determined minority that easily overcomes an unorganized and multifaceted majority. Two examples comes to mind in order to give dimension to what is written above, one positive and one negative. The positive one being the American revolution which was supported, in the beginning, by a small minority of Patriots. The minority of Patriots, said by some to have been less that 15% of the American 13 colonies population, ruled the day and effected a great change. The final result being a great freedom loving Constitutional Country was established by a determined minority.

The negative one being the Great Russian Revolution of 1917 which saw about 2,000 Bolsheviks storm the Russian Governmental capital of Petrograd (now St. Petersburg) and deposed the Tsarist Government. In other words, 2,000 Bolsheviks defeated an entrenched Government and took over the reins of  Governmental power and thus began the control of all of Russia by starting and continuing the Bolshevik revolution. The Bolsheviks (translated means, One of the Majority) shows how the use of words can mislead. In all of Russian, in 1917, there was at best 24,000 Bolsheviks. Of those 24,000, only a dedicated and organized 2,000 Bolsheviks caused the great change and eventual Revolution that took control of Governmental power in Russia. So the Bolsheviks were hardly "One of the Majority."

So what's the point of this discussion? Today in the USA, there is a determined minority of Statists who have patiently infiltrated all manner of American levers of power and culture, and are effecting a Revolution without having to storm Washington DC to take power from the people. So it is very possible that a great change is coming to the land of the free, and home of the brave, and that change will do away with out Constitutional Government and subject the free people of the Country to absolute control by a minority of Elites.  And all done by a determined and organized Tyranny of the Minority.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Crazy, Crazy, Crazy

 All we hear about nowadays is, what is going on with our elected Government these days? That is, what the Government appears to be doing looks like it is being done by crazy people. Regular people, who still harbor a begrudging faith in our elected Government, are thoroughly confused because how could the Government do what they are doing and not know how counterproductive it is.

Come on people, if the cabal of unelected cabal of Intellectual Elites, who has gained power in our Country, want to change the American nation from the democratic Republic, that the US Constitution underwrites, into a Socialist Utopia ruled over by that the Cabal itself, you must first destroy all of the institutions and culture that supports the American democratic Republic. 

So how do you do that? Well, you do it the time tested way that power hungry people have always done. You have the Government CREATE A CRISIS THAT ONLY THE GOVERNMENT CAN FIX. So when you see the Government mandate a vaccine to healthcare workers, Government employees, military, teachers, and on and on, the Government is not crazy, it knows full well a crisis will be precipitated. For example, in the health care system, thousands are leaving employment because they cannot, or will not, be vaccinated with a new and novel vaccine that has an increasing troubling record as time goes by. Also, by suppressing proven therapeutics that would eliminate the need for a vaccine mandate, the mandate can be logically supported by the media and gullible. So why would the Masters of American power want the current Healthcare System to collapse? Because the only way to save us all from the HealthCare crisis that they created , is to replace the collapsed system it with a national Health Care system, of course. The new and enlightened centrally run national heath care system will be governed by the cabal of Intellectual Elites using the vehicle of socialism to rule over all of us for our everlasting benefit, of course. Get the picture? 

The same can be outlined for destroying local and state policing. Collapse the current policing so that crime will increase until the people will beg the Government for help. At that created point, here comes our saviors that will replace local and state policing with the new and improved National Police Force. Your papers please!

I could outline other current socialist's endeavors that follow that same path, but why? I hope I'm wrong, but we shall see.   

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Does Big Pharma Rule?

 Look at this. Ivermectin is a generic medicine with decades of history and costs next to nothing. The Big Pharma Merck now has gussied-up Ivermectin into a patented pill that will cost, God only knows what, and is 50% effective against Covid-19 hospitalization.  Ivermectin is reported to be 80% effective against Covid-19 hospitalization based upon a very large nation usage results. While here in the good old USofA, not only is Ivermectin forbidden as a medicine for Covid-19, all official discussion of this Covid-19 therapeutic is also forbidden. Oh well!    

Saturday, July 3, 2021

1938, 2021: Deja vu All Over Again, i.e., A prelude to War

 Sept. 29th, 1938, Time Magazine named Adolf Hitler, "Man of the Year."

Aug. 6, 1923, Time Magazine named Benito Mussolini, "Man of the Year."

1939 and 1942, Time Magazine named Joseph Stalin, "Man of the Year." 

All of these, and others,  profound media recognitions had a number of  important things in common. The enlightened intellectual community was instrumental in these recognitions, and Wall Street and American Capital supported these regimes with hard American Dollars in the pursuit of profit. 

This begs the question,  Was the intellectual community and American Capitalists ignorant of the intent of these Statist regimes and potential for war and global destruction that these leaders portend? But of course they all knew, but they either supported the ideology that these leaders represented, or it was irresistible greed that was these Statist regimes offered, regardless of eventual dire human and society consequences. Indeed, war is still good business for global enterprises. Likewise, the enlightened intellectual community has never had to live with the reality of their idea of utopian societies governed by a cabal of elite global intellectuals.

And now comes the year, 2021. China has just announced they will bash any who dares to resist the nation of China and any of their numerous nefarious activities. And what is the enlightened intellectual community and American Capitalists (Wall Street) doing in this year of 2021? They are acting exactly the same way with China, and their allies, they did in 1938 with the all of the above apathetic Leaders. And we all know that global war resulted from the above misguided  leadership circa 1938. And we now seem to be following the exact same path as we did in the fateful prelude to WWII.   


Sunday, June 20, 2021



Note: Please investigate and fact check for yourself the following facts concerning “Man caused climate change”.

The current world’s atmosphere contains 0.04% carbon dioxide (CO2). Of that amount of CO2, the total human activity contribution of CO2 is 03%, while nature produces 97% of the total 0.04% of atmospheric CO2.

All of the world’s Government’s are aware of these facts yet blame human activity as the cause of Catastrophic Climate Change that only Government can address. Ironically, there is responsible science that indicates a global cooling is in the future. Due to a routine Sun cycle, it is expected that over the next 50 years average global temperature will fall 2 to 3 degrees. This drop does not bode well for the world-wide Human family. The only good news is that it takes about a 10 degree drop to trigger a new global ice age. 

Please ask yourself, what is going on here?

Friday, May 7, 2021

The Other BIG LIE

     Are you old enough to remember the Nazis? No, no, not the wacky and oh so funny Nazis of Hogan’s Heroes, the real Nazis that rose mass murder to a scientific endeavor and wanted to rule the world as the Master Race. Perhaps you also forgot that the term NAZI was an acronym that stood for the National SOCIALIST German Worker’s Party. It is no accident that the word Socialist always shows up when you examine fascist, despotic and repressive Governments.

    Perhaps you also remember the infamous quote by that lovable Nazi Propagandist, Joseph Goebbels, to wit: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” I hope that you will read the above very carefully because it reflects the fine tuning Saul Alinsky has done to Hitler's and Goebbels Opus In Governmental Control by publishing his "Rules for Radicals" cook book. Alinsky is the reincarnation of Goebbels that guides today's Progressive's (Socialists) Modus Operandi 

           The above quote came to mind as I, and others, have watched the Biden administration with abject fascination when time after time it gears up to push through its latest program to secure ever more power to further an agenda that has never been fully explained to the citizens other than, “We The People.” The above quote also came to mind because of the modus operandi used by the administration’s Intelligentsia when it is charged by the President, and his advisors, to carry out his latest political command. I have noticed that the intelligentsia always employs the Big Lie to further the administrations goals in such a manner that it seems to follow the Goebbels cynical observation about the Big Lie like a cookbook recipe. Let’s look at some of the Big Lies that the Government has advanced to either manufacture or take advantage of a “crisis” to further their opaque political agenda.

    The Global Pandemic, Man Caused Global Warming, Broken Health Care System and the Broken Immigration System, are just some of the really big “crisis” that come to mind. If one examines these “crisis” objectively, some common traits soon become apparent when the Governmental propaganda machine, ably commanded by the Joseph Goebbels clones, e.g., The complicit Media Machine, revs up to full speed to advance the latest Big Lie.

    The first common trait is that the Government itself precipitated the “crisis” by advancing a Governmental action that was enabled either by design or fortuitous circumstances, e.g., The Global Pandemic. In the case of Financial Meltdown of 2008, the Government caused the crisis by repealing the Glass-Steagall act to enable a complicit Congress to force the Financial community to lend Government backed money to any and all Americans regardless of financial means so that all may own their own home. The Governmental propaganda machine then hypes the resulting “crisis” to a compliant fourth estate until the country demands swift Government action to “fix” the “crisis”. Of course the Governmental action required to “fix” the problem always results in the Federal Government acquiring more political power to effect ever more control over the citizens and country, but never mind that, the Government will “fix” the problem for us all and the “crisis” will be ended.

    This kind of Governmental activity has a scientific basis. It is called a Physiological Feed-forward System in which feed-forward control can be likened to a learned anticipatory response (Cass Sunstein’s Choice Architecture creation) to known cures (Government control). Brothers and Sisters, the  Obama and Biden administrations are not incompetent, these administration's Intelligentsia are cynically using scientific and psychological principals, to force an opaque political agenda upon an unwilling and ignorant country.

    The second common trait in using the Big Lie is that Government always blames a selected target for the crisis to justify the Government taking control over a vital new portion of the country.  In the case of the Financial Meltdown, Wall Street Fat Cats and an out of control, out of date free market system , is to blame for the Financial Meltdown “crisis” that requires complete Governmental control in order that this “crisis” will never be allowed to happen again.

          The Big Lie of Man Caused Global Warming is that Mother Earth is dying because of warming of the environment that will destroy us all due to mankind’s uncontrolled activity. The truth is that man’s activities account for less that 1% of a natural warming trend. The Big Lie for the Health Care System is that it is broken. The truth is that the US Healthcare System is the best health care system the world has ever seen and is not broken, it only costs too much because it is the best in the world. The Big Lie for Immigration System is that it is broken. The truth is the Government will not enforce a perfectly functional Immigration System thereby making it appear that the Immigration System is broken. If all of this doesn’t scare you, you are either fearless, or you just don't care.

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Say What?

Are there any similarities between Herd Immunity and Group Think?

I'm just asking.

Friday, April 30, 2021

I'm Just Saying

 May I present a question for thoughtful contemplation, to wit:

Could it be that the current Governmental establishment is in reality supporting the "defund and eliminate the Police" movement? If this is so, it is because the ultimate goal of the current in-charge Statist Cabal is to create a National Police Force that will replace state and local policing.

 Comrade, show me your papers!

I'm just saying.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Dems Socialism


Socialism and Flim Flam

   One of the most enduring mysteries is how Socialism continues to maintain a viable political position in the modern world. I say that because all of the variants of Socialism that have been practiced throughout history have been an unmitigated disaster for every class of Human on this Planet, save one. And the one class of people who exclusively benefits from the practice of Socialism is the Ruling Class. I say that because surely it is well understood that Socialism is the preferred political vehicle to obtain and practice unlimited Political Power with consent and approval of the people.
   And yet, today's educated, inexperienced, and privileged youth are embracing Socialism because of the ubiquitous indoctrination by our institutions of learning, even onto the primary and secondary education, that Socialism is the enlightened way for Human social conduct. Other people who are responding positively to Socialism's siren call, are the well meaning, but Naive people, who have obtained a burgeoning altruistic streak enabled by a comfortable life brought about by the enduring success of the American way. They naively believe that their hard earned comfortable life should be paid for by sharing their good fortune, and more importantly, other people's fortune, with all regardless if earned or not.
   And then we have those who embrace Socialism because it's promise that all will be equal by forcing a spreading of earned wealth, property and thought to all, regardless of circumstance. These supporters of Socialism are the most strident of all because they are victims of the ancient practice of Flim Flam. Flim Flam only works because there are always dishonest people willing to believe in the promise by those practicing Flim Flam (Socialist and Opportunists) that you can get something for nothing. In other words, Socialists promise that you do not have to earn your way to prosperity, all you have to do is support your Socialist Government to force people who have earned their prosperity to share that prosperity with you. Opportunists also practice Flim Flam by promising "something for nothing" by using the absurd advertising message that "We cheat the other guy, and pass the savings on to you."
This is, in essence, the same message of the Socialist, to wit: "We cheat the other guy, and pass the savings on to you."

   You think I'm off base here. Well then, just listen to and marvel at the support Bernie Sanders is now getting. And behold, the Dems headlong rush into complete Governmental control over everything and everyone, exceeding even Bernie Sander's wildest dreams.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Nuevo Wisdom

 What kind of wisdom would blame the pencil for the harsh, malicious, and untrue words that destroys a person and righteous institutions?

What kind of wisdom would blame ink for malicious, untrue, and destructive words that ink spells out in publications designed to destroy and mislead?

What kind of wisdom would blame radio waves and digital data streams for delivering malicious, untrue, and deliberate misleading content to the population at large. 

What kind of wisdom would blame the thermometer for causing the fever that can kill a person?

What kind of wisdom would blame the automobile for killing and injuring untold numbers of people each year?

What kind of wisdom would blame the gun for killing and injuring people?

If so, then the same wisdom should demand that if the gun is outlawed, then pencils, ink, radio waves, digital data streams, and automobiles, should likewise, be outlawed.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Woke Corporate Cabal

 Come now Woke Corporate America, come now and collect your 30 pieces of shame and betrayal. The Global Great Reset, and its mantra of Build Back Better, is now your heritage.

Saturday, February 13, 2021


President Trump, please organize a new political party void of those within the swamp ruling establishment. And please, don't name it the Patriots Party. That's too subjective and would be subject to being picked apart by the statists and their media and academic minions. Call the new political party a name that truly represents the freedom loving people of this country. Please call it, 


Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Health Care

 Perhaps it's time to recall what P.J. O'Rourke pointed out about health care, to wit:

"If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free."

Thursday, December 3, 2020


 The modern American permanent establishment ruling class gives dimension to the meaning of INSULAR, to wit:

Ignorant of or uninterested in cultures, ideas, or peoples outside one's own experience or group.

Monday, November 30, 2020

The Art Of War (Economically).

One of the most ancient Chinese writings is Taigong's Six Secret Teachings. In a chapter listed as "Civil Attack", the Emperor ask the question of the teaching Master, "How do you attack without military methods?" Master Taigong replies, "There are 12 ways."  Examine Taiging's12 ways and make a judgement as to the  modern Chinese  Communists Party current course of action, as they relate to the 12 ways, on how to dominate the world economy and thus rule the world without military action.

1. "First, appeal to your enemy's preferences and follow his wishes." "He will become increasing proud and arrogant and do erroneous things.'

2. "Second, acquaint yourself with those who are close to your enemy in order to divide his power."

3. "Third, bribe your enemy's ministers and build  a relationship with them."

4. "Forth, foster your enemy's indulgence and extravagance, encourage his lust and desire, bribe him with rare jewels, and gift him beautiful woman."

5. "Fifth, respect your enemy's loyal ministers and send them presents. Delay communication with his ambassadors and ignore their questions.

6. Sixth, "Bribe your enemy's favored ministers and keep the less favored at a distance."

7. Seventh, "If you want the enemy ruler to trust you blindly, you should offer him enormous gifts."

8. Eighth, "Bribe your enemy with treasure and persuade him to attack other countries."

9.  Ninth, "Honor him with a glorious title and protect him from danger."

10. Tenth, "Pretend to be humble and obedient toward your enemy. Gain his trust and see how he is positioned."

11. Eleventh, "Block his access to information."

12. Twelfth, "Support your enemy's disloyal ministers to confuse his heart and mind."

Well, what do you think? Examine the current CCP activities and see if these ancient teachings are being followed. Know your enemy.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

One Man One Vote was final ruling that ruined our Country


Urban versus Country

Urban Fortification of Socialism

2000 Census Population Density USA Today 2004 Election Red/Blue Map

I invite you to look very closely at the above two maps. They are profound in their similarity. The left map is the official 2000 Census Population Density Map where the red color indicates where the highest population density is located. Of course, the concentration of red also indicates where the great cities are due to the greater population within the respective counties and so clearly indicates where the great urban centers are located. The map on the right is the USA Today 2004 election results, also down to the county level. Red represents Republican votes and in general indicates a more conservative political area. The Blue represents Democratic votes and in general indicates a more liberal political area. Now, try to overlay each map in your mind. I think you will find that the red high-density areas (urban areas) on the population density map closely correspond to the democratic, or politically liberal, areas of the 2004 red/blue map. The political importance of these maps is profound in that it clearly shows that the urbanization of America is providing an irresistible fortification of socialistic tendencies due to liberal or “progressive” thought within the body politic by virtue of the greater population and thus greater political power of the urban areas. Indeed, those who demand that the US Constitution be treated as a “living document” to support progressive or socialist dogma may well have a viable argument due to the phenomena of urbanization. Think about it. The country was mostly rural when the Constitution was ratified and rural living peoples are very self-sufficient and fearlessly independent. The Constitution, in general, codifies self-sufficiency and independence of the individual as a way to ensure personal liberty and thus prevent tyranny from gaining a foothold in Government. When people congregate into urban areas, dependence upon one another is more important than self-sufficiency, and personal independence must be moderated in order to foster social conditions that will enhance the opportunity for all to live in peace and harmony with one another. In other words, urban living promotes a more socialistic environment by the necessity of interdependence, not independence, of city dwellers. This socialistic force due to urbanization is irresistible much like a trade wind that blows due to environmental factors, i.e., a socialistic wind is blowing due to urbanization factors and it will continue to blow stronger and stronger unless a way is found to reverse urbanization, and that is not likely. Indeed, the census bureau reports that the 2000 census indicated that 81% of America’s population is now living within urban areas while the remaining 19% of the population is living in the rural areas of the country. But wait, there’s more. Just this week the United Nations announced that the World population is now 50% rural and 50% urban. What does it mean? Every good sailor will tell you that it is folly to try and change the wind because the wind will blow to wherever the wind will blow. Every good sailor will also tell you that you can set your sail to the wind and go to where you want to go regardless of the way the wind blows. Somehow we must find a way to maintain personal freedom and liberty within a more and more socialistic environment that the urbanization of America is causing. It’s time for the intellectual sailors of this country to set freedom’s sail to the prevailing socialist wind so that personal liberty will still be the destination of our progeny.

Cities Aare Winning


Founders Wisdom

Look closely at the 2016 Presidential political map below where Red is Republican and Blue is Democratic voters. The basic reason the Electoral College is important is that history has shown that eventually a country's cities accumulate the most population, money, intellectual concentration, and power that eventually overcomes the rest of the country that supports the cities and their population. This condition always results in strife and destruction of the country as a whole. The senate and Electoral College provides balance between the the country as a whole and the urban centers, as the 2016 map clearly shows.

Friday, November 6, 2020

2020 Election

 Well America, looks like you have finally decided that liberty, freedom and prosperity for all is terribly  old fashioned and needs to be exchanged for socialism. Time to state what Ayn Rand, from a personal experience, said about socialism, to wit:

By voting for a corrupt Politician who leads a criminal enterprise boarding on treason, you are voting us into a Banana Republic existence.  I can only imagine how proud you children and grand-children will be when they have to live with your ignorant decision. I invite you to revisit my 2018 piece, entitled 

"Urban Versus Country" to get a sense of what is happening. Good luck America ......